Is There Any Good Snes Games Out There That I Can Play Because I Really Love The Snes But I Cant

Can you play SNES games on an NES console?

no but you can buy nes/sns hybrid systems

Does anyone still play SNES games?

I do. I got rid of all but my favorite games though, due to storage/space issues. I think a lot of the games are worth keeping. A great game doesn't become worse just because new games come out or technology improves. I'm not really impressed with similar types of games that are recent.

Best Final Fantasy game on snes?

For the ones on SNES it goes VI > IV > V for me.
Final Fantasy VI (originally released as III in America) is my favorite of all the Final Fantasy games, because it has the most playable characters and they're all really unique and have their own epic stories. Lots of memories from VI as well as some awesome music.

IV (II in America) was also really great, with lots of characters, and a fair share of sad moments. IV also has a sequel for the Wii, in case you didn't know, called Final Fantasy IV: The After Years.

I never actually played V, but I've heard bad things about it. Apparently there's very few playable characters (not to be biased on that alone). I can't really say how good it is. Though it's only on SNES in Japan. It didn't get released in America until the Playstation 1. I won't say it's bad, as I love every Final Fantasy I've played. It just seems to be talked about the least, and I haven't heard anything good about it per say.

What is the best SNES game ever?

Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.

While I have a few others I personally enjoy more, LttP is simply the best example of SNES era gaming I can think of. It was fun, it had challenge without being infuriatingly hard, and the controls were great. The graphics looked just great at the time, the sound and music worked very well, it was simply a very well rounded game.

What's even better, LttP inspired the MMO Graal Online (which was almost entirely consistent of graphics rips and copyright violations for a long time), took cues from the NES game Crystalis in having more free control, magic, and charged sword attacks, and was really just a natural successor to the original NES Legend of Zelda. LoZ was great, and LttP did everything LoZ did, only better.

Sure, I really enjoyed stuff like the Koei simulation games, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 3(6), the excellent Street Fighter 2 arcade port, and naturally, Secret of Mana. Each of those games was absolutely great, and I even liked some more than LttP, but they had their own endearing flaws and faults.

I'll honestly say that if I'm talking about the overall game, measured for all people, Link to the Past is probably the best game ever made, any system.

Why can the 3DS play remastered N64 games, but not SNES games?

you’re making some bad assumptions, which is a common mistake.the 3DS(and in fact even the GBA and NDS) can all run remastered SNES games, just look at games like a link to the past(GBA) and chrono trigger(NDS), what they can’t do is proper SNES emulation.a remaster, port, or remake has all its core coding rewritten for the new platform, so it can efficiently make use of its resources(although even then it’s not always as efficient as a brand new game)in emulation the device(3DS in this case) has to rewrite the code on the fly, which is increasingly more difficult the more the 2 platforms differ.the SNES is on paper a weakling compared to the 3DS, but it has a huge advantage that the 3DS lacks: the ultimate 2D GPU. the SNES GPU has a large number of functions for handling manipulations of 2D sprites such as many layers, particle effects, transparency, scaling, rotating, skewing, and even generate a simulated 3D environment using only 2D assets.the 3DS GPU has almost no 2D sprite handling features, it can do similar manipulations on flat images but does so by treating them as 3D objects. this means the GPU can’t handle any instructions in those SNES games, and instead the 3DS has to process all GPU instructions using its more flexible CPU.this means the 3DS is trying to follow instructions intended for a CPU that speaks a completely different language(like comparing english and chinese) and at the same time process instructions intended for a highly specialized chip(like asking an english GP to perform brain surgery, with only a chinese medical book for reference).this is simply too much for the 3DS to handle while maintaining the exact same speed and quality as an original SNES.emulation on the new 3DS has 3 times as many CPU cores at its disposal, giving it just enough raw power to emulate all functions of a SNES while maintaining 60 frames per second most of the times(but even the new 3DS sometimes drops a few frames)they could’ve done SNES remasters(like they did with the GBA and NDS) but that would be much more work. porting/remaking 1 game is almost as much work as making one from scratch, while giving them 1 game to sell. making an emulator is a little more work than porting a game, but gives them a way to bring over as many games as they’d like.long story short: a properly emulated SNES game is indeed more difficult to run than a properly ported N64 game.

Old SNES basketball game?

What is the name of the old basketball game where you could customize your player with things like an alien head and you could make him really tall or short? A friend of mine really loved this game and I remember playing it but cannot place the name. BTW it is not NBA Jam. I know because I already have that one. Thanks for the help.

Should I buy a snes mini? and how do i add games to it?

I grew up playing the super nintendo and now that its back I want one for xmas it has 21 built in games its cheaper than buying an old banged up original who has one and is it worth it? I have a Sega genesis and want a snes alongside it and how do i add more games to it

Would you like a girl who plays video games?

YES! Girl gamers are rare and it would be cool to have one that shared my greatest hobby. I can't stand dating girls that are jealous of my computer :P