Is The 5 Second Rule For Cooked Steak True

How long can I keep cooked ground turkey in the refrigerator before it will go bad?

i never leave mine in more then two days,,,,, cook it one day , eat left overs the second,,, then go ahead and freeze it , by the next day,,,,,,, its always , to me, best to be over cautious with any type of meat

How big of a pot roast would i need to serve 8-10 people?

straight from the butchers mouth.

rather be safe than sorry buy a 4-5 LB eye roast. 325
15-20 minutes per pound, the eye roast will just fall apart and be real tender. you can always save some for another night if you have extra meat. mashed potatoes will also fill up your guests.
Good luck!

If you knew a chef had dropped your steak on the floor, followed the 5 second rule and cooked it for you, would you eat it?

I’m going to answer this a wee bit differently.TL/DR: The steak was PURPOSELY dropped on the floor, stepped on, cooked and then served.The longer version.When I was in the Canadian Navy, I was a Steward. This is like the Mess Specialists in the US Navy. We used to do small quantity cooking for the officers. We would take the food that was prepared by the cooks and fancy it up a bit. The officers also got table service.So it’s Thursday night. It’s steak night. I’m sure in a hundred years from now, Thursday night will still be steak night in the Canadian Navy. We are cooking steaks to order. After a bit, we just knew how to cook the steak for which ever officer that would sit at the dining table. There is only 40 +/- officers, so it’s easy to remember what to cook for whom.Enter the new officer. He wants a blue rare steak. Which is fine. 30 seconds each side, plate and serve.It’s sent back, over cooked. Fine, new steak, 20 seconds each side, plate and serve.It’s sent back again. Over cooked.Once again, another new steak, 15 seconds each side, plate and serve.New officer comes into the pantry and is fuming mad. The Senior Steward is there and asks how he can help. New officer tells him, his blue rare steak is constantly being over cooked. Would he (the Sr Stwd) please demonstrate to the Junior Stewards how to correctly cook a blue rare steak.Of course Sir.New officer, feeling full of himself, goes and sits down at the table. Now he is recanting to the other officers how he has fixed his dining dilemma.What he doesn’t see. The Sr Stwd grabbed a new steak and promptly threw it on the deck. He then stomped on it. Picked it up and put it on the grill. 20 seconds each side. Plated it and gave it up to be served.New officer, cuts the steak and looks at it with approval and eats it. Meanwhile, every steward is staring at him, while he eats his steak.After he is done, he gets up from the table and walks into the pantry to personally thank the Sr Stwd for the demonstration that he gave to his staff. He further stated, it was the best steak he ever had. Sr Stwd said, all the stewards were watching and they all know how to cook your steak.Oh and to answer your original question. I’m sure that I would NOT eat a steak that hit the floor for even one second. Yuck.Moral of the story: don’t be a dick to the food service staff.

Why do Jehovah's Witnesses abstain from blood transfusions or storage?

Bill has stated the position of the governing body of the Jehovah' Witnesses. Thank you.

The former witness who references well done steak is mistaken. The red juice which bleeds from the meat is composed of Myoglobin not Hemoglobin, otherwise the juice would congeal on the plate. JW's know this.

Which biblical takes precedence:
It is definitely permitted to replace lost blood by transfusion; and this does not fall under the prohibition of eating blood. The Torah commands us (Deuteronomy 4:15), "You shall greatly guard your souls." Therefore it is a mitzvah and an obligation to replace lost blood. - Rabbic response.
If we accept the position of Bill, that the scriptures are not just referring to animal blood, they are referring to a "digestive process". Blood transfusions are not digestive they replace blood. Putting Alcohol directly into the veins is also not a digestive process.Blood is considered and organ, though liquid, Organ transplants are allowed by Witnesses.

I left my roast in the crockpot unplugged for 4 hours. Still good or throw out?

Ohhhhhhh, throw it out!!! Don't take a chance on getting sick. Not worth it.

GOD Bless

JOHN 3:16