Is There Any Dental Product Where Its Main Purpose Is To Drastically Slow Down The Decay Of A Tooth

Does laser teeth whitening really work that dramatically?

I've actually had it done once before forking over $500 but I did it a few months after I was whitening my teeth with Nite White ("professional stuff") which worked amazingly but was oh so sensitizing to my teeth, lol. Anywho, I noticed hardly any results after I got them laser whitened but remarkably when they sent me the before and after pics back my teeth were veneer white! ha
Enchanced...mmmm yea (Photoshop pro here)

My concern now is since Nite White worked wonders yet I don't want to deal with the major sensitivity issue day by day while using it, do you think I should try a different dentist or laser whitening?

Tooth decay and extended breastfeeding?

Our baby was at the peds office today for a yeast infection. My husband mentioned that I am nursing her. She is not pro-breastfeeding at all. I'd love to switch- he likes her and wants to stay. Another post....

She mentioned to him that extended breastfeeding has been shown to cause cavities. Our baby is 14 months old and brushes her teeth twice a day- when I am getting ready for work and when she is getting dressed after bath. My husband was floored when he heard about this and came home upset.

Does anyone have links I could read on tooth decay and breastfeeding a baby older than 1? I looked and really didn't find much in support of or against this "factoid".

Lets not go here: weaning. I work in a poor school and bring home all sorts of things and she has not gotten sick at all except for pink eye last year. She is self weaning and I am happy with her progress thus far.

Is this true and something we need to be concerned about?

What are some treatments for tooth decay?

The best course of action for tooth decay is for you to go to the dentist as soon as possible.If your teeth have tooth decay, they can potentially be infected, and can impact the rest of your health. Not fixing your teeth is a risk to your health and overall wellbeing. Your best option is to not wait, and see a dentist as soon as possible.The dentist is the only one who can evaluate your unique situation and provide an analysis on your dental health as well as recommend the best course of treatment customized to your specific situation.To prevent cavities from forming, you need to follow a diligent at-home oral care routine. Each person requires a custom oral care routine but everyone requires the following:Flossing: Cleaning between the teeth with floss. To learn about the different types of flossing options available out there, check out our Medium article Master The Skills of Flossing for a Stunning Smile — Forever YoungBrushing your teeth with a soft toothbrush at a 45 degree angle toward the gum line. When brushing your teeth, tilt your toothbrush at 45 degree angle towards the gum line, then, move the toothbrush in a circular motion as you brush.Rinsing: using an antiseptic rinse 2x daily. Rinsing helps flush out plaque that brushing and flossing may have left behind, and helps protect your gums from bacteria.Some people may need additional fluoride as part of their regimen due to high risk for cavities. Others may need to use different types of tools to clean in between teeth and under bridges. You dentist can advise on the best routine for you.Our practice encounters plenty of cases where people come in with extensive cavities in their teeth, and in most cases, the situation is resolved via one of the numerous methods dental technology allows today.You can view all our Showcase Cases that includes teeth rebuilding patients Case Of The Month. For more information about technology that's available and what we offer please visit our website at New York Cosmetic Dentists.


Ok, sorry for the caps, but that always draws attention!
I've always been good on wearing my retainer, to the point where they told me only 3 nights a week. Unfortunately, i got lazy and slowly altered that to 1 night a week *tisk tisk*
Not only that, but because it hurt every time I wore it the 3 nights a week, and the retainer somehow developed a crack!
I am getting my wisdom teeth out next month, and the doctor said my teeth may shift they are under the gum still, could this be why my retainer hurts so much?

Can degenerative bone disease really affect a persons teeth?

Bone issues and degeneration would affect teeth as they are forming. If your teeth are crumbling, then you may have some very highly acid producing bacteria. Healthy teeth and healthy habit don't allow teeth to simply crumble. The only known treatment that causes crumbly teeth is radiation treatment (very high doses) directly to the mouth. Short of that, I would recommend having a bacterial culture of your saliva as well as a salivary flow assessment. Low saliva flow (natural or induced by medications) in the presence of lots of acid-producing bacteria will cause teeth to erode and crumble as you've described.
So many dentists remain in the dark on how to treat this and chalk it up to some mysterious event. This is not the case ( I could have this as well)
Without a bacteria check, you can check yourself by checking to see if you have a sour taste in your mouth when you wake up in the morning. If so, you need to control bacteria with more than simple brushing and flossing.
You should brush your teeth for 5 days in a row once a month with Betadine rinse (I put a little tooth paste on it and dip the brush into it several times during a 2 minute brush). This cuts the bacterial count dramatically.
Then (the easy one) add xylitol to your diet. By adding 6-15 grams a day, the bacteria that cause decay actively take up xylitol and die. You can use mints or gum (though the gums have less xylitol, I find they help stimulate salivary flow) Check out
Next, assess your diet overall. Limit fermentable carbohydrates (any sugars, breads, crackers, fruits,dried or fresh, pasta, etc) to main meals only and do not have them at any between meal snacks. Have cheeses, veggies and things like that as snacks.
Good luck with everything. I'm sorry your dentist is in the dark on this one. It's really not a mystery.

How can I keep drinking coffee and prevent my teeth from getting stained?

The enamel of your teeth is porous, and coffee (and other staining substances) get trapped in the enamel. This causes the discoloration and staining you see.  To lessen the effect of the staining, you can try keeping the coffee away from your teeth by using a straw. If walking around with a straw in your coffee isn’t an option for you, then brushing your teeth or rinsing with water after finishing your coffee will minimize the exposure to your enamel. Another situation that may cause coffee staining to be worse is drinking your coffee over long periods of time. If your coffee habit takes up your whole morning and involves slow sips, the coffee sits on your teeth for that whole time creating stains. Try drinking your morning coffee a little faster and limiting the exposure to your teeth.  Michael Hoffman is correct that sugar is a problem with coffee, but it is not the only problem. Coffee is also acidic which weakens your tooth enamel and can lead to sensitivity.If you are interested in removing these stains, use a whitening toothpaste and mouth rinse. For more ideas of how to keep your teeth white, visit our blog: Your Teeth Whitening Options

Is it safe to put peroxide on your toothbrush to brush with?

I have been dipping my floss and my toothbrush into hydrogen peroxide my teeth are getting whiter than when I used the strips and the polish but it leaves a little burning around the inside of my mouth. Is this good for my teeth and/or mouth?