Is There A Good Case To Say Women Are Better Drivers Than Men

Are men better drivers than women (based not just on statistics but skill, technique, observation and reflexes)?

I think the absolute best drivers are men.Before you flood me with hostility, listen to my reason. All Formula 1 drivers (at present) are men. I am well aware that there is a background to sexual prejudice to this fact, but it is true. The best drivers in the world are selected for gender, and they become even better as they live in the harsh world of F1. You may argue that other forms of driving are as high a standard as F1, but I bet they are predominantly male too. So the select few who get that opportunity get better. The absolute best drivers are therefore men.The worst drivers in the world are men too. Yes, we’ve all seen the videos of women struggling to do what the rest of us consider simple. But most of them are taken by men. I am not sure whether there are just as many men struggling too, but these are not the worst drivers. The worst drivers are the hostile drivers. The road ragers. The angry drunks. Those spaced out on meth. And they are predominantly men. I don’t think anyone would dispute that.So men are the best of drivers, the worst of drivers (sorry Charles D!). But who is better overall? Men may feature more strongly in the statistics, but we have no figures on the number of kilometres driven by men; the more challenging conditions driven by med vs women (and of those more challenging conditions, how many were actually necessary!)In the long run it matters not. What matters is that you be the best driver you can be, whatever gender you might be. What matters is that we learn to handle the worst drivers. Possession of a penis is not really relevant.

Are women really better drivers than men? If so, is there an explanation?

Women are not better drivers than men just like men are not better drivers than women. It does not work like that. If what you have stated is true (as you have not provided any credible evidence to back your claim up) then you need to start thinking about why this might be true. Maybe there are reasons for it. Some countries say men in their country tend to drive longer distances and the longer the distance you drive the greater the chance you will be invovled in a car accident. I have also heard some countries say men drive more often than women and the more often you drive the greater your chance of being in a car accident.All I am saying is look into it because you may well find that if you live in one of the countries I am talking about and the roles were reversed and women drove longer distances and more often than men then you may well find women were the ones having the most major crashes and in that case it would mean neither gender is more dangerous when driving.Studies just about always leave vital information when making claims like this and it is useally vital information that totally changes the story.

Am I sexist if I say men are better drivers than women?

anything that says men are better is sexist (except if it is related to physical strength, but not always, some think that believing that men are better athletes or better soldiers is sexist too)on the other hand, saying that women are better here or better there is always progressivei can’t remember a single time where anybody was called sexist for saying that women are better, but hundreds of people were called so for saying men are betterthats how equality worksi remember hearing one radio show (or was it tv?, can’t remember) but the idea is that the host said that men and women are not equals, the crowd immediately got angry, they thought the he was about to say that men are superior, but he told them that he’ll explain, he listed 8 skills that are important in life and said that women are better than men in 7 of these skills which makes women superior to men, how the crowd reacted? obviously they were too happy and started clapping,the crowd reaction only proves the double standards of those who say they believe in equality, at fist they wanted the host to say men and women are equals, but got angry when they though that he wanted to say that men are better, however, these so-called equality believers applauded when they heard how women are betterequality = female superiority, at least in the eyes of many who claim they believe in equality

Why are men much better drivers than women?

umm that is true but not in all cases some men drive like weenies and trust me i would no i taught 8 of my friends to drive (like men) and i think they juss can handle the vehicle or they get nervous and panic and reduce speed, switch lanes for no reason, or most commonly lean forward and have their head right over the steering wheel lol but ah i guess its all about not caring about the car because men could care less about speed limits, stop signs etc. women however are overly worried about that kind of stuff and if ur askin from experience with ur wife or girlfriend or sumthin it would be a better idea to not mention it to them lol

hope i helped

Is it true that Women are worse drivers than men....?

When girls are raised and allowed to race, which is rare, they develop the necessary skills to race. What I noticed traveling around in amateur stock car racing with my brothers was in the states where girls were allowed to enter stock car races (which was rare or non-existent then) girls were coming up quick in competitive levels. And in states where girls were NOT allowed to enter amateur stock car events, girls naturally were not good racers. Duh. The U.S. Air Force finds female jet pilots score higher than men across the board in reflex, critical-assessment and judgement, spatial adaptation, kinetic analysis, etc. (I got to look at all that research as a nurse.) So, probably, if ten girls and ten guys who had never driven anything before were to go off for two weeks to a racing camp (like flight school) and each learned from scratch how to race cars, the U.S. Air Force research suggests that the girls would whip a s s at the end of their identical training. : )

Who is better driver?

Depends on the vehicle. If it's a fast car everyone drives crazy, if it's an expensive car but not necessarily fast then women are usually better drivers, but if it's just a regular everyday car, men are usually better drivers. I read some study on it, but I can't remember where.. maybe in driver's ed three years ago. The other thing is that women wreck more often but have less catastrophic wrecks whereas men wreck less often but they are more catastrophic.

POLL: Who is the better driver? Men or Women. 10 points to whoever has the best argument....?

This question is almost always answered with bias. In truth, a male driver can be just as good as a woman driver, and vice versa. How good a driver any person can be is determined on environmental factors: have they been taught well? do they read the highway code often? do they drive on a regular basis? and so forth.

To say that men or women are naturally better drivers than the other is to say that driving skill is determined by genetic factors, which is ridiculous. Depending on your beliefs - God didn't design humans to drive, and evolution hasn't honed our driving skills. Driving skills are learnt, not inheritied, and any human being - regardless of gender - can acquire driving skills.

Is it sexist to generalise and say that women are bad drivers?

No, as a matter of fact, it’s just the way their reflexes are. I’ve observed every woman to be using both their hands on the steering wheel all the time and they lean forward. They always seem to have a nervous posture.Even in times of a close call or an accident, they have a very low chance to evade it. Also, they take forever to park the car and they’re bad at it.PS- stats showing men having higher fatality rate than women is flawed. Firstly there are more men drivers; you’ve got to take the parity into account and not raw numbers. Out of any given 10 men and 10 women (assuming equal number of hours behind the wheel), you’ll know who’ll fare well.

Are men or women better at acting?

So, then (lol) Name one man who would've been a better "Catwoman" than Michelle Pfiffer.
Name one man who would've played Johnny Cash's wife better than Reece Witherspoon.
Name one man who could've been "Clarice" in 'Silent Of The Lambs'.
Name one man, etc... (I could go on).

The days of Shakespere are long-gone where men played all the women's roles. There are many, many great actors. There are many, many great actresses. Gender doesn't have anything to do with acting talent unless you're Academy Award Winner 'Hilary Swank' play "Brandon Teena" in 'Boy's Don't Cry' or Oscar winner 'Dustin Hoffman' playing "Tootsie".

Lucky for you, you can just watch 'John Carpenter's The Thing' over and over and not have to watch those dreadful woman-folk thinking they can act. ;P lol

Edit: Anthony, I understand a little more now what you mean. If I were to pick my Top 20 actors, only 3 or 4 would be female. So, yeah, I suppose I do favor male actors over female. But now I'm wondering "What if I were female?" Would I then have more females on my top 20 than men? So, it would be great if some females would add their views to your question. You are so true about Michael Madsen and Sarah Jessica Parker, lol. I watched them together, along with Bruce Willis, in 'Striking Distance', just a couple of nights ago. They were terrible. Of course, the script should take more blame. Bruce Willis was just Bruce Willis. He's more of a "star" instead of an actor, imho.

Why do many people still think men are better drivers than women? I thought the 21st century would be more reasonable than this?

that's a tough question. I think for some reason there might be some truth to it. After all, I know plenty of women who say they're terrible drivers and that men are much better. Watching and riding with them, I tend to agree. that doesn't mean that there are bad male drivers too, i've ridden with them and watched them as well. It could be that women just aren't attracted to and interested in cars and driving as much as some men are. How many women played with toy cars and played racing video games when they were younger? I tried to get my sister into it, over and over I'd try to get her interested in those things but she just didn't find it that interesting. that could be a reason there aren't many female race car/truck drivers. it's just not their thing. If they chose to be, i'm sure they could be, but since it's not something that many women are interested in as girls, they're not going to decide one day that they want to be a race car driver.Things that we're interested in we tend to be better at. So it stands to reason that since many boys grew up playing with cars, we were interested in driving and found it to be fun, which made us better at driving. So until we see more women getting into racing and also being able to be in tune with their street car enough that they can drive smoothly and quickly in all situations, recover from skids, handle bad weather without freezing up and driving unnecessarily slow,  having good vehicular awareness, etc. we have to accept that currently, men are better drivers. For example, when do you see women go into an empty snow covered parking lot and practice skidding and recovering? Almost never. Men do it all the time. We can't wait until it snows so we can go practice. That way when a skid does happen on the road, we're more prepared to handle it. Just a theory so don't get bent out of shape.