Is There A Type Of Ladder That Has No Steps/rungs But Where I Can Still Reach The Top

Difference between a ladder's rung and step? Difference between reaching, approaching and arriving?

You usually use "rung" to mean the round wooden cross-piece on a ladder, whereas "step" is for a flatter cross-piece, or the tread of a staircase.

Approaching is coming towards something but not there yet.
Reaching and arriving both mean the moment when you get there. You would tend to use arriving when describing the end of a journey, reaching for something less major.

For example:
Arriving at the station...
Arriving at the airport...
Reaching the end of the lane ...
Reaching the top of the stairs...

Why are the ladder rungs on some ladders angled so the top of the rung is pointed rather than flat?

I don’t know for a fact, but if I had to make an educated guess, I’d say it’s an effort to discourage people from standing on it.From an official perspective (i.e., according to the manufacturer’s instructions), the top rung is there only as a handhold, not as a step, because it’s dangerous to put your center of gravity that far above the top of the ladder.Now, of course, almost all ladders have very clear warnings to this effect… but people ignore warnings, and then sue ladder companies when they fall.So, by making the top rung much more obviously unsuitable for standing, they reduce the chances that some schmuck will try it and then blame the company for the result of their foolishness.

How tall a ladder is needed to reach enlightenment?

An interesting question and poem. Having worked a considerable amount of time on ladders, I would argue a couple of points (but not to take away from your poem in any way)
Ladders do not know geometry, but rather, gravity. I have been on ladders that were geometrically sound... and became an express trip to the ground. And though they might not address fashion issues directly, they certainly make a wonderful accessory for women in skirts. It there anything more tantalizing?
"Nice Beaver" - Awesome Naked Gun seen.
The only other hang up for me was at the end; is it the ladder saying nothing that mysties the matter, or the ladder doesn't say anything that would mystify the matter?

Edit- I got that the ladder doesn't say anything, the question is more about the last line which could be taken as: which further mystifies, or that would further mystify...

A firefighter stood on the middle rung of a ladder, spraying water on a burning house.?

29 rungs
The firefighter is standing on the middle rung. He goes up 6 rungs so he is now at M+6, he now goes down 10 rungs so he is now at M-4 he goes up 18 rungs so he is now at M+14=T. 14 rungs from the top, 14 rungs from the bottom and the middle rung. 14+14+1=29!

Why don't ladder manufacturers put steps on both sides of 'A'-frame type ladders?

I have a nice folding latter with 3 locking hinges. It can be formed into an A shape, with steps on both sides. But it can also be opened out into a straight ladder twice as long.Manufacturers don’t put steps on both sides of a cheap A-frame ladder because it would increase costs, and is not required for strength - a diagonal brace is adequate. If you want to climb up the other side, turn the ladder around.

There is a metal ladder attached to the side of a 100-story building. You may enter a door halfway up for $100,000 but if you reach the top, you receive $50 million. The rungs below you vanish on the way up. No equipment allowed. What would you do?

Although it makes my palms sweat to imagine doing this, I believe I am physically fit enough to climb all 100 stories for $50M. But if I received only $49.9M for climbing from the 50th floor to the top then I would prefer doing that because I am lazy. With the $49.9M I could let my laziness allow me to hire people to do simple things that I would normally do for myself (mow the lawn, clean house, wash car, grocery shop, cook, manicure nails, etc.)

Fell off a ladder flat on my back?

The other day I fell off a six foot ladder and landed flat on my back. Went to the ER and didn't break anything or nothing major, but starting today I am having serious lower back pain to the point I can get up from a chair and its almost impossible to get out of bed. I have Hydrocodone but doesn't seem to be helping, can't get into the doctors office until Tuesday morning. Is this most likely just muscular and heat/ice to treat it?

How to get into a lofted bed without a ladder?

So I'm thinking about lofting my bed next semester in college, but there aren't any ladders for them. How do you get into the top bunk without a ladder? There aren't any rungs or anything you can step on, it sounds like a stupid question but it's legit! Haha