Is There A Patron Saint Of Broken Hearted Men

Who invented Valentines Day?

St Valentine’s Day was originally celebrated, because it is 40 days after January 6 th, which was Christ’s birthday in the old calendar. The celebration was called the presentation of Mary and Jesus in Jerusalem for purification and had nothing to do with St. Valentine.Then they changed Chrismas back to December 25th and made January 6th into Epiphany; and that purification celebration moved to February 2nd, candlemass. Now what to do with February 14 th, the day which had taken the spiritual significance of Jesus being the groom and Jerusalem’s population as the bride?St Valentine is an old saint, from 3rd century. But he is considered patron saint of epileptics, not lovers. Epilepsy was known as the “falling ailment”. So they invented a little story about him marrying loving couples in secret and made him the patron saint of lovers. After all they were falling to. Falling in love that is. At least according to our local Catholic weekly I get here in Switzerland.So if anything, St Valentine’s is a perfect day for eloped couples to marry in secret. But you can use April 11th, too. One of my daughters already did! That is when we married all by ourselves- and our story is better than this little St Valentine legend. And the marriage is holding.

How does the Catholic saint, St. Francis, help you buy a house?

I have a statue of Saint Francis and I really need to buy this house. I am almost broke thanks to being jipped out of 3 houses by McColly Real Estate! MY 3 KIDS AND ME AND MY HUSBAND NEED THIS HOUSE!

When I bury Saint Francis, do I lay him on his back, his stomach, or on one of his sides? Should his feet, or his head, face the direction I want to move? I have no idea and I need answers!

Is santa real i am only 12 years old and i want to know if santa is real ?

maybe i`m the only one that can see this is a kid unsure of santa, yes he is real. he eats the cookies i make for him and leave by the tree every christmas. but i strongly advise you have a talk with your parents about santa too.

Question about Catholic beliefs, concerning Mary?

You have it backwards. Prayer is not a form of worship. Worship is a form of prayer. Prayer simply means "to ask". In older translations of the Bible there are numerous examples of the phrase "I pray thee" being used in conversations between two people - not between a person and God. If I say to my family, "I pray thee, offer prayers about my job interview", I am not worshipping my family. If I say the same thing to a Christian brother or sister who is in heaven, I am not worshipping them either.

Your second big mistake - a common one among those with no authoritative source of biblical interpretation - is confusing the concept of "mediation" with "intercession". Mediation refers to the repair of a broken relationship by the intervention of a third party. Jesus is the only Mediator, for through His death and resurrection He repaired the relationship between God and mankind that was broken by the sin of Adam and Eve. Intercession simply means praying on behalf of someone else, and is the duty of every living Christian person, whether living on earth or living in heaven. Hopefully you pray for your friends and family?? If so, you are an intercessor. If not, you are a very strange Christian. If I can intercede for my family here and now, as an earthly sinner, is it likely I will STOP praying for them once I stand before the throne of God?? Revelation describes those before the throne of God offering him bowls of insense that are the prayers of the saints on earth - that's us! It's amazing how many Protestants recite the Apostles' Creed as a statement of their essential beliefs, yet have no idea what "the communion of saints" means! It refers to the interaction between the saints on earth and the saints in
heaven! The Passage about "the dead" knowing nothing obviously refers to those who have suffered the second death, spiritual death, having been judged as lost. It cannot refer to the saints in heaven, for Jesus said that those who follow Him "will never die". Catholics believe Him. Do you?