Is There A Chance I Will Get My Color

What are the chances that my children will be colour blind?

If we are talking about red-green colorblindness, then if your dad is color blind, you are a carrier.

If you have children with a normal vision male, half of the boys will be colorblind. None of your daughters will be colorblind, however, half of your daughters will be carriers (but not colorblind) like yourself.

This type of colorblindness is carried on the X chromsome. Males are XY and females are XX. So you (and your sister) had to get an X from your father to be female, and the only X he has is one that carries the gene for colorblindness. You (and your sister) got a normal X from your mom.

A man who is color blind has a son. Will the son be color blind as well?

It depends on the mother. He will inherit his Y chromosome from his father; the defective allele is on the X chromosome, which he gets from his mother. If she is colorblind, then he will be. If she is heterozygous, then he will have a 50% chance of being colorblind.

If my husband is color blind what are the chances our daughter will be also?

**Revised after doing some research:**

Very slim. Men are much more likely to be color blind than women. Just did some quick research, for women they need two genes to become colorblind whereas men only need one - that is why men are way more likely to become color blind.

More from Wikipedia:
In the United States, about 7 percent of the male population – or about 10.5 million men – and 0.4 percent of the female population either cannot distinguish red from green, or see red and green differently (Howard Hughes Medical Institute, 2006).

If I have brown eyes, and my wife has blue eyes, what color eyes will our baby have?

That depends on your genetics (you being the one with brown eyes.) Did either of your parents have blue eyes? You could have all brown eyed children or half of them could be blue eyed and the other half brown eyed.Blue eyes are a recessive trait which means that in order to have blue eyes you would need two copies of the blue eyed gene. So your wife having blue eyes has two copies of the blue gene and will pass it down to you children.Brown eyes are dominant which means that if you have one brown gene and one blue gene your eyes will still be brown. Therefore you might have two brown genes or one brown and one blue.If you have two brown genes then your children will all have one brown gene from you and one blue from your wife. In that case your children will all have brown eyes but your grandchildren could have blue eyes if your children married a blued eyed partner.However if you have one brown gene and one blue gene then half your children would get a blue gene from you and a blue gene from your wife and have blue eyes. The other half would get a brown from you and a blue from your wife and have brown eyes.

The chances of getting every Smartie the same color?

Assuming that each sweet is randomly selected, then 1/ 6^14.

It does not matter what colour the first sweet is, since you do not specify which colour you want. Thereafter, the chance of the next sweet matching it is 1/6 each time, and there are 14 to come.

Since this is an AND question (chance of next sweet being red AND the one after being red and so on... ) you must multiply the probabilities. Hence 1/ 6^14.

I am not going to work that out in my head but my trusty calc. tells me that it comes to roughly
1 / 7.84 x 10^10 or almost 1 to nearly 80 billion.

Don't hold your breath for the perfect packet.

What color eyes will my baby have? Green or Brown?

If one of your husband's parents has green or blue eyes, there is a 50% chance that your baby will have green or blue (whether it will be green or blue is more complicated). If both of his parents have brown eyes, there is no way to know--either your children will have a 50% chance of green/blue or a 0% chance.

This is because if your child gets even one brown-eyed gene, she/he will have brown eyes. But a brown-eyed parent may have 2 brown genes or 1 brown and 1 green/blue. There is just no way to know (unless one of his parents has 2 of the green/blue genes--then he *must* have one as well).

If i have blue eyes and my partner has brown eyes, what colour will our babies eyes be ?

Just wondering what the chances are that the baby will be born with blue or brown eyes, have heard somewhere that brown eyes are the stronger colour that comes through ?

What is the probability that a color-blind woman and a man with normal vision will have a color-blind daughter

x x -> color-blind female
X Y -> normal male
x Y ; x X -> offsprings

given the conditions, the chances are:
0% to have a color-blind daughter

50% to have normal but carrier children
50% to have color-blind children

0% normal sons
100% color-blind sons
0% color-blind daughters
100% normal but carrier daughters

since red-green color-blindness is a recessive trait, the mother would have the trait in both her x chromosomes. the father had normal vision so he would have the normal gene which is dominant for the trait.

since males get their x chromosome from their mother and the y chromosomes from their father, all sons borne would be color-blind because whatever the x chromosome they receive from their mother would have the gene for color-blindness. though the trait is recessive, this one gene would be enough to manifest itself because males only have one x chromosome.

since females get an x chromosome from each parent, all daughters would get a normal x chromosome from their father and an affected x chromosome from their mother. and because females have two x chromosomes and color-blindness is recessive, they would need to have two affected genes for the trait to be manifested thus all daughters borne would have normal vision. the dominant gene they received from their father would mask or overpower the affected gene they inherited from their mother. however, these daughters are also called carriers because the affected x chromosome they received from their mother can be passed on to their own sons wherein the color-blindness trait can then be manifested.