Is There Any Way For Me To Gain Custody Of My Two Year Old Brother

Can my 18 year old brother get custody of me and let me live with him?

if the judge lets him, you have to go to court and he has to be apponted your legal guardian.

I’m 16 and live in California. My 30 year old brother has custody of me. Is there any way I can choose to live with my grandma? She lives in Nevada and my brother won’t let me move out.

Child custody can be a very difficult area of the law, and the law generally (but not always) sides with the adult. However, as you are 16 and almost a legal adult (18 years), you have at least the moral right to discuss your circumstances with your brother.You might ask if you could speak with him quietly - away from other family or friends - and ask what his objections are to your moving to Nevada. Behave like a sensible adult (no yelling, crying or getting dramatic) - hold your feelings back so that he will feel comfortable discussing the matter directly.There may be reasons he has not talked about for his wanting you to remain in his care. These could be things such as your grandmother may not be in good health, he may feel her home is not suitable for some reason, he might think the school system in California is better for your future or he may want you to get the benefit of doing your schooling in one place and not moving around. Or it could be something else!At 30, he has seen a bit of how tough life can be and he may well be simply trying to protect you. As your legal guardian, that is actually his responsibility and he can be punished legally for not doing it.Because it’s a matter of law, if you don’t agree with his answers you will have to show why - consider what he has said and research why you think he is wrong before asking to discuss it again.If he won’t discuss your request or refuses to listen to you, try to find an organisation which acts for children’s rights - such as the Alliance for Children’s Rights (About Us - Alliance for Children's Rights).Explain your situation and ask what your rights are. If they are not the right organisation, ask them to direct you to an organisation which can help.Even if you cannot move now, you will legally be an adult in just two years, and can move immediately, so if you wish to do so you might want to make arrangements such as putting aside some savings, deciding what you will take, and making arrangements with your grandmother as to where you will stay etc.

What are the chances of me gaining the custody of my 13-year-old nephew whose parents are on drugs?

You're going to have to have absolute proof. Also be prepared the parents could be arrested & even though you want him the court must decide what's in the best interest of the minor. That may be foster care from a non family member or from you if you can convince the courts why you should be chosen. A loving home would be best & sounds like you love them a lot. Start with Child Protective Services to open a case. No matter it's gonna be a lot of major changes for the minor so if you get them give them time to settle in & they know this is home now & the bad things you were exposed to will never happen in this house. Don't bad mouth the parents. They have a medical condition substance abuse. This may be the kick they need to get sober

Should I report my brother for abusing his 2 year old?

Everybody here has gotten all excited, but people have different understandings of what constitutes ‘abuse’, AND things are not always what they appear.If the child had been physically injured, or you feel the child MAY be physically injured, talk to the child’s MOTHER first. If you are not satisfied with the answer or action you get from her, THEN consider whether to report the ‘abuse’.An accusation of abuse is not a trivial thing - and it can never be retracted. Once Child Services are notified, there is a long and stressful series of events that will inevitably take place, which will undermine the authority of the parents in that home forever, and be traumatic in itself to the child. When you report abuse you will almost certainly cause the break up of the child’s home, and possibly land the child in foster care unless you are willing to take in the child yourself. If the ‘abuse’ is not being especially responsive, or hollering, it may not be in the best interests of the child to report it, and equally effective to discuss with your brother that you are considering doing so unless he seeks family counseling.On the other hand, you feel very strongly that this child would be better off raised in foster care, and there will be no improvement in the situation gained from family counseling - or that he would not go or care - report it.

Should I bring up to a custody evaluator that my eight-year-old stepson’s mother still showers with him?

No. I don't see anything wrong with a mother showering with her child. The only way I would see a problem with it was if he was being touched in a sexual manner or was forced to touch her in sexual manner or if he was uncomfortable in any way and was being forced to still shower with her but if they are both comfortable with it then I don't see a problem and neither will court.

Should i look into taking legal custody of my little brother? kinda long question?

i couldn't help but have my jaw open the whole time while reading this story!! i definitely think he's being abused. you need to sit down and talk to him. you need to ask if your mom and dad are hurting him. he may say no (for fear that his dad might hit him again and make it worse) but you have to reassure him and tell him that you can't beat him if he doesn't tell you and you'll never be able to fix this problem if he doesn't tell you and you promise not to tell your parents. he may come out with the whole story, but you need to assure that you would never do anything to hurt him and that you'll never let him hurt you again. tell him that if he doesn't tell you, something really bad could happen and she won't be able to help. (if he can't defend himself, then he could be really hurt or even KILLED!)

you could sue your parents for hurting him and you could testify against your parents, but why oh why did you take so long? you are old enough to adopt him and he won't go into a foster home or a group home if your old enough to take care of him and you qualify. i think that you could take care of him because you really understand him and you know that you would never hurt him. but you need to act fast! before he really gets hurt!!

HOPE I HELPED!! (and thanks for the two points!!) ♪♥♫☼


Can my older sister get custody of me?

In some states they allow a 14to 16 year olds to say whom they want to live with, but that is usually between either the father or mother.

Go on line in your state and pose that question, can a 20 year old sister get custody of her 15 yr old sister.

You did not mention your mother?

You need some time alone with your father so that the two of you can talk, heart felt talk.

If this is just not possible then slip a note in his vehicle that he drives to work in.

Spill you guts to him, all your feelings and don't start off with she gets better treatment than me because that just makes you sound jealous. You can get that point across later in the letter.

Also, ask your sister to either talk to your dad or the three of you sit down and talk.

Communications is the key, then if that fails, legal action. Good luck

How could a 19-year-old get custody of their 2 younger siblings in South Carolina following death of their parents?

Thats a tough one but it is possible but only through a judge and it also depends on their ages! The judge will definitely consider you because keeping a family together is always first thought, then he will consider thae fact that you are only 19 and your best years for coming into your own as a woman are right now and raising two kids is an enormous responsibility for an experienced older adult. You can get a free consult with an attorney and there are free legal aid societies who will happily help you pro bono through this extremely difficult life changing event for the three of you! The attorney can also help you get Social Security Benefits for both children until they are adults. Its not a hand out to be ashamed of, its there for this purpose and your parents have paid into the fund their entire working lives. Good luck!

3 year old nephew keeps biting his 2 year old brother?

I have twins. They bite sometimes.

For awhile Monty was biting Vaughn so often he looked like a chew toy.

We reprimand them when we catch them biting, we separated them during sleep time (they used to share a crib) but sometimes bites are going to happen at that age amongst siblings that close in age.

This is pretty normal. It is more an issue when they are biting non family members, as this can get kids kicked out of daycare etc. You want to teach them not to do it, but realisitically among siblings it is going to happen.

Generally to reprimand we say "no bite!" and they get pushed aside and ignored for a few minutes while the other is comforted. But sometimes we do spank the biter if he was warned and did it anyway. The 3 year old should really know better by that age, and whatever other discipline is used he should be sent to a time-out if he is caught. But you do have to catch him doing it to punish him, you can't punish him because you find a bruise. You could discuss it with him, and why he shouldn't bite because it hurts etc.

Biting back is for when they bite you. Biting back doesn't work if they are biting someone else. It has to be done by the bitee and immediately.

Can my 18 year old brother adopt our 2 nephews once he gets custody of me?

This is not enough information to answer reasonably. Who are you and where are your parents? What makes you think an 18 yr old boy will be given custody of anyone? More info would help a better answer.