Is The Second Line Of An At Home Drug Test Supposed To Be Light / Faint

If I got a very faint line on my at home drug test is that still considered to be a negative? (read details)

Not all drug tests are created equal. What I mean by this is that if the home drug test shows either a positive or negative result, then the laboratory may get opposing results depending on the circumstances. Even different labs may use screening materials from different manufacturers and may give different results especially for marijuana. There are many metabolites of marijuana and each manufacturer’s screening material may be more sensitive to certain metabolites. This will affect the first screening test that the lab uses. Most positive screening tests are then sent for a second confirmation test which will accurately measure the amount of drug in the urine. This is the test that will determine a truly positive result.

I took a home drug test and the thc line was very very faint.?

It all depends on how long ago you smoked marijuana and how frequent were the smoking sessions. Here is an explanation as to why.

marijuana has a half-life in your system. How long it takes to leave your system depends on how much you smoke. But the time maxes out at around 45 days. One smoking session for someone with a clean system takes about 3-4 days to be clean. Smoke 2 days later and then have to wait about a week, and so on. The time it will take roughly doubles every time you smoke until it maxes at about 45 days to be clean. So if you are maxed out and you wait about 2 weeks and then smoke again, you're basically back to 45 days.
Marijuana can be detected in urine for nearly a week after smoking. Blood tests can be more accurate, and it might take a month to be totally clear. Hair tests show every drug ever taken when that hair was growing - this is why you see so many drug addicts with shaved heads or buzz cuts, by the way. Also by the way: taking laxatives and drinking wacky chemicals won't "cheat" a drug test. It will just make you go to the bathroom! These drug tests are designed by experts who anticipate what the drug user might do.

Be very careful of "remedies" for getting around drug tests. They flat out do not work and could do damage to your body.

If you have a faint line on your drug test, is that considered negative?

The strong line at the top is the control. It's always supposed to be strong. The line at the bottom indicates whether the test is positive or negative. If it's faint, then it means he tested negative. He passed.

Edit: Just to clarify, ANY trace of a second line means he tested NEGATIVE, which means there's NO drugs in his system. If the second line is NOT there, that means he tested positive. Usually the second line is faint, but if it's there at all, it's ok.

Home drug test kit had a really light line for negative?

There could be a few reasons why this may occur. Let’s talk about how a drug test works and what are the differences between an instant home drug test and a lab based drug test.

First of all urine drug tests do not test for the drug specifically, but rather they test for the metabolite of the drug. Meaning it tests for what the drug turned into after it was consumed by an individual.

An instant drug test or screen for THC (Marijuana) tests at a level of 50 ng/ml. Meaning anything over 50 ng/ml will come back positive and anything below that will be negative.

A lab based test will also screen at 50 ng/ml, but and here’s the kicker if the test shows questionable or if it’s positive the lab will do a confirmation test called GC/SM and this test is 100% accurate. It’s so accurate that it will test at a level of 15 ng/ml.

Now back to your home drug test kit. A faint line is counted as a line and it's a negative result. Now with that being said, if a line is so faint that one can barley see it then it’s questionable. When a line is so faint that you can barley see it one must say that you’re hovering at the cut off level and if you took a lab based test you would probably fail. You need to take another test to see if it’s still really faint. Also be aware that urine samples taken during different times off the day will have different concentrations of the drug metabolite. i.e a morning urine sample would have a much higher concentration the a sample taken in then afternoon.

Also check out this website they have a resource page and a blog that discusses this in more detail.

What is the faint test line in home pregnancy test after 30 mins?

The pregnancy test kit normally detects pregnancy immediately after 5 minutes. 30 minutes are a very long time to check for pregnancy. Now, if you are getting a faint line after 30 long minutes of taking the test, you surely have to re-test. Your pregnancy test kit has either a manufacturing defect or it's expired or has some other issue. I suggest that you go for Pregakem pregnancy test kit. This is a home pregnancy test kit that is accurate and very sensitive, so you should have no worry of faint lines. Also, the result shows within 5 minutes.

What does it mean when we get one dark line and one light line on a pregnancy test?

Most home pregnancy tests have two lines. One is the control line; it will turn dark whenever the test gets wet, even just with tap water. That line is just to let you know the test is working. The other line, the test line, reacts with a hormone called hCG that your body makes when you are pregnant. A light line means that you are pregnant, but the concentration of hCG was low. This could be for a couple of reasons. The most common is that you are very early in your pregnancy; your hCG levels start off low and get higher as you progress. This could also happen if you took the test late in the day, when your urine was less concentrated, or if you had recently drunk a lot of water. If you take another test first thing in the morning in a few days; the line should be darker. If not, check in with your doctor; low hCG levels can be a sign of a pregnancy complication.Good luck!

What does a faint HIV test line mean? I did two HIV tests today and both came back with control line very dark and test line a little faint. Am I HIV positive?

Good job repeating the test to make sure there wasn’t an issue with the specific test kit you were using. That makes it a lot easier.It is possible that you have HIV, but not certain. The rapid HIV tests that people can do at home give a positive result about 10% of the time in people that DON’T have HIV. The next step is to see your primary care doctor and get a confirmatory test done. If that test is positive too, then you would be diagnosed with HIV.

What happens when only one line shows on a pregnancy test?

To answer the question as to what does one line on a pregnancy test mean - it means you are not pregnant.Most home pregnancy kits are pretty straight-forward and come with clear instructions. If you are taking a pregnancy test at home for the first time, then it’s best to understand what the 2 lines on a pregnancy test mean. This would help you to interpret the results accurately.Depending on the pregnancy checker or test kit, you would be required to either pee directly on the pregnancy stick or dip it in the cup of urine. Another factor you need to consider while buying a pregnancy test kit is its sensitivity. The more sensitive the urine pregnancy test is the better it will be able to detect the pregnancy. Here, it is advised to pick a home pregnancy test that can detect 20 mIU/mL of HCG in urine.Following this; here is how to interpret the pregnancy strip test result.Control Line: The first line is called the control line. To check if the test is working you should dip it in water before using. Thereafter, if there is only 1 line on the pregnancy test then you are not pregnant.Test Line: If there are 2 lines on a pregnancy test then it indicates you are pregnant.Faint Line: Now, sometimes if you take a pregnancy test early, then there are chances that the second line may appear faint. This may be due to the low level of HCG hormone in your urine. However, a faint line to a large extent does indicate that you are pregnant. If you want to avoid this, then it is best to know when to take a pregnancy test. The #1 sign being missed period.Also, while most pregnancy tests claim to be 99% accurate, it is best to book an appointment with your gynaecologist to be completely sure. This is because there have been instances of a false positive or a false negative on a pregnancy test.False Positive: The test may come up as positive, however, you might not be pregnant.False Negative: This implies you are not pregnant, but in reality, you might be.

Very Faint Line (almost like a shadow) on Walgreens Early Response Pregnancy Test?

I know this question has been posted and reposted before. It seems like all answers are always "a line is a line. yep, you're preggers". I was wondering if anyone out there had a faint line and turned out NOT PREGNANT? What are the chances for False Positives?
I'm not on ANY medications--not even multivitamins. Are there other conditions that can give a false positive?
I have had irregular menses in the past but for the past whole year, been pretty regular, consistent on a monthly basis. Last month, I only had spotting for a day. This month, I am delayed by a week now. I don't have nausea or sick stomach, no breasts soreness, etc. I was just concerned that I didn't get my period so I bought the pregnancy test from Walgreens. I tested at night, negative. I tested early morning, I see a very faint line. Thinking it was a mistake, bought more tests- I got another faint line. I went to the doctor. She did a urine test. Negative. I told the doc, I think it was positive (SORT-OF) at home. So she did a blood test. Negative.
So did I just have a false positive? Am I the .01% ? I am NOT on any medication and we've been doing coitus interruptus (pull out/withdrawal) as a form of birth control.
Or maybe I'm starting early with menopause? I just had spotting for a day last month. I turned 40 very recently and never been pregnant. I don't have hot flushes though.