Is The Grim Reaper A Real Person Or Is It Just A Lie

The grim reaper?

My Grim Reaper took a swin in my Pool! He turned into a girl, with no face, dove into the pool and disappeared. Poor Auntie Mamie went with him. It was very sad for Nina and the twins. I took pic of it, it was awesome!

Has anyone seen the grim reaper?

My dad said he's seen the grim reaper before, and believe me, he's not one to lie about things like that, he's very religious. He said when he was about 22 he was getting ready to go to bed when he was walking to his bedroom, he saw someone walking down the stairs. He looked up the stairway and saw a dark figure walking down slowly, covered in black, he couldn't see his feet, or his face, or any detailed feature about him. And no, he said there wasn't some scythe people expect to see, just a black figure dressed in a robe like cloth. He reached out to grab it hopefully making it fall down the stairs (my dad just thought it was a burglar at the time), but when he reached out at it, his hand went through it. He felt frozen for a moment, almost chilled, and seconds later it was gone. Oddly enough, a week later, his father died in a car accident. Has anyone else seen this creature?

What is the grim reaper's cell phone number?

immakillyew666. (:

What does it mean if you see the grim reaper in real life?

The most likely answer is that you've stumbled upon a Halloween decoration or costume, or perhaps a cosplay thing. If this is the case, it means someone has decided to continue the tradition of dressing up as a skeleton to portray Death (even though Death comes in many forms). If the decoration or costume is particularly convincing, perhaps you could compliment the owner of their skill.However, if you are seeing a true Reaper (and you will know, don't worry. There are some things even the best costumes just can't capture), it means you have entered a Limbo space and that is the form Death has chosen to use (this either means that you have died, or you have a strong connection to magic for some reason). Don't fear, Death will not harm you.

Seeing the Grim Reaper?

Dreams are a manifestation of your experiences/likes/worries. It could be that you are fascinated by the Grim Reaper or death. It could be that you are worried about your own or someone else's health or death (just because you aren't afraid in the dream doesn't mean you aren't subconsciously afraid). If not, then the Grim Reaper could just be a recurrent object your mind puts in dreams. The brain does that sometimes (puts a random object/person/character in dreams repeatedly for no apparent reason). You are not carrying his spirit, you are not him and you are not related to him. The Grim Reaper is not real. Almost all cultures/religions have an interpretation of the Grim Reaper, but it is merely a way to give reason to and explain how and why people die. Think of him like Cupid (why people fall in love) or the boogie monster (why kids should shut up when they're annoying their parents).

Has anyone ever seen the grim reaper? (serious answers only)?

Your aunt had a premonition of your uncle's death. It took the form of the Grim Reaper because that's the face our society puts on death. Had she been from another culture, she would have whatever they use to personify death.

Who would win: God or the Grim Reaper?

Well, I'd bet on this guy - even though I'd be dead already ...He was there when the first proto-life faded, and has been given his general shape by the belief of humans - of all creatures the most afraid of dying and the most likely to have evolved an agrarian culture in which scythes feature. He is also still there at the end of all things. Death is just about to metaphorically turn the lights out in the universe when he sees a new one germinating. EVENTUALLY, he thinks, THERE WILL BE LIFE. AND THEREFORE DEATH. HE WILL BE NEEDED. He can wait.“That's not fair, you know. If we knew when we were going to die, people would lead better lives."IF PEOPLE KNEW WHEN THEY WERE GOING TO DIE, I THINK THEY PROBABLY WOULDN'T LIVE AT ALL.” ― Terry Pratchett, Reaper Man“All right," said Susan. "I'm not stupid. You're saying humans need... fantasies to make life bearable."REALLY? AS IF IT WAS SOME KIND OF PINK PILL? NO. HUMANS NEED FANTASY TO BE HUMAN. TO BE THE PLACE WHERE THE FALLING ANGEL MEETS THE RISING APE."Tooth fairies? Hogfathers? Little—"YES. AS PRACTICE. YOU HAVE TO START OUT LEARNING TO BELIEVE THE LITTLE LIES."So we can believe the big ones?"YES. JUSTICE. MERCY. DUTY. THAT SORT OF THING."They're not the same at all!"YOU THINK SO? THEN TAKE THE UNIVERSE AND GRIND IT DOWN TO THE FINEST POWDER AND SIEVE IT THROUGH THE FINEST SIEVE AND THEN SHOW ME ONE ATOM OF JUSTICE, ONE MOLECULE OF MERCY. AND YET—Death waved a hand. AND YET YOU ACT AS IF THERE IS SOME IDEAL ORDER IN THE WORLD, AS IF THERE IS SOME...SOME RIGHTNESS IN THE UNIVERSE BY WHICH IT MAY BE JUDGED."Yes, but people have got to believe that, or what's the point—"MY POINT EXACTLY.” ― Terry Pratchett, Hogfather

Has anyone ever seen the grim reaper or what we call the big black over all demon. I and a friend in fla. did

It is possible to "see things" that does not prove anything...
the spirit realm is real in my believe and when I "see things" I believe that there most be some reason for it. some people do not believe that there are spirits therefore they think whatever you saw was at best imaginary at worst a fraud and a lie. If you saw it, it is real to you and no one Else's opinion can change that the big question is what did it mean to you and how will it affect you in the future.
As I alluded to earlier I have seen a couple of "spiritual" things and having had those experiences has indeed impacted by opinions, and actions and attitudes.

Is the grim reaper (Azrael) an angel or a demon?

I don’t personally think the grim reaper is a real entity—granted I could be wrong. I might try asking the spirits next time I do a portal spirit box ITC communication (of course they may lie or just not answer). Azrael is an angel’s name but depending on the religion could be a demon too. In Judaism, Azrael is identified as the Angel of Death. However, the name "Azrael" itself is rarely used in Hebrew lore. In Jewish mysticism, he is commonly referred to as "Azriel", not "Azrael". The Zohar (a holy book of the Jewish mystical tradition of Kabbalah) presents a positive depiction of Azriel. In Islam and Sikhism, Azrael is an Angel of Death and Transformation. Although Azrael isn’t mentioned as the angel of death in any Christian religious texts, some Christians associate him with death because of his link to the Grim Reaper of popular culture. Also, ancient Asian traditions sometimes describe Azrael holding an apple from a "Tree of Life" to the nose of a dying person to separate that person’s soul from his or her body.Some Jewish mystics consider Azrael to be a fallen angel—or demon—who is the embodiment of evil. Islamic tradition describes Azrael as being completely covered in eyes and tongues, and the number of eyes and tongues constantly changes to reflect the number of people who are currently alive on Earth.Archangel Azrael, the Angel of Transformation and DeathThe 7 Archangels and Their MeaningsAzrael - Wikipedia