Is There Any Difference Between The Main Uk Political Parties

What were the differences between the first 2 political parties?


When political parties started to form during Washington's administration, the term was re-employed to identify those favoring a stronger, more assertive federal government. But it also carried other connotations—most importantly, a belief that the views of the people needed to be filtered through the experience and education of the "wise and the good." George Washington, John Adams and Alexander Hamilton were federalists.

Democratic-Republican Party

In 1819, Thomas Jefferson recalled his own election as president nearly two decades earlier as a "revolution" in American politics. "Revolution" is a strong word, but it was probably the right word, for the Democratic-Republican Party Jefferson led into power in 1801 was dramatically different from the Federalist Party that had governed since 1789. But Jefferson's use of the word signified more than a mere transition from one party to another; Jefferson believed that the Federalists he defeated represented not just a different political vision, but a dangerously wrong political vision—one that threatened to restore the antidemocratic principles and institutions of the British government Americans had rejected in 1776.

For Jefferson, therefore, the election of 1800 represented more than a simple changing of the guard. It signified the restoration of America's Revolutionary vision, the return of the great ideals of 1776. And in Thomas Jefferson's mind—as in the minds of his followers—Jefferson himself, as the author of the Declaration of Independence, was just the man to lead this second revolution.

These are from Shmoop History on the Federalists and Jefferson's Revolution of 1800

What are the main UK political parties?

Labour on the left and the Conservatives on the right are the main two parties. It should be recognized that the UK has historically been more or less a two-party system, and these two parties dwarf every other party by a ways.Scotland is currently totally dominated by the Scottish National Party, a party which is focused on Scottish interests, wants Scottish independence from the UK, and pushes a progressive agenda. The SNP are much to the left of Labour, an important thing to remember when interpreting the recent election results.The Liberal Democrats are generally centrist. In 2010 they had a reasonably strong showing, with 57 seats out of 650, and they were coalition partners with the Conservatives from 2010-2015. They took a drubbing in this election and are down to 8 seats, though.The UK Independence Party is a right-wing nationalist party that principally wants the UK to leave the EU. Despite only having a single MP now, they pulled more votes than the Lib Dems in the last election, at 3.8 million, making them an important party.Plaid Cymru is the Welsh version of the SNP, advocating a progressive agenda and independence from the UK. They're not nearly as popular as the SNP, though, with only 3 seats.The Green Party is a progressive party with a focus on the environment. They've got one seat and are a minor party.These are all the parties worth noting in Britain. Meanwhile, Northern Ireland has their own thing going on.Sinn Féin is the granddaddy of most of the Irish political parties. They're republicans -- they want Northern Ireland to leave the UK and join with the Republic of Ireland as one Irish country. Notably, their elected MPs refuse to swear loyalty to the Queen and to participate in the Westminster Parliament. Then there's the Social Democratic and Labour Party, who also want a unified Ireland. They're like a less radical version of Sinn Féin. Then there are the unionist parties, who want Northern Ireland to remain in the UK. There's the Democratic Unionist Party, which is the largest one, and the Ulster Unionist Party. People in England don't tend to pay much attention to Irish politics, so that's about all I can say about these parties.

Political parties came about as a result of?

A a constitutional amendment.
B disagreements over the powers of the national government.
C conflicts between the Senate and House of Representatives.
D an act of Congress.

What are the political parties of Lilliput?

Lilliput is a satirical portrait of the Kingdom of Great Britain, and it's neighbour Blefuscu a portrait of France.

Lilliput has two Political Parties the Low-Heels (or Slamecksan), based on the Whigs and the High-Heels (or Tramecksan), based on the Tories. The Low and High Heels are based on the fashion of the Parliament and the type of shoes members of the parties wear.
This is a reference to the position of the church in British society (High Heels believed in the Church being supreme, while Low Heels believed in the Parliament being supreme).

There is also a political quarrel between the Lilliput and Blefuscu Kingdoms on how they break their eggs. In the past both nations were Big-Endians, as in they broke their eggs at the big end. But now Lilliputians are Little-Endians, preferring to break their eggs at the little (more pointy) end.
This is a satirical reflection of the Catholic (Big) church and the Protestant (Little) church. As France was Catholic, and Britain was once Catholic and now Protestant (with a deep fear of Catholic subversion)

What are the differences between the British Labour Party and the Liberal Democrats?

That depends. It’s changed over the years but the main difference is the ideological roots of each party.If you believe in individualism, less bureaucracy, freedom of expression, social mobility, and free market economy, then you are a Liberal Democrat.If you believe in social democracy, emphasis on welfare capitalism, social equality, economic equality (or at leas more of it), and Keynesian economics, then you’re a Labour politician.To understand the two, Labour is a traditionally working-class movement based on class politics and Marxist and socialist philosophies. This is not to say they’re a Marxist movement of course but the movement primarily sprung up from Marxism and union movements. Labour have always been keen advocates of Keynesian economics and welfare and infrastructure spending as opposed to privatisation and the free market.The Liberal Democrats on the other hand can be most closely traced to Liberalism which is the dominant ideology in Europe and advocates for free markets, social mobility, and individualism. They want too create a fair but free market economy where people of all social groups and classes can have the opportunity to achieve success. They have no real desire to create economic equality, only equality of opportunity.That being said, they’re not inherently against welfare or social justice. I find that most Liberal Democrats are fairly similar to the Tories on economic policies (give or take) but more socially progressive and less traditional in views.During the ‘New Labour’ years the Labour Party moved significantly closer to the Lib Dems ideologically. This was part of Tony Blair’s ‘Third Way’ politics which attempted to triangulate between left and right politics and reach a centre ground. Of course the problem with this was that the Third Way movement constantly had to reassess it’s position and move further to the right…Labour stopped becoming a true opposition to the right-wing and more of a centrist party.

Can you compare American and British political parties?

Not easily.The classic answer is the one given by Peter Cook in the 1960s and it’s still largely true today:“You see, in America you have a two party system. You have the Republicans who are the equivalent of our Conservative party and you have the Democrats who are the equivalent of our Conservative party.”Listing our main parties from right to left:The Conservatives are the party that stretches back to the Tories, supporters of the Court over the Parliament in the days following the restoration of the monarchy in 1660. They are business-friendly in way that just skirts outright corruption, believe in authority, lowering taxes especially for people who don’t need it and have a habit of abolishing ‘unnecessary regulation’ in a way that leads to disasters that everybody but them could see coming. See the recent wave of acid attacks as proof.The Liberal Democrats are an amalgam between the descendants of the Whigs who were the opposition to the Tories back in the day and a splinter group of ‘social democrats’ who left the Labour party back in the 1980s because they were too middle class for the middle class revolutionaries who were then trying to run it. The LibDems are split between the two factions and are currently trying to recover from unwisely having gone into coalition with the Tories and failing to get anything out of it.The Labour party was founded at the start of the last century and came to be the second most powerful party after the schism and collapse of the Liberals following WWI. Their original power base was with the trade unions but the Tories screwed the unions over in the 80s and that in turn screwed over the Labour party. They range from people who I can’t distinguish from Tories to full scale revolutionaries. Despite what you may have heard they are not dominated by the second group though they are currently more left-wing than they have been in a generation and possibly a good thing too. There isn’t really an equivalent of them in the US which is a pity.Then there are the nationalist parties from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and behind that the small parties, mostly single issue who aren’t quite as screwed in a parliamentary system as in the US as they do occasionally get to elect MPs.I would say that the Republican party is far to the right of the Conservatives and the Trump wing is in among the UKIP and far right nationalist parties. The Democrats are somewhere between the LibDems and the Labour party.