Is The Reason Dems Are So Desperate To Run The Govt Again Theyre Afraid We

Why don't Democrats want to secure the border FIRST in any immigration reform package?

The GOP main demand is that we secure the border before we implement the rest of the reforms.

Democrats are vehemently against this and 'say' they will secure the border after reform is implemented.

Two questions.

1. What point is there to reforms if you don't secure the border first?

2. Do you actually believe that Democrats will follow through with their word and secure the border if they get their amnesty?

Why do you think 90% of blacks vote democrat?

Conservatives on yahoo always say black people vote democrat because of Government handouts this is ignorant and racist.

There's millions of black people that own businesses that make millions of dollars that vote democrat that have never gotten Government handouts but right wing conservatives only think black people get Government handouts when there's more whites that get welfare than blacks.

Then real reason why 90% percent of black people vote democrat is because Martin Luther King helped John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson get elected with 90% of the black vote so they could pass the civil rights bill that ended segregation.

After the 1964 election Martin Luther King attacked republican Barry Goldwater for voting to keep segregation legal.Today's republicans keep LYING by saying Dr. King was republican but Martin Luther King was never for any political party.

That's why the last 50 years 90% percent blacks have voted Democrat.

How Was Ronald Reagan a Good President?

By the Tea Party's standards he was a terrible president: he gave amnesty to illegal immigrants and tripled the national debt.
Well, ok, let's be honest here: the Tea Party would never admit that. And whenever you ask them to explain the dissonance, they evade the question.

It took Reagan 2-3 years to get the economy back on track (after a much more mild recession). Teabaggers are pissed right now because Obama hasn't got the economy at its peak after less than 1.5 years.

Dems do better on employment.

Dems do better on the debt.

Are you afraid that the US government shut down will happen again?

Well if you’re gonna play chicken then you gotta learn to put the brick on the peddle and leave it there. President Trump got his chance again to appeal to the American people for the SOTU address by re-opening the Government and a small window to recover trust again with his base if he forces another shut down.This re-opening has really hurt moral amongst his base and made him look weak to them. It will affect 2020 turnout if he doesn’t do serious damage control. However, I believe he can turn this around and may actually win if he can get the GOP on board with it again. The problem he faces is I don’t believe they have the spine for it because none of them really mind illegal immigration to begin with and don’t really want the wall, hell im not even sure President Trump himself wants the wall literally. So this probably isn’t the hill they are ready to die on.He also gets to say he compromised by agreeing the Government re-opened as they wished to progress with negotiations and so far they have failed. This really is President Trump’s last chance to get this wall for his base and maybe re-election; so he has to shut it down again in my opinion.Unless he decides to declare a national emergency which is legally sketchy at best and pretty much will be considered a failure by his base. Because of how quick it will get tied up in court; and it would be quick literally hours after it’s declared.So TLDR: Yes I’m afraid of another Government shut down because of how President Trump responds when backed into a corner. But I’m also 50/50 he won’t and will declaring a national emergency instead for bragging points in a desperate attempt to please his base.

Do you think Donald Trump is shutting down the government for a wall that he knows he'll never get just to postpone his impending impeachment?

That is preposterous. A solid majority across the country are in favor of border security and the “sanctuary city” mafiosi can’t evade making a deal on the subject with the public behind a now popular President on this issue. Their error, which goes back to 2008, is that they think they can get everything they want using a back door around Federal law with the support of local Federal judges to indefinitely derail government enforcement efforts.What would happen if some Federal judge in Portland, or Honolulu, or East Oshkosh declared the government shutdown unlawful? NOTHING! The House Democrats can make a deal on border security and illegal immigrants, as they talked about before 2008 (and the imaginary “mandate” Obama and Pelosi created out of whole cloth), or they can destroy their credibility with the American people by pursuing impeachment (which is just an indictment) on trumped up charges with no chance of conviction by the Senate, as idiot Republicans once tried with Bill Clinton, or even by calling for a coup. If Nancy and Chuck did that, they and their friends would be taken into custody and left there to rot.

Why Is Ron Paul Is So Unpopular Among Republican Voters?

The vast majority of Ron Paul groupies that I meet do not consider themselves to be Republican. Voters who actually do consider themselves to be Republicans, tend to be his biggest critics.

Trump has exposed the predominantly Democrat political swamp in Washington, D.C., so why do Democrats still pretend like nobody knows the level of corruption taking place in their shrinking party?

The Democrats have been caught in their dirty game, and the tentacles run deep. President Obama weaponized the departments of the Federal government and brought them to bear against civilian targets. The IRS, CIA, FBI, NSA, and other organizations were used to spy on, wire tap, investigate, perform illegal surveillance, and even conduct fraudulent investigations on US civilians, over a period of 2 years. Government agencies lied, and knowingly provided false documents to the FISA court to obtain a wire tap.The Democrats "leaked" false information to the media and saturated the nation with accusations, allegation, suspicions, rumors, and out-right LIES about President Trump, his family, his associations, his business dealings, and even his mental capacity. They boldly and obnoxiously met every rebuke with: "Wait until the Mueller Repot comes out!" They insisted that "Once and for All" the whole truth would be known!Today, two years later, the Democrats are absolutely "Desperate!" They can't even remember the lies that they told, ..or to whom. They've lost track of the real truth, and they are scared. They have reason to be. NOW, they deny the Mueller report, they want President Trump's Taxes ..going back ten years! They are "Obsessed"! Their Drug of choice, isn't working anymore, and they don't know what to do to fill the void! They are being seen for who they truly are, and they are still desperate to impeach Trump and get him out of office!!The jig is up. he Inspector General is doing an in depth investigation of ALL of the players involved in the massive "Witch Hunt". All the lies, the back-stabbing, and the fraud is going to ooze to the surface this Summer. Democrats are going to pay a heavy price for their dishonorable words and deeds over the past 2 or 3 years. The Democrats are blind to what's coming, still as obsessed as a drug user searching for something to give him a "High"...oblivious to the world around him... concentrating on his one and only need...