Is The Ai In A Video Game Are Conscience Like You Or Me

What if we are in a video game like The Sims?

I think there is a very real possibility we might be but then you would have to question is the game elaborate enough that the players are even writing this answer or is it a more main topic based game where the background and non relevant thoughts seem to follow a certain set character design. In other words what parts of our lives are the played game and what parts are not. Are you being played winning a soccer game or are you being played falling in love, and if you are being played simply for the soccer game then what causes you to fall inlove. The same thing might be thought by a video game character we have created but the true answer to your question is we don't know, because if we knew then there wouldn't be questions and if there weren't questions then would there be answers?

What does 'flesh and bone conscience' mean ??

Is there some context for this phrase? That would make it easier to answer. But just given that alone, I would say that it means something like the threat of physical injury keeping you morally in-line rather than the threat of spiritual repercussions.

Do you believe robots will ever gain consciousness?

It seemed that some years before, researchers at MIT and elsewhere were quite convinced that a human being is completely made up of matter/material energy and is ultimately a highly advanced computer--a highly advanced machine. Is that conviction still alive?Is it possible that robots / advanced AI machines will one day become cognizant of their surroundings, will have thrilling experiences while reading a mystery novel, will enjoy a comedy show, or will possess emotions (happiness, anger, shame/shamelessness, embarrassment, audacity, rascaldom, cunning etc.)/feelings (pride, grief, narcissism, superiority/inferiority complexes etc.) just like we humans do. Will they develop consciousness on the level of current human beings or even animals, like feeling pain, hunger, need to sleep etc.?Are the researchers close to achieving this in the near or distant future? (What exactly does “happiness”, "shame", “love”, or “fear” reduce to in advanced AI systems language? What kind of particle interactions?)Try as they might for millions of years, it is highly improbable that the most intelligent researchers would ever be able to make a robot / advanced AI machine even slightly conscious by any purely material (modern scientific) methods, because the modern researchers are totally unaware of the absolutely non-material entity (or the spirit soul, which is beyond the jurisdiction of modern material/mental sciences) which forms the very basis of consciousness and life, and they think what they cannot understand, no one else (outside their field) can.For more information, and insights, please consult the book:Mechanistic and Nonmechanistic Science, by Richard L. Thompson (PhD. Mathematics, Cornell University, researcher in statistical mechanics, probability theory and mathematical biology).The most advanced robot/AI machine of the future may at best become an extremely sophisticated philosophical zombie, but (although appearing to be conscious, or simulating consciousness), won't ever be a conscious entity. But it is still possible that the developers of the machine may try to pass it off as "conscious".Simple answer: “No soul: no life, no consciousness.”Credit for part of this answer goes to Ravi Gomatam (PhD. 1998, Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, Mumbai University), founder of Institute of Semantic Information Sciences and Technology (InSIST)(Berkeley and Mumbai).

What are your views on microtransactions in full-priced video games?

You need to a bit more specific what kind of games mobile, pc, console? In any case my answer would be it depends what type of game you have. If it is an FPS for example I don’t see the point in having them. But if you have a game like an MMORPG then yeah sure. Buying some kind of in-game currency to help you craft god-tier items. But the in-game currency should not make the game pay2win but instead it simply helps speed up the process to acquire them by playing. In no way should the microtransactions make the game unfair to others. Moving on to console I don’t see the purpose of microtransactions unless it is for like small inexpensive things like cosmetic items or additional content dlc etc… but I don’t really see the point. Finally, ,moving on to mobile games I believe microtransactions should exist to replace annoying ads and pop-ups. They make the games faster and encourages the consumer to support the game by buying a few coins or something. But again they should not break the game in any way just make the experience faster.

How do we know robots aren't conscious?

There seems to be a genaral consensus that robots are unconscious. But if we think of, for example, a robot that is designed to navigate around walls, the robot has to recognize the wall, process the input, and respond appropriately. So even if it isn't capable of higher level consciousness like imagining, could it still be conscious of what it was programmed to do? If the robot can "see" the difference between wall and no wall, could it have a tiny realm of consciousness containing the ideas of seeing a wall and not seeing a wall? Sorry, I kind of rambled there, but this has been bugging me lately. Any philosopher types out there who can help?

If robots were conscious and self-aware, should they be treated as human beings?

Imagine in the future, with advanced technology, humans could build self-aware robots that think just like humans. Do you think humans had the right to adopt slavery on those robots becouse they were just...machines?

If a robot expressed their desire to become free and independent, should humans allow?
Deleting the robot's memory should be considered murder?

Its a very controversial question as it brings out definitions like the 'right to life'.

If you say those hipotetic robots are not 'living' even though they have emotions, think and are self-aware like us... then what do you define as 'life' (putting aside biological definitions) and holders of the 'right to live'?

Why shouldn't animals also have those rights? Why isn't killing animals (for food) considered 'murder' and a 'crime' ? Is it just becouse they are not sentinent?

So my main question is: Why should one that is sentinent/conscious and able to suffer emotional pain have more rights than those that don't? Like most animals.

I'd like to hear your opinions on this matter. The more thoroughly explained they are, the better.
Thank you!

Which game made you feel sad when it ended? Why?

There have been quite a number. I almost always have an empty sadness when I have to say goodbye to a game. There are some that have left me in sorrowful tears with their stories though. A certain 3 come to mind:3) Infamous 2Okay. I played this one as an emotional preteen. But emotional me was still most often angry me. I was a little shit sometimes and that was no different in video games where I liked to take the evil path.So my cole was a dick too. 90% or the stuff I did as him didn’t faze me. Like I didn’t even bat an eyelid when I killed Nix depsite despite romancing her earlier in the game. But then the next part of the ending happened… Zeke.Maybe it was his resigned “I have to try”. Maybe it was the fact that he tried to struggle to his feet after each electrocution. Either way, Zeke’s death made me develop a conscience and has stuck with me for many years.I didn’t play a villain in a game for a long time after that.2) Final fantasy XVI’ve always been a massive final fantasy fan and spent a long time eagerly awaiting XV. Was it the overall best game in the series? Not really. The overall plot and most of the supporting cast were pretty weak. Emphasis however on the word supporting.The core party were some of the most well developed new characters I’ve ever seen in a video game. Their bromance was the heart of the game. All four felt developed and realistic due to all the little scenes they shared. That’s why the ending hit me so hard.I was bawling even before the game hit me with my own saved memories (game photo album) during the credits. Then the post credit scene just cemented the charater bonds further by jumping back to the final meal they shared together. I really didn’t want to say goodbye.Damn you Square Enix for playing with my heart; it truly was an unforgettable road trip.Telltale: The Walking DeadI have to give top spot to this gem however that even brought me to tears on a replay. Lee everett was a great protagonist who the player could really connect to because they could literally define his personality. Regardless of player choices though, he will always develop a great relationship with clementine, which is the beating heart of the game.Lee’s death will forever be one of the saddest in video games. I always ask Clementine to shoot him. So of the dialogue leading up to it is amazing as well.RIP Lee Everett, you were heavily responsible for helping forge one of the most badass little girls in the post apocalypse world.