Is There A Life Called After Life .

What is the study if the afterlife called?

Study psychology and focus on NDE. That's the closest you can get.

What's it called when you die and come back to life?

It's a rare case that is sometimes referred to as Zombieization. When these people die there is a small portion of their DNA that remains active. This DNA in turn activates a small portion of the brain somewhere between 10 hours and 5 days after death. The resulting "zombie" has only a small percentage of their mental capacity remaining. The reactivated portion of the brain is attached to the primal instincts of humans; namely, moaning, warmth, and cannibalism. The Zombieization is an infectious disorder much as a disease would be. When a living creature is bitten and/or dismembered by infected beings, they die. But in being killed they are infected and the small portion of their DNA remains active. They in turn are brought back to life and the whole cycle starts over again. The best antidote for this is a fully loaded shotgun. This Zombieization happens only rarely so it is nothing much to worry about.

Why is life called life?

Life is called ‘life’ not in the same way as a dog is called a dog or a cat is called a cat. The literal meaning of dog or cat is limited to its characteristic features, but life can not be limited to syntax and semantics. Its scope is much wider than the gamut of words. The experience of life varies from creature to creature and as such very subjective. Therefore, any definition, any logical explanation of it can be only as accurate as the description of God by five blind persons. If we say it is the time gap between birth and death, we will be ignoring the psychosomatic aspect of it.Wise people have described life in various ways. Robert Frost says, “In three words, I can sum up everything I have learnt about life. It goes on.” In Sanskrit that is why we have a beautiful word called ‘Samsaara’ which can be explained as ‘Samyak sarati iti samsaaraha’ , in other words that which keeps on moving relentlessly.Oscar Wilde says “To live is the rarest thing in life. Most people exist, that is all!”. In Indian philosophy also there are axioms which state “Tat tvam asi”, “Ayam Aatmaa Brahma”, “Prajnanam Brahma” etc. Brahma is described as “Sat Chit and Ananda”,”Satyam Jnanam Anantham Brahma” etc. Most of us fail to experience this bliss and always live life of duality.According to Albert Einstine, “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep on moving.” Samatva or Equanimity or in simple words, balancing is also one of the prime teaching in Indian philosophy.It is said the fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die any time. Don’t you think life is preparation for death?

What is it called to believe in God but not an afterlife?

Watch these two video's on YouTube about life after death experiences..........

How come biggie's last album was called life after death but he never talks about the afterlife on it?

When he made "Ready To Die", his life was in array. He was slanging drugs, living in poverty, his father left him and his mother, and he contemplated suicide (see "Suicidal Thoughts"). When that album became a success, his life got revived again.

"Life After Death" is just a metaphor meaning that he's started a "new" life after his "death". His life was better now. His mother was being taken care of as was his children and new wife (or mistresses), and he was rich!

If death is the end of life and there is life after death, what is death?

Are you saying human death or animal death? The two are different things.Human death: when humans die, their bodies cease to exist, but their souls survive. The souls either go to a better place called paradise, or a worse place called hell. There they lead a life after death. There they meet old friends and their parents, their parents meet their own friends and parents, and so on. So if you've got some questions to ask Plato or Aristotle, you will never be disappointed (language barrier might be a problem though). It is a good news for most people, but it's a tragedy for archaeologists, as they are not needed any more.Animal death: animal death is true death. When an animal dies, nothing is left.Look at this picture. The one on the right is a human, which has a soul. The other four on the left are animals, which don't. We are so blessed to be humans!

Is the afterlife the same as the before life?

It is exactly the same. Before you are born you had no capability of knowing, caring about or perceiving anything. There is overwhelming evidence that exactly the same outcome will be after your death. With no functioning brain, there is no way to know, care or perceive anything. Those who try to project an afterlife are just exercising wishful thinking and when they try to explain it, they fail miserably. Even if somehow there was something called a soul that survived your death, it would not be you, it would be something else.Live your life now, it is all that you have.