Is The Two-party System The Real Problem In The Usa

What would be a good replacement for the two party system in the United States?

It is important to understand that there is nothing in the law which directly mandates a two-party system, instead it is the natural consequence of various structural elements. So in a sense, the question is about what changes might be made to those structural elements, and whether that would be a good thing or not.Here’s a simple example: we could amend the US Constitution so that members of the House of Representatives are elected in a nationwide vote in which seats are allocated to parties in a manner proportionate to the nationwide voting percentage. This would almost certainly result in at least a handful of greens, libertarians, and the like in Congress, with the individuals chosen by the parties.Here’s another simple example: we could amend the US Constitution so that members of the House of Representatives are elected in a nationwide vote in which the 435 top vote-getters, regardless of party, are selected. This would almost certainly result in at least a handful of quirky independents and celebrities being elected.We can imagine many other variants - rather than a nationwide vote, how about retaining state representation but having proportional representation there?My point is that there are a great many design options all of which will have their strengths and weaknesses. While I haven’t answered your question with an opinion as to what might be better than what exists now, I hope I’ve said some interesting things to guide you on your journey.

How big is the acceptance of the two-party-system in the US right now?

Here’s the problem: nobody likes the two party system but in order to have a robust multi party system, you’d need some sensible alternatives. In the US, other potential candidates from third and fourth parties have been mind numbingly awful. Case in point: the 2016 election

Two-party vs. multi-party system for government???

Compare and contrast the United States system (two-party) with a multi-party system. What's your favorite--> what's the downside and upside of the system you prefer?

I need reasons why the Two-Party system has endured in American Politics?

The two parties feed off of each other.

They represent a polar dynamic where wedge issues (abortion, flag burning, etc.) is used to separate people into the two parties (either for it or against it).

The system wouldn't work as well if there were 3 parties (because there are only 2 decisions to each issue in their world and no gray areas), so both the Democrat and Republican parties work in conjunction in this aspect, to shut out all potential 3rd parties from making an uprising.

People like me may agree with one thing, but disagree on another, thus we shun the two party system and vote independently.

And it is why the independents are the fastest growing political segment and why both parties come to the "middle" to pander to us.

In 1960 (I believe) the country was split 45% Republican, 45% Democrat, 10% other.

Now it is more like 30% Republican, 30% Democrat, 35% Independent and 5% other.

Without the independent vote, neither party can win an election.

True or false: The U.S. two-party system was based on the bicameral system in Enlgand.?

I would say both true and false. Nobody said "We should have a bicameral legislature just like they have in England!" But OTOH England's Parliament served as a precedent, an example.