Is There A Name Of A Condition For People Who Don

What is the name of the condition/disease where a guy is SO EXCESSIVELY DELICIOUS yet is dripping in humbleness?

Dripping in humbleness? Sounds sticky.

Be careful of making assumptions based on pictures. I know you've heard the cliche "You can't tell a book by its cover".

What is the name of the madical condition for people who can't stop lying?

(compulsive liar) Pseudologia fantastica, mythomania, or pathological lying

lol, I just got this from : )

What's the name of the condition whereby some people don't like to bathe?

Ablutopobia is the fear of bathing. You may be thinking of Hydrophobia, which is Rabies.How Ablutophobia May Leave You Alone and Unemployed

What is the name of the condition where people keep talking to themselves? Mostly seen in homeless people. Is it due to any deficiency?

If the person hears voices and is having a two way conversation they have schizophrenia. If they just talk to entertain themselves it could be a habit. I pray out loud in the garden and if I disturb a worm while sifting the soil I will tell the worm I am sorry and place it back in the soil. It does sound odd but I am of sound mind other than OCD and get checked by a psychiatrist periodically just to make certain of that since I know that when someone is delusional they are generally not aware of it.

Mental condition where someone acts years younger?

I suppose you're not talking about naive, unsophisticated, or socially deprived people. Or those born with childlike innocence, sincerity and goodness that lasts their lifetime if no one damages them?

Different degrees of Autism, mental retardation, Down's Syndrome and some other conditions all have features of childishness, and lack of emotional and psychological growth and maturity as a possible symptom. People are usually born this way and are diagnosed by the time they are 3-4 years old as having some type of disability. It's easier to diagnose these kids when they get older and the specific cluster of symptoms takes form. There is no cure, but there is progress in many cases.

There are also people who were traumatized, abandoned, unloved, severely victimized, sexually abused, and/or bullied and sadistically abused by a parent or caretaker during the formative years (0-6) who are often deprived of the ability to mature normally. People with schizoid, dissociative identity, Asperger's syndrome (a close relative of autism), post-traumatic stress disorder, brain damaged, most of the personality disorders, and sometimes major depressives are among those who may retreat emotionally to childhood, - or never leave it, or fluctuate back and forth..

It is said that drug and alcohol addicts remain stuck at the emotional age they began using. If a 10 year old starts using marijuana regularly, or begins using alcohol, he is stuck emotionally at about 10 years old. When and if he quits using he has the opportunity to continue to mature and grow both spiritually and emotionally - but it takes long and sustained treatment and willingness.

So there are some ideas for you. But please don't paint it as a pretty picture, or romanticize the childishness. It is usually a protective shield, a place of denial, a state of awareness that protects the psyche from something rather horrible and nearly impossible to overcome alone.

Is there a condition where a person cannot feel emotions?

Some traumas - experiences that for whatever reason cannot be processed consciously by the individual involved shutting down an aspect of themselves.So this is like an emotional stunting - they will go to any length to avoid feeling certain feelings/sensations (and ususally develop a compensatory behaviour like drinking, overeating, drugs, excessive agression, self-harm to keep the experience or any reminder at bay..). These people have a narrow band of acceptable emotions. Gabor Mate has some great lectures on youtube about trauma and addiction.Psychopaths feel no empathy/compassion. Narcissists too feel little to none, and use people instrumentally for their own means or to enjoy power/domination/control.Generally aspergers/autism have differences in experiencing emotion - may feel little emotion/only some emotions and may experience them as bodily sensations more than actual emotions. Little is well known about this - many say those with Aspergers/autism lack emotion/empathy but this is often not the case (they lack theory of mind/cognitive perspective shifting rather than emotive empathy). They generally pick up too much sensory and emotional information that it overloads their nervous system which leads to outbursts, meltdowns etc.. so they can be relatively unemotional, until bursting point.Borderline personality disorder is thought to be about avoiding any sense of abandonment. This (subconcious) objective is more important than any other emotion, so the person will disregard their values, other emotions or do most anything to hang on to people and create their own type of closeness/enmeshment in relationships.You can communicate empathy with your voice - speaking with warmth or coldness - but this is not directly related to an internal state. The psychopath can mimic warmth, kindness or any other to adjust how they are perceived and manipulate according to their needs/goals.Someone with certain PTSD (or schizoaffective disorder) may feel a lot of emotion and empathy internally but not feel safe interpersonally and may communicate with a flat voice, and minimize contact/push people away.Actors train to use their voice to communicate a range of emotions. It can definitely be imitated or controlled, I wouldnt rely on it as proof of another persons intentions or capacity to feel emotion.

Is there a name for the medical condition of the inability to fear?

I just wanted to know if there was a medical condition or term or any word you can use for a freedom from it. I know there is somthing that is a congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis, or CIPA — a rare genetic disorder that makes individuals unable to feel pain. A person with this, (more likely than not), will not fear, at least not for their own well being. I also have read about Ataraxia, which is characterized by freedom from worry or any other preoccupation. Is there an actual term besides fearless for inability to or lack of fearing?

What is the name of the disease in which a person forgets the name of others or anything?

When we find ourselves in the middle of falsehood, constant abuse, lying, gaslighting and all forms of manipulation, etc your brain overworks to maintain a balanced true view of what is happening. You are living outside of your body instead of being focussed with what is happening with you. That causes havoc. Your concentration goes haywire. You are floating in nowhere land. You become mentally tired.The reasons above could bé your problem.There are specific diseases that cause a lot of damage to your memory as well.

Is there a medical term for people who think out loud or talk to them self out loud?

I know a guy who does not have turrets, Schizophrenia, or any other condition like that, but he talks out loud to himself all the time.
What is the name of this Psychological condition when people think out loud all the time and they don't even realize they are doing it. They also can't stop them self from doing it most of the time?
I have tried to look up this condition on line, but there is no information available about people who talk to them self for no reason on the internet. They do, however, have information about Turrets, Schizophrenia, Bi-Polar and other mental disorders, but he does not have any Psychological condition like that at all.
What else would cause someone to talk to them self and think out loud uncontrollably all the time like that?
What would that psychological disorder be called (Proper medical term)?
Where can I find information on this?

(A Psychologist and a Psychiatrist have told him he is fine and does not have any mental condition like I mentioned above, Turrets, etc.)
Can any one help on this?

How does some one like this control this and stop talking to them self when they are not aware they are even doing it most of the time?
Any help would be appreciated.