Is The Liberal View On Republicans That They Should Just Shut Up And Do What They Want

Why do liberals want to shut down free speech?

Once again, I have to be the voice of reason.Read this article from the New York Times:Smothering Speech at MiddleburyHere’s another article about the same incident (written by a faculty member who was assaulted by a mob of leftists)Understanding the Angry Mob at Middlebury That Gave Me a ConcussionWatch this video of leftist college students attempting to silence a professor they disagree with:If after reading those two articles, and watching that video, you still try to tell me that lefties are not attacking free speech, then you are simply not intellectually honest.Of course this is happening, if you are not possessed by your own ideology, then it’s obvious that this is happening.Here’s more though!Apparently you don’t get to have your free speech rights defended if you’re Milo:Liberals Attack ACLU for Defending Milo Yiannopoulos’ Right to Free SpeechApparently, accidentally midgendering someone (calling them by the wrong gender pronoun) is a crime with a $250,000 fine attached to it in NYC. Even if that person is using a made-up pronoun of their choice. Does that sound conducive to free speech? Should a person be financially ruined for refusing to call a person “them”? or “Zee”? or “Schlee”? Be aware, refusal or inability to pay that fine may lead to harsher penalties like imprisonment. There is a clear legal path from misgendering a person (whether accidental or deliberate) to PRISON.Canadian gender-neutral pronoun bill is a warning for AmericansIMPORTANT CAVEAT: What you are asking about is true of LEFTISTS (or LEFTIES) but not of Liberals in the traditional sense. Using the word liberal is way to broad to describe the actions of a radical minority within liberalism. That radical minority is not “Liberal” they are “Leftists” which is a very important distinction. Check out Dennis Pragers description of the difference, or Dave Rubin if you prefer, they are the same idea.I hope this helps, please upvote if you agree, in order to combat this and defend free speech we need to first raise awareness about the problem.

Why can't liberals just shut up?

I'm a conservative. I also wish sometimes that they'd hush up, but they have the same right to freedom of speech that I do.

Just ignore them!

Why do republicans shove their beliefs down peoples throat?

Is it just me or does it seem like republicans or conservatives like to shove their beliefs down peoples throat. Like i could care less about what their personal beliefs are. The fact that theyre against gay marriage and **** and that they want to make abortions illegal is just really selfish to me. Not everyone believes the same as them and who are they to tell me who i can and cant marry and what my fiance does with her body. Like i understand having personal beliefs but do what's best for the people and whats fair for the people.

Why do many Republicans think all Democrats are liberal?

If we stick to the strictest definition of the word - someone who is open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values - I would rather be liberal any day.It's proven throughout history that people who like to be called CONSERVATIVE are at best hypocritesExamplesBefore Christianity, CONSERVATIVES wanted a woman caught in adultery to be stoned to death; those CONSERVATIVES who would cast the first stone were the same ones who would go to sleep with that woman. They would do it with another woman and another woman. See where I'm going. You cannot call yourself CONSERVATIVE and keep doing what you claim to be wrong.Today, CONSERVATIVES claim homosexuals are bad, unacceptable, etc but over and over again, the same pastors who scream at the top of their lungs homosexuals will go to hell are caught red handed a) soliciting sex from men b) in a relation with another man c) are secretly bi-sexual.I said it earlier and I'll say it again; I would prefer to be liberal any day than to pretend.What about those who truly are CONSERVATIVE? you might askThe answer is actually quite simple: can you point to one?Most Republicans like the label, that's all there is to it.The most recent example of such is a whooping $1.5 trillion debt Republicans in Washington (you know the CONSERVATIVES) just added to the country; they spent 8 years nagging the country about growing debt under Obama. The first opportunity they have, they do worst.Once again, I would prefer to be a liberal any day than to be hypocrites who pretend to be something/someone they're not (forgive the redundancy).

Why can Republicans never admit they are wrong?

First, I think "never" is too strong, but "seldom" seems a good fit.

Second, it's difficult for most people to admit they're wrong, and contrary to my gut instinct, Republicans are people -- most anyway. Even Jesse Helms admitted he was wrong about AIDS.

That being said, since the 1990s, the Republican party has been heavily playing to not only a conservative audience, but a strongly religious one -- and it is the rare person who acts in the name of religion who will even consider that they might not be completely justified in all their decisions.

Taking their lead from George W Bush, who has been known to flash out in anger at any suggestion that his decisions (as the decider who decides) can be questioned, members of the Administration and many Republicans will not admit any questioning of their political motives, beliefs, or decisions.

But the clever thing they do is to project questionable motives onto those who challenge them, attacking the messenger for the message. I am skeptical of the Democrats as well, but I haven't seen this as consitently or viciously as I have Republicans.

I had a discussion about this topic recently with some friends about the disappointment and anger we had and discussed at Clinton's actions (we are all mostly liberal but independent), but didn't see anything like it coming from Bush supporters. Instead, many of them have commited to the most unimaginable contortions to justify and defend Bush.

Why do conservatives think liberals should just sit back and "take it" rather than criticize Trump's harsh policies?

I doubt there is a consensus on any issue among conservatives. Certainly every Republican promised to repeal and replace Obamacare but when they got beyond a slogan there is no agreement and wide disparity of opinion. And the Republicans are the party of conservatives. So no body can speak for conservatives as a unit.In the US, conservatism has evolved from its roots of laissez faire (i.e. minimal government and regulation) and balanced budgets. To-day there is the phenomena of social conservatism. Most prominently this encompasses anti-abortion but has side effects of downplaying the female gender, evangelical religion and sometimes the superiority of some skin colors at the expense of others.The conservative tradition evolved from the medieval nobility where nobles held the power of life and death over all others. This places the conservative philosophy, to the extent it still exists, as the self appointed ruling party where other’s opinions are irrelevant. It is conservatives that routinely gerrymander and conservatives that lead the voter suppression movement in the guise of preventing voter fraud.All this leads to the conclusion ( perhaps unstated) that opponents should just shut up.

What do people want the Republican Party to improve upon?

As a young voter, I can assure you that they've lost most of this generation l. Their at times oppressive obsession with social issues such as abortion and gay marriage has alienated most moderates like myself. For a party that preaches less government, they always seem to be pushing it somewhere else, namely the bedroom.Refocus on economic issues. I think a large percentage of people would actually agree with their "smaller, more efficient" government theory that even they have all but abandoned by now.Immigration happens. It's inevitable. This xenophobic rage the Republicans are held hostage to all but kills any chance for good immigration reform. Newsflash: our borders are too big to just put a fence up, station guards every hundred feet, and shoot anyone who approaches. Immigrants, legal or not, are humans, mostly fleeing terrible, crime-ridden countries and simply want a better life. They also help contribute to the economy and diversity, which is why we are so strong. This issue, in my opinion, will force the Republicans to change or else they'll die. Look at the California Republican Party: it's but a shell of what it was and is currently in minority party status because you simply can't rely on the good 'ol white voter to get you out of everything. Compromise! There are plenty of people of every color that would support your policies if you'd just take of the *America for only Americans* filters.Lastly, they need to get a grip on foreign issues and understand the world and it's situations are not always dichotomous black and white. We don't need any more wars, conflicts, or controversies. No, we can't just bomb Iran because we don't like them. No, Israel is not perfect (and neither are the Palestinians). Yes, we CAN work together with Europe and other western countries and sign treaties as opposed to just whipping our massive patriotic private parts out and doing what we want anyway. This my-way-or-the-highway mentality has a time and place - foreign policy is neither.In short, they need to get back to actually being what they claim they are.

Why do Republicans Hate Hollywood?

I think they hate them because actors have easy access to the airwaves and media. The right wants to control speech that it doesn't like. The entire Bush presidency has been about controlling the speech and rights of people it doesn't like. They see free speech as a threat and so anyone who can get media attention is to be hated and demonized.

I haven't seen where actors are any smarter then anyone else so I don't know why anyone would care what they say. By the way, someone mentioned Clint Eastwood as a Republican elected success story. Sorry, but he has gone to the left. You must now hate him too. And Sonny Bono???? Please. His wife turned his seat to the left so you need to dig him up and hate him too.

What made you a conservative or liberal?

I used to be a fairly liberal guy. I had some conservative views, but not too many. Then the 2016 election rolled around…This woman, Hillary Clinton, officially made me put up the middle finger to the liberal ideology. Where should I begin? I’ll start with the fact that she deleted thousands of email’s, and then later destroyed the phones containing the email’s.And everybody know’s or at least should know how Hillary just completely ignored those poor Americans in Benghazi who were desperately calling for help. Meanwhile Hillary just sat on her lazy ass and let them get brutally murdered. And then she later said, “What difference at this point does it make?” Shut your mouth Hillary.I should also mention how she’s a people pleaser. She was against gay marriage until it was favored, then she wasn’t against it anymore. She was for the Iraq war until the polls changed against it.Oh and during the election? Jesus Christ, she did a boatload of corrupt stuff during it. Leaked emails show Hillary and the DNC colluded to rig the primaries against Bernie. Don’t believe me? Here’s a link! 2016 Democratic National Committee email leak - WikipediaShe cheated in the debates. Don’t believe me again? Here’s another link! DNC head leaked debate question to Clinton, Podesta emails suggestsOh, and don’t even get me started on her supporters, a lot of them know about all the crap she did during her political career. And yet, they still supported her like the dingbats they are.I should also mention how hypocritical they are. During the final debate Trump said that he ‘may’ (key word ‘may’) not accept the results if he loses. Hillary and her supporters booed Trump, called him a threat to democracy, and even called for him to drop out. But after Trump won, it was the Hillary supporters who weren’t accepting the results, they rioted, protested, cried and even beat up Trump supporters!And even to this day, a year later. Hillary and her supporters are still bitter that Trump is President. Hillary is still blaming others for her loss. And her supporters are tearing Trump up non-stop. Yup, that’s the tolerance you can expect from liberals folks.

My parents don’t support my political views, what do I do?

My parents are extremely liberal and believe I’m brainwashing my 3 daughters with “evil” things just because I myself am a republican. My relationship with my parents is strained and at this point my daughters have no relationship with their grandparents. Is there any way I can fix my relationship with my parents?