Is There A Difference Between Remaining With Something And Staying With Something

Is choosing to remain single for life something one regrets later?

I made that choice 5 years ago (divorce) and I “re-vow” the decision every so often. There is so much I want to do that if I happen to have 30 functional years left, it would not be enough. I wasted so much time in endless arguments and silly compromises just to keep a peace that was always elusive. Some may say that my decision is due to the fact that I have had a bad experience. I don’t think so. Even if I were to be guaranteed that my next experience would be a great one, I would not take it. Too much of my time and energy went to waste and now at almost 50 I resent sacrificing those years that could have been put towards more fulfilling endeavors. This is not a decision to make on a whim. You must know WHY you want to remain single because anything will make you change your mind especially boredom and people pretending to be potential great partners. I am having the time of my life and I finally find the peace I was looking for. Life almost passed me by. Like I said, I revisit the reasons why I want to stay single very often (I was married for 24 years) and I am still smiling about that decision. I really doubt that I would regret it one day. Again that’s me and we are all different and have different needs.

How does an expert at something remain humble instead of being a braggadocious know-it-all?

That's actually how you can tell the difference between someone who has profound knowledge and one who doesn't. If someone truely does understand and are passionate about it, they will want you to understand too (if you express interest in understanding). Of course there are the few cases of experts that are so far into their own field (world) that they have lost the ability to communicate in a 'normal' language (making their pronouncing 'evidences' both incomprehensible and seemingly arrogant to the layman). But a braggart who is always showing how much better he is than others most likely also doesn't want you to know what he knows (they won't 'stoop' to 'common language'), as his central issue is "himself" (his 'superiority'). Wasn't it Einstein who said "If you can't explain something simply, then you don't understand it." ?

What is the difference between explanation and stating how something is possible?

It is a short description but I think I get the point. If I misinterpreted it then you can ignore this answer.IMHO this is what is going on:both 1 and 2 are about explanatory about THE explanation of an experienceis about A possible explanation of an experience.The difference in the statements is not a difference between explaining and stating a possibility, but about giving a definitive versus a possible explanation.With regard to the above, is not 2. the explanation??No, it is not about THE explanation but about AN explanation.In debates this can lead to confusion and I have seen that happen.A: you can't explain XB: Y could be an explanation, or ZA: See, I told you cannot explain it.B: But I just did.They are both right because they say different things. Making their statements more explicit shows thatA: You do not have THE explanation for XB: No but Y or Z could both be AN explanation.I sometimes see this being used as a trick or invalid argument in debates where A makes an extraordinary claim, that is supposed to be THE only possible explanation for something, which people who do not belief his extraordinary claim, cannot explain (at least according to A).When a person B counters A, by giving some possibilities that are less extraordinary and could also be an explanation, then A uses the trick/invalid argument that having AN explanation instead of THE explanation still means that his extraordinary claim must be right.

What's the difference between FLOW state and MEDITATIVE state?

Different part of the brain....FLOW will be deeply engaged in SOMETHING,
meditation will be ...disengaged.

What is the difference between being stubborn and being Determined?

well that depends on how you define those, like the inevitable question by Plato on what is virtue? I define determined as being driven for a goal and stubborn means not backing down from something, but determined is kind of looking onward and shooting for something out there and stubborn is kind of fighting something, I see how you mixed them up but stubborn is when you fight something more and don't back down from whatever circumstances and being determined is going through them not just standing solitary when you hit those circumstances but going through them till you reach the goal. Their both adjectives...there is a small difference I never really realized they were so similar, good question, made me think a bit thanks!

What's the difference between keep in touch and stay in touch?

I’d say it involves frequency.If you want someone to Stay in Touch, it means to be in contact more often.Keep in Touch means less often, but don’t disappear.

What is the difference between black and white and color developing?

Black and White film has a single layer in the emulsion, whereas color film has at least three layers in the emulsion, separated by color filters, for the three primary subtractive colors (cyan, magenta and yellow). The sensitive element in the emulsion is a silver halide, for both B&W and color.

The development process for both starts with reducing the silver halide to pure silver for those particles which have been exposed to light. (Light reduces an invisible portion of the crystal, forming a "virtual image", making that particle sensitive to the developer. It's an all-or-nothing proposition, but there is a mix of crystal sizes and larger crystals are more sensitive than smaller ones.)

B&W development ends at this point, but color film has at least one additional step. The silver image in each color layer catalyzes dye-base molecules so that they react with a color developer to produce a complete, visible dye - the more silver, the more intense the color dye. (Reversal film has a 2nd development, which removes (bleaches) the primary silver image, chemically exposes the remaining silver halide and develops that to a positive silver image, hence the term "reversal".)

The final development stage for B&W is the removal of any remaining silver halide - a process called "fixing". The image is formed by the opaque silver left in the emulsion. The silver image in color film must be removed so that the dye layers are transparent. Oxidation of the silver is called "bleaching". The oxidized silver and remaining silver halides are then dissolved by the fixer, much as in B&W film. The bleach and fixer are sometimes combined in a single solution, called "blix" - only satisfactory for quick-and-dirty newswork.

Is the universe expanding, contracting or staying the same size?

Recent research says it is expanding.