Is There Any Criticism Of Obama From The Right That Liberals Don

Why do liberals always call those who disagree with Obamas policies, racists?

I agree. Some Obama supporters have long regarded any criticism of him as racism. But that they should have to resort to such a banner to bolster their case shows how desperate they are for any evidence.

Among people who voted for Barack Obama in 2008, those who are likely to be most disappointed are those who thought that they were voting for a new post-racial era. There was absolutely nothing in Obama's past to lead to any such expectation, and much to suggest the exact opposite. But the man's rhetoric and demeanor during the election campaign enabled this and many other illusions to flourish.

Still, it was an honest mistake of the kind that decent people have often made when dealing with people whose agendas are not constrained by decency, but only by what they think they can get away with.

On race, as on other issues, different people have radically different views of Barack Obama, depending on whether they judge him by what he says or by what he does.

As Obama's own books point out, he has for years cultivated a talent for saying things that people will find congenial.

There is not now, nor has there ever been, anything post-racial about Barack Obama, except for the people who voted for him in the mistaken belief that he shared their desire to be post-racial. When he leaves office, after one term, he will leave this country more racially polarized than before.

Hopefully, he may also leave the voters wiser, though sadder, after they learn from painful experience that you can't judge politicians by their rhetoric, or ignore their past because of your hopes for the future. Voters may even wise up to race card fraud. o_O

Why am I called a racist when I criticize Obama policies? I am a Democrat and voted for Obama!

Because Democrats engage in what is known as identity politics . That means a person is categorized in a group and given an emotional label.The label for criticizing Obama is racist. Even if what you criticize has nothing to do with race. The pigeon hole for someone who dares to criticize Obama is racist.If one criticized Hillary one was deemed a sexist in identity politics Even if the criticism had nothing to do with her gender. The pigeon hole for someone who dares to criticize Hillary is sexist.If one is white, one is deemed to be privileged, even if one was born in public housing with a drug addicted mother and a father in jail. If one is white the pigeon hole is one is privileged and should be ashamed of the color of your skin.If one expresses concern over Islamic terrorism, even immediately after one of the US’s now annual large terrorism events, one is deemed to be Islamophobic for even mentioning being concerned.The point of identity politics is to make people feel shame and humiliation if they disagree with the policies and political ideas of the Democrat Party or the left or the progressives.The worse they can make you feel about yourself if you disagree with their philosophy or ideas, they feel the more likely you are to vote for them, and the less people hear different ideas and philosophies other than the ones they want you to hear.The answer is: It is a political tactic designed to humiliate and shame anyone who disagrees with the Democrat Party in order to suppress speech and thought that may disagree with their philosophy and ideas.

Do liberals realize that criticizing the President during wartime is unpatriotic as it lowers the troops morale & encourages terrorists to attack us? Mentioning conservatives criticizing Obama is misleading. Obama himself didn’t treat it as a war.

Do Republicans actually believe this? If this was the case then why would they criticize Obama for 8 whole years. No person is beyond criticism. Period. If they wanted to criticize him, it should have been on his promise to end the wars and bring all of our troops home and not starting another. But I digress.Soldiers fighting for the wrong reason demoralizes troops. Having a president that believes you are a murderer/rapist because you are of latino descent demoralizes them. Serving a country which elected a president that dodged the draft demoralizes them. A muslim soldier could be demoralized as his president claims he should be banned from coming into the country.Due to the fact that the US has a long history of fighting and war. With the US firearms culture so deeply rooted, there is no shortage of troops willing to fight. Demoralization is a non-sequeter in terms of people criticizing the president. Actual issues effecting the soldiers life directly is what demoralizes them. NOT the opinion of someone else.Invading random counties and destabilizing the area. US having bases all across the world like the old British empire. Killing innocent civilians and first responders in other countries is what encourges foreign terrorists to attack us.There seems to be no mention of the many domestic terrorist attacks in the US from the right wing. We have more domestic terrorism these days than from islamic extremists. They can hardly keep up with us shooting each other. Strangly always characterized as a lone wolf or person with mental health issues. I wonder if criticizing the president leads to domestic terrorists shooting up places or bombing abortion clinics.

Why can't liberals accept that Obama is a lying scumbag?

This liberal did. He signed NDAA. Did nothing to defend gays besides some too late statement that was only about getting more votes. He issued the Executive Order -- National Defense Resources Preparedness which basically gives the government the right to take anything they like for any reason they please. He said he would be soft on marijuana which was a lie because just when my state made it legal his administration said the Feds would go after those who dispensed it. We are still at war with no end in sight, and obviously he is preparing to go to war again. His administration is almost just as corrupt as Bush's. He failed to remove corrupt officials from key positions and actually placed known crooks in powerful places. Look at the Monsanto food czar. When Obama took office non-corrupt scientist from the FDA pleaded for him to clean house because the FDA was so infested with lobbyist and corrupt officals. In return he appointed Michael Taylor Monsanto exectiive lobbyist to guard over the saftey of our food. Monsanto is probably the most evil corporation out there yet he gave him great powers so the heartless Monsanto could destroy more lives with ease by having their poisonous GMO food put into our food supply. The same company that developed Agent Orange. There is also the tax cheats in his adminstration. He's just a smooth talking lying politician like them all but worse because he is a master conman and I fell for it. But not again, he is not for the people.

This liberal is no longer defending Obama the liar and con man why are you? This isn't about Republicans, this is about Obama. Obama is not for liberals, a liberal believes in liberation from tyranny not submission to it.

Liberals seem to be louder than Conservatives?

at least while Obama is in power..

so why are they so shocked when you confront them (after they are wrong)? instead of answering your question they point to something wrong that the Conservatives did - as justification to their wrongs...

So 2 wrongs make a right?

*for the record I don't support the extreme left or the extreme right -- i think we need a combination of both sides to have a balanced system but what we have here is a bunch of fowl mouthed extremist and 2 ignorant parties cross-fighting.. This is what is destroying the country and the world for that matter.

Is Obama a Socialist, Nazi, Fascist, or Muslim?

I don't know.

Last I checked he is an American.