Is The Number Of Americans Condemning Israels Actions Growing

Why is racism so strong in America?

Mari111, that'd be relevant if anybody who experienced slavery was still around. I didn't enslave anyone, nor has anyone in the US been enslaved as long as you or I have been alive. The past should remain in the past, instead of being dragged into the future as a tool to advocate for discrimination in the other direction.

When will America understand Israel is its enemy?

Never. It never was and it never will be. You see, I am not being racist, but there is a reason why Israel is so called as Apartheid state. When has US or Europe come out openly in support of Palestinians? They provide adequate support but not as much as what they do to Israel.And honestly, I do not think Israel is anyone’s enemy, its just plain old Politics. A two state solution will hopefully solve all the problems, and both the Arabs and the Jews can live in peace. US has put in its effort for resolving the issue, but finally its the will of people of both sides to make it a success.

Who condemns Israel for defending itself?

The UN, and many NGOs and many commentators.To quote the eminent historian Martin Van Crevald,the problem is that you cannot prove yourself against someone who is much weaker than yourself. They are in a lose-lose situation. If you are strong and fighting the weak, then if you kill your opponent then you are a scoundrel... if you let him kill you, then you are an idiot. Interview with Martin van CreveldPalestinians are suffering, and Israelis are suffering less. That is a fact. And many people look at that and think that because Israel is the less suffering party (although we do suffer), we must be at fault.I think it’s not Israel’s defending itself that bothers them, but the fact that they do not consider Israel a sovereign or legitimate country. So, Israel has no inherent legitimacy to them, and therefore, any action they take is illegitimate.Now, can Israel be heavy handed? Sometimes, yes. I think even staunch advocates for Israel can say we made a number of mistakes.But this is what we’re facing.A music video about ethnically cleansing Jews, done to mock our national anthem. They actually show our coffins.We have kids’ tv advocating suicide bombing and martyrdom, which means that Israelis are rightly afraid of children, who could be wired with a bomb. Think I’m joking?If a kid is dressed like this…what do you think they will grow up to do?These kids will grow up to do this.Wafa al-Biss had been the victim of severe burns. She recieved permission to be treated in Israel, and when she returned for her check up, she was carrying a 22-pound bomb, strapped to her leg to kill the people who had treated her. After going to prison, she speaks to children,that she hopes to "see some of you as martyrs." (Freed Wafa al-Biss tells Gaza children to follow her example)The UN seems to think Israel is powerful enough to solve this, and is just too stubborn to do so.So, let’s take van Crevald’s synopsis. Is it better to be scoundrel or a fool?I believe there is a third way. We can divide the land, and live on it, instead of burying our loved ones in it?But right now, that seems far away.