Is The Nature Partial Towards Male Species

Are humans the only species that intentionally abort pregnancies?

On the contrary, humans are one of the few species in which our own fetuses have evolved a means to try to prevent us from aborting them at will. Only great apes, some bats, and elephant shrews share this trait with us! It’s called an invasive placenta — our offspring grow a placenta that digs its way into our uterine wall and firmly attaches itself so we can’t shed it readily. This is the reason why we menstruate, shedding the entire lining of the uterus — to rid ourselves of non-viable implanted embryos each month. We got into an evolutionary war with our own offspring!But, we won this one — the evolution of huge brains and other characteristics has allowed us to selectively abort our offspring using tools and medicines. This allows us to do through ingenuity what most species can do automatically. We win.(In other mammal species, when conditions are adverse, and the mother feels very stressed and physically or mentally unable to cope with rearing young, she may absorb the fetuses or spontaneously abort them. ‘Intent’ may be hard to assign with non-human animals, as we can’t yet read their minds).

How do male animals recognize their own offspring?

They don’t.That’s why they will kill all the offspring from females they haven’t copulated with, but leave alone those from females they have coplated with - regardless of actual parentage.This is also thought to be the reason behind why human females started hiding their fertility and started becoming continually sexually available, so that males could never discard children as not being their own.

What is the natural reason that many men wish to have anal sex with women bearing attractive big butts instead of having vaginal sex? What natural purpose does it serve for reproduction if attractive big butts indicate good reproductive health?

I don’t want to play the amateur psycho-anthropologist, but if you think back to where we evolved , the females of the original native people of south Africa were famous for having big butts. The assumption is that a surplus of fat made them more likely to survive periods of drought and famine and so they tended to be healthier and more fruitful. And men enjoyed looking at healthy, fruitful women.Most men looking at a shapely bum are not thinking Ooh - anal sex! They are thinking What a wonderfully feminine figure that woman has got. I would like to get closer, very much closer…

How can transgender be classified as natural variation when that which is natural has to be changed?

It doesn't take a rocket scientist or even a college education to understand what being transgendered or transsexual is all about. While trans people do make the choice to change how they look in terms of male or female, the fact that they feel that way is not a choice and the alternative to living how they truly are, including medically altering their bodies as appropriate, is an existence that is just about unbearable. Being trans is also not an arbitrary decision. People who are trans are born that way and realize their difference in gender from a very young age, although many can and do suppress it in an attempt to fit it.

Science has proven that transgender and transsexual people have a neurological intersex condition, meaning their brain sex does does not fully or completely match up to their physical sex. This is possible because we all spend the first eight weeks of prenatal development as a female. Around that time is when androgens kick in for males and start masculinizing the body. However, for reasons undetermined, the masculinization can affect the body but have no or only a partial effect on the brain, or vice versa.

All I can say is that you haven't walked in a trans person's shoes, so don't be so quick to judge, especially since your opinion is based off of simple observations rather than education about the subject.

Can frogs and lizards mate?

Your question is surely curiosity and interesting.

No, dear. Both are different species. No they can't do it in their natural way, e.g., dog vs cat.

However, geneticists may manipulate genetics by incorporating partial or segment of chromosomes from one species (lizard) and partial OR segment of chromosomes from the other (frog) or (vice versa- male and female; female and male) species- this technique is called Recombination DNA; Because I feel both species are cold blooded; closely enough, but not the same; in this case, perhaps yes. Perhaps new species have the ability of both to live on land like lizards and underwater and burrow under the mudd in the winter like frogs. Cool!
This technique (a lot of works involves) induces a new species, but no guarantee the result will survive.

Then, what will be the name for this new species, if it survive? Froggalard? Frogzard? Frogilard? Frolizard? and etc...?

Why can't people accept that rape is natural?

Since you seem to accept that rape is natural, and I assume that you are aware of that fact, and the fact that you are a person, your question is obviously flawed. A more accurate and answerable question would be “Why don’t some people accept that rape is natural?” I added the word “some” because you’ve demonstrated clearly that some people can, and therefore it is only some that can’t. I used the word “don’t” instead of “can’t” because I’m not aware of whether any particular individuals can or cannot accept that rape is natural, but I am certainly aware that some individuals either do or do not.Now, assuming that what you mean is “Why don’t some people accept that rape is natural?” I’m going to answer with what I think is probably the most common explanation:Most people do not have a reason to consider whether or not rape is natural.Whether or not rape is natural is simply not a relevant part of the conversation for most people, so most people don’t ever take the time to consider it. When confronted with the question of whether or not it is natural, it is usually in the context of someone attempting to equate “natural” with “good” or perhaps “acceptable”. Taken as a whole, everything that we know about rape points to it being neither “good” nor “acceptable”, and most people seem to agree with that.Now, when asked to take a position on whether or not rape is natural, without time to contemplate, and in a framework such that natural = good, most people are not going to accept that rape = natural, so that they aren’t taken as accepting that rape = good.As far as the question details, and the question therein, which I suspect is what you’re really getting at in the first place: “Will people eventually accept rape?” We accept that rape exists. There are or have been cultures or individuals for whom rape is an acceptable behavior. I suspect what you are really asking is whether modern/progressive culture/society will eventually come to accept rape as a good or acceptable behavior.I am reasonably certain that the answer is no. “People” will not eventually accept that rape is ok, because rape is nonconsensual, violent,invasive, and harmful. Whether or not it is a natural occurrence for some animals has absolutely zero bearing on these facts, and these facts encompass the most relevant factors as far as deciding what is good, decent, and acceptable.

How did male and female evolve, assuming Darwin was correct.?

>"In order for sexual reproduction to work you would need to corresponding organisms to develope in parralel"

This is correct. So evolutionary theory holds that there was a *long* history of progression, in many stages:

* From completely asexual reproduction, to partial exchange of genetic material;

* From completely asexual reproduction, to organisms that can reproduce both asexually and sexually (as exemplified in *many* organisms that still exist, from amoebas to aphids);

* From partially asexual/partially sexual, to completely sexual reproduction;

* From sexual reproduction with no dedicated sexes (which is still used by the majority of plants, and many "lower" animal forms), to sexual reproduction where individuals can become *either* male or female, to sexual reproduction with dedicated sexes (male and female).

* To all the many different ways that sexes are determined (e.g. determined by what they are fed during early development ... like bees and wasps; or individuals that can become male or female depending on mating opportunities ... like many types of molluscs, like slugs; or where males are haploid and females are diploid ... like ants; to male and female determined by temperature during gestation ... as in many types of reptiles; to males and females determined by X or Y chromosome ... which is the system used by us mammals).

* Finally, the transition from sexual reproduction with different sexes that are almost identical, to where the different sexes are significantly different ... like us humans, but even moreso in other mammals such as pinnipeds (seals and sea lions) or ungulates (deer, cows, goats, etc.).

It would take a *lot* more explanation to describe each of these stages ... and a *lot* more examples where all of these different transitions can still be seen in effect in modern organisms.

But there are 2 main points:
1. Male/female can evolve from simpler forms of reproduction ... forms that have many examples *currently* in nature; and
2. There doesn't have to be a sudden leap from one form of reproduction to another. For example, a species can use both asexual and sexual reproduction *IN THE SAME SPECIES* ... or a species can have a more blurry line between "male" and "female" that slowly becomes a more solidified line.

Hope that helps.

Does a female red devil develop a large hump?

I have a 8-10in male red devil with a huge hump and have had what I believed to be a female 8-10in red devil also in 75 gallon alone. According to my local fish store she was a proven breeder. Within the last few months she developed quite a large hump on her head. Do females have these humps? If so, why won't they breed? The water was raised from 78 to 82, I've done partial water changes. Theyve been doing the mating rituals for months and still no eggs. They "dance" together, lip lock, dig pits all over and stay side by side 24/7. There is a large clay pot and various large flat rocks also in the tank.