Is The Game Amazing Spiderman 2 A Spoiler To The Movie

Why is the Amazing Spider-Man 2 so bad?

Sometimes, you don’t need villains you can sympathize with, they can be unredeemable, mercenary, uncaring assholes but still have depth. THAT is what Electro should have been. We should have been able to cheer Spidey’s heroics, not have a sad that a nerd got taken down who was just misguided, bullied, etc.The Rhino was such a character in the movie, but he was given pretty short shrift. Short, pudgy Russian mobster out to prove himself is a pretty decent character to hang a longer story on, especially with manipulation by an underboss or something, like the Rose or any number of minor Spider-villains.The Goblin was unnecessary and tacked on. If you wanted to do the Death of Gwen Stacy, it should have been the end of a trilogy, after you’d firmly established her as a favorite character. Intro’d in the first part and killed in the second part is a bit quick to invest in the character so fully.Finally, trying to combine all of this into one film is commercial suicide. Calm down, pick a story, even use some time to set up another story for a sequel, but keep it simple.

How did Gwen Stacy die in The Amazing Spider-Man 2?

Much like her death in the comics (The Night Gwen Stacy Died), it's debatable as to what the actual cause of death was.Spider-Man and the Green Goblin have been fighting in a clock tower, and Gwen is hanging from one of Spider-Man's webs. However, the clock tower gears shift and break the web, causing her to fall. Spider-Man jumps after her and fires a web, which snags her around the waist area shortly before she reaches the ground. However, she hangs limp, and when he gets down to her, it's obvious that she is dead.There are two ways she might have died. One - impact with the ground. While the webline catches her before she fully impacts, it looks like her head hits the ground as she stops. Given the speed she was falling (even with the deceleration from being caught), the impact of her head against the stone floor would be enough to cause a fatal head wound. However, it's not clear that she actually does hit the ground - the impact, if there is one, lasts only a brief moment, and it's hard to tell if it actually makes contact thanks to her hair. Also, there is no evidence of a wound when Peter holds her for the rest of the scene (although again, any evidence of said wound could have been hidden under her hair).The other possibility is that it was the web itself that killed her. The web caught her a couple of seconds before she stopped, and they have a certain level of elasticity. However, given the short distance between the web catching Gwen, and Gwen coming a complete stop, as well as the fact the webs were designed to be easy for Peter to use (and he's much stronger than a normal human), then it's likely that her stop would involve a massive amount of pressure on her waist. When she stops, everything above and below the waist snaps downward, which could suggest that, since her body was not sufficiently supported, the stop actually broke her spine. This would match up with the original comic, which put a small *snap* sound effect at the same moment. It's also worth noting that in a later story, Spider-Man is able to safely catch Mary-Jane during a similar fall by firing multiple webs to support her whole body, saying that he learnt from his mistakes.

What's the real Spiderman story?

In the beginning, Peter Parker was at a science demonstration involving radioactivity. A stray spider got zapped by the radiation and, just before it died, bit Peter. That's how he got his powers.

Being a science whiz, he went home and built himself some handy-dandy webshooters (and, if he'd really thought it through, he could have patented that formula and he and Aunt May would never have had to worry about money again).

Uncle Ben got killed by a criminal that Peter failed to stop, which gave him the guilts and realised that, rather than showing off on TV and trying to be a rock star, he should use his powers to try and help others.

After a while, we got to meet Mary Jane (luckily, John Romita was the artist by then rather than Steve Ditko, cuz damn, that man could not draw a pretty girl to save his life), but they were just friends. Then Gwen came along and they were all baby I lurve you, then Green Goblin threw her off a bridge and that was that.*

Peter and MJ finally got together as a couple, he revealed his secret ID to her, and eventually they were married. Then Marvel Editor-In-chief decided he didn't like Spidey being married, so they dealt with that. Now Peter's single again.

That's an extremely truncated version of the last 50 years' worth of Spider-Man comics.

* Sorry, I didn't think mentioning something that happened in a comic from 40 years ago would count as a spoiler.

In the amazing spider-man 2, does Aunt May secretly know that Peter is Spiderman?

She definitely suspects strongly, so she pretty much knows. Remember at the end of The Amazing Spider-Man after his final fight with the Lizard Peter comes home all bloody and bruised... also in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 there's all the stuff about how last time Peter did the laundry everything came out blue and red, the "I was sweeping the chimney" "We have no chimney" thing, and as Danny said, what she was saying about how they need Spider-Man to come back. So it's heavily suggested that she knows, and let's face it, she'd have to be an idiot not to suspect anything.

What's more, there was an issue of The Amazing Spider-Man comic called "The Conversation" where Peter is messed up from his latest fight, and Aunt May walks in holding his ripped up Spider-Man costume and basically tells him that she's known for a long time and she's incredibly proud of him.
And don't forget in the Tobey Maguire Spider-Man 2 movie when Aunt May gives Peter a whole speech about how "we don't see Spider-Man in the papers anymore" and "Spider-Man did that for Henry and he wonders where he's gone" meaning she totally knew Peter was Spider-Man.

So since Aunt May has figured it out in both the comics and the old movies, I'd say it's pretty safe to assume that she's figured it out in the new Amazing Spider-Man movies, she's just trying not to let on that she knows (as always). Aunt May is far too sharp to not figure it out.