Is There A System Because I Can

Is the universe an open or a closed system?

The (entire) universe is an isolated system. The observable universe is an open system.There are 3 main types of thermodynamic systems, defined by what the system can exchange with its surroundings:An open system can exchange both energy and matter.A closed system can exchange only energy.An isolated system cannot exchange anything.The entire universe, meaning everything there is, including things we cannot see, is an isolated system because it has no "surroundings"; it's literally everything there is. Obviously, a system cannot exchange energy or matter with "surroundings" that do not exist.The observable universe, meaning only the part of the universe that we can see, is an open system, because the "boundary" of our observable universe is not actually a physical "boundary" in any possible meaning of the word, and both matter and energy can freely pass through it.What I mean is that our observable universe has a "boundary" because if something is beyond this "boundary", the light from it has not had time to reach us yet (and may never will). Aliens living on the "boundary" of our observable universe will have their own definition of "observable universe" and it will not be the same as our definition, because there are things in the universe they can see that we can't, and vice versa.Finally, we should discuss the hypothetical "multiverse". Although there are many speculative theories hypothesizing some kind of multiverse, none of them have been verified experimentally and they are not considered to be scientific fact, just pure speculation.However, if some day we establish the existence of some kind of multiverse as scientific fact, we will have to rethink if our universe is indeed an isolated system. This will, of course, depend on the exact nature of this multiverse and, in particular, how the different universes interact.

Why do we have a number system with base 10 and not any other number?

Before the time of bases, there were count-numbers and division-numbers.  These were made in different parts of the brain, and thus are diverse from each other.The sumerian sixty-mal is a division-base, in that extra digits are finer divisions.  The multiple-bases are not given in usual accounts, but were 120 for grain-objects, and an assortment of 10 for other things.The romans used decimal as a count-base, and twelves for a division-base, the native fractions being formed by weights of the pound.The greeks and the mayans made use of mite-fractions, where one supposes a unit makes some number of mites, the fraction is some other number of the same mite.More interestingly is the alternating bases, which come by supposing that a low unit counts by L to make a high unit, and the high units count by H to make a low unit in the next column.  The repetition is then in HL.  A form of this is to be seen in the ancient germanic 120, where L=10, H=12.  This seems to be the largest attested base.Modern mathematics have lost these distinctions, and thus suppose that the sixty combinations of the sumerian number system represent digits, rather than supposing that there are just 15 symbols, five high and nine low.  The sparodic use of a period for semimedial and leading zeros, tells us that the system is a kind of double-staff sixty, the extant tables tells us that they avoid division using it.I use an alternating arithmetic.  There is no text for it, so i had to write my own.  And on the way, acquired profound insight into the numerous fractions and number systems of yore.

If BOFA put me on Chex systems because a bounced check for $4k, will it show up on my credit report?

As someone else said Chexsystems will not show on your file but the collection agency that your account went to will...Chexsystems is not a collections agency but a network that is comprised of member Financial Institutions that regularly contribute information on mishandled checking (your situation "forced closed") and savings accounts to a central location. ChexSystems shares this information among member institutions to help them assess the risk of opening new accounts....IF the collection shows up it will effect

FYI: I say IF because about a year ago I overdrew my account and never paid the bank and I assumed I would go to Chexsystems & that the collection agency would be on my credit report...I guess I got a lucky break because I am not in Chexsystems & the collection agency I paid my debt didn't appear on my file...with that said make sure you're in them yourself!! my situation I asked the bank I owed if they reported me and they said YES...but I am not and have openned checking and savings accounts with no problem!! Contact them

Chex Systems, Inc.
Attn: Consumer Relations
7805 Hudson Road, Suite 100
Woodbury, MN 55125

Phone: By phone at 800-428-9623 or fax at 602-659-2197

The librarian said that they were starting a new system because people were not returning books. Is this sentence grammatically correct? Can I convert it into the passive voice?

The librarian said that they were starting a new system because people were not returning books. Is this sentence grammatically correct? Can I convert it into passive voice?The answers about passive voice seem to not be hitting the mark here. In passive voice, the actor in the sentence is the object of the verb, rather than the subject. Here the verb is “said,” and the “librarian” is the one who is speaking. Therefore a passive voice form would be something like:“It was said by the librarian that they were starting a new system because people were not returning books.”In that form, the subject is “it” and the object of the verb is the prepositional phrase “by the librarian,” where the “librarian” is itself the object of the preposition. This is passive voice.The sentence as you have it is active voice, and it’s grammatically sound. It could be improved by specifiying who “they” is.(I assume the question has been edited as the commas other people have critiqued aren’t present.)

How can a mixed economic system be a better system, because it cancels some of the disadvantages of both the planned and market economy?

Seems you want to answer your own question.

What is the Sun importance in the solar system?

The “solar” system is a system because of our sun. Any planetary system can be called a solar system only when a star of our Sun's mass, or little bit larger than that, forms the centre of the system and its gravity keeps the other planets in orbitTo Earth, without the sun it would loose it's vegetation and a huge number of species. We would also miss out “northern lights”The orbits of each planet depends on our Sun's gravity. A little more or a little less would see dramatic changes in our system.The sun defines the seasonal changes in each planet as it orbits the sun. For example, the earth. We see different seasons which is a result of our elliptical orbit around the sun. In this elliptical orbit, the earth reaches closer to the sun two times when it reaches the edge of the ellipse.That's as far as I know. Sorry if this didn't satisfy your question :)

SI is considered a consistent system because it?

I'll add an obvious reason. The unit-conversion factors are always a power of ten. Moving a decimal point is much more consistent (and easier) than the hodgepodge of unit-conversion factors in other systems.

What are the main differences between embedded systems and microcontrollers/microprocessors?

An "embedded system" typically is PRODUCT that uses a microprocessor as a COMPONENT.Much like the relationship between a motor vehicle (car, motorcycle) and an engine.A Microcontroller is a microprocessor that is packaged with RAM, program storage and interface (I/O) circuitry to make it simple to use.  They're most used in (you guessed it) control applications.