Is There A Civil War Book About This Interesting Things To Research

Research paper topics that are interesting?

im a freshman in college and we have to pick ten topics ideas that interest us, but it cant have anything to do with your major (which is special education). But i cant think of anything good other than, dreams, reality real is it, it dangerous, and roller coaster. Can you guys cant be political and stuff like that, it has to be stuff im interested but i cant think of anything else

What can I do a 20-page research paper on the Civil War about?

Almost anything you find interesting will offer ample scope for research, if by research, you mean digging around in a library or two and on the web, and putting together your own take on what you learned.If by research, you mean unearthing hitherto unnoticed diaries and maps and archives, that’s another story altogether and much harder to pull off.So let’s go with the first notion. “What was the influence of recent technological advances on the course of the civil war”? You could compare and contrast battles from the Napoleonic era, battles from the civil war itself, battles from the Crimean war, and battles from the Franco-Prussian war, to illustrate how things had changed and how tactics that had worked for Napoleon proved unworkable in the context of new and better weapons. You could even bring in WW1 and compare to the siege of Richmond. Battle of the Crater/Battle of Messines Ridge. That sort of thing.

Interesting, Debatable, Civil War Topics?

That seems like a great topic, but it still seems TOO hypothetical, if you know what I mean. This is, unfortunately, a research paper and so when I present the argument, I must have sufficient proof of whichever side, and the debate over whether or not the North would ask for slavery would have to be loosely based off on debates in the past, and it is in general too hypothetical.

What are some ideas of thesis topics regarding the Civil War?

Don Doyle wrote a book called The Cause of All Nations – An International History of the American Civil War. It’s an interesting read. Doyle examines the American war in context of the larger political struggle then taking place in Europe between democratic and monarchical forces. It’s easy for Americans to forget that at the time of our war, conservative forces were largely triumphant in Europe, and that a lot of the emigration to the US in the decade before the war had to do with 1848 revolutionaries looking for a healthier climate (i.e., one that didn’t include firing squads).It would be interesting to see how much such immigrants saw their participation in the US fight as a continuation of the struggles they experienced at home. Southern propaganda saw European immigrants in Northern armies as mercenaries, fighting for a buck. What did the immigrants themselves think? The Lincoln administration actually put out feelers to Garibaldi, offering him a Union general’s commission. They wouldn’t have done that if they didn’t believe he would be a powerful drawing card for recruitment.There’s a pretty rich vein of popular culture to mine for the answers. Anti-war Irish songs, German-language newspapers for recent immigrants. Could be an interesting look into some interesting lives.

Whats a good research question on the civils right movement in america?

to more modern day activities ~ I would ask critically whether the current Civil Rights advocates work for anything other than quotas and if there is any other measure to which Civil Rights could be quantified as being effective.

Hope this helps and have a great day!

Interesting history topics?

How important was the British stealing an Enigma code machine from the German's during WWII?

How important was the United States breaking the Japanese Naval Code in WWII?

What part did The Man Who Never Was ( title of a book) about a body that was planted in the ocean with false information about an event that affected the outcome of World War Two?

Compare the submarine services of Germany in the Atlantic and the United States in the Pacific.