Is There Any Example In The World Of A Predominantly Black City That Is Doing Well Socially

Why are the world's poorest countries predominantly black?

Richard, I do know history. In fact, I have a Master's degree in History. I find your version of history a bit skewed though. Certainly in WW2 a lot of europe was decimated. And Japan was almost totally obliterated. Yet now, Germany and Japan are two of the world's biggest economies. They basically had to start from scratch. I'm not sure why countries that were founded by blacks would have any more of a disadvantage than those two countries. And Haiti really doesn't have anything to do with British, Spanish of French exploration.

Whether or not Africans were in a bad geographic area to industrialize is puzzling. Many Northern African nations were very industrialized. I think people like you blame all of histories problems on white people. There's always some excuse why black people can't seem to ever catch up. If they do succeed, then they get praise for overcoming huge obstacles. If they fail, well, it's whiteys fault. The real answer to my question is th

How did the Black Plague affect the world politically, socially, and economically?

A short version, it brought an end to Feudalism. (So many serfs died that Lords have to hire labours from neighbouring lands) It also undermined the authority of the Catholic Church, prayers and rosary are inaffective against the disease, because the Church's effacacy was brought to question, it increased the power of the monachs and made the later reformation possible. .

What are 3 examples of social class inequality in the united states?

Well, you have the class of people who live in gated exclusive communities and drive Lexus's and have more money that they know what to do with. They are mostly white, with some people of color in there such as Indian, Asian, and maybe an African American but probably not.
Then you have the inner city ghetto where most people are African American and Hispanic.
Then you have rural America where most of the population is poorer Whites.
I don't know if this is what you are looking for cause this can be taken a number of ways.

What was the social effect of the Black Death?

The black plague essentially split people into three camps, from a social viewpoint.A.) The black death caused a large part of society to become disillusioned with the Catholic Church. If the church could not protect them from these dark and unknown at the time forces that were killing their sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, and other relatives, then what use were they?B.) There were many people who stuck with the church and either found a scapegoat (These people usually blamed Jewish people.), or they blamed themselves and their own vices.C.) There were many who began to live very self indulgent lives, as they did not know what would happen to them the next day.Another social impact was that the socioeconomic system of feudalism collapsed due to the massive decrease in population. About 40% of the European population perished, which created a high demand for labor. This high demand for labor lead to higher wages to tenants, which made these tenants way less dependent on their lords.Black death and the impact it left in europeThis article summarizes the black death very well, I suggest you give it a look.

What is an example of a policy that is economically equitable but not efficient?

There are none. Economic efficiency of the Pareto sort is a VERY low standard.
Kaldor-Hicks efficiency is a slightly higher bar, but it is hard to imagine a policy that is economically equitable but not Kaldor-Hicks efficient.

So unless you specify exactly what sort of efficiency you have in mind and have it be significantly more strict than these, ...

As for "efficient but not equitable", nothing so abstruse as hunting and fishing is needed. Just consider the Bush tax cuts. Terrible for the economy; not at all equitable as they targeted the rich; yet they are efficient.

Ditto for any of the government subsidies to the rich and middle class. The classic middle class subsidy being the mortgage interest tax deduction:
Cl;early not equitable because those who can't afford to buy houses don't benefit.

These are just a few of many examples why "economic efficiency" doesn't mean very much and is rarely a reasonable goal.

(Remember, if a rich person is willing to pay you to dig a hole and then fill it up again, then your doing so for pay is economically efficient, even though it is a clear waste of resources from any other perspective. If you think this is extreme, think of the custom of the rich having many servants, most of whom spend their time not doing anything other than being prepared to do something, just as a status symbol.)

Does it seem like white people and black people live in two different worlds, or our cultures intersect?

We live in completely different worlds. No, black people are heavily scorned by blacks if they dare mention wanting to intersect with whites. Being white, I have lived in a city where I was the minority, and I hated every minute of it.

Culture.... An integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for symbolic thought and social learning. The set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution, organization or group.

It's obvious our cultures are completely separate. We do not share any attitudes, values, goals or practices.

ANYONE who says otherwise, either do not know black people, OR know white people, OR is living in complete denial.