Is There Any Way I Could Make Money Online Or Anyway Without Doing Garage Sale Tutoring Lemonade

Ways for people 13 and under to make money?

Okay, about 99% of you were very helpful. the 1% that wasn't helpful was Berlin, who told me to be a stripper. I believe he was joking but I didn't find it funny.
But anyway, everyone, thank you so much! I will try all suggestions. I don't know if i will pick a best answer because I'm tied down between Alexa's and... (sorry, i forget your name) but at the bottom, who was the top contributor, it said under her icon.
Again, Thank you all so much!

Can I make money online if I don't have any special knowledge?

I agree with Brian. A blog is always a good way to earn a little extra if you enjoy writing. The rest of my answer you may not like, but the sad fact of the matter is you should obtain a special knowledge. Actually, you should stop wasting time on Facebook. You say nine hours daily, and most of that is on Facebook? Even half of that is useless time. I have used Facebook, and I do know the positives and negatives of it. Using it to connect to family can be helpful, but after I deleted my Facebook most of the people I actually wanted to talk to could still contact me. If you are going to use Facebook in your journey, use it as advertising. Now that that is out of the way, let me back track. With all this free time the absence of Facebook has given you, you can now do research on different topics. Find something you love, find something you enjoy. Don't think about money right now, just find something. Make a list if you have to, and once that list is complete find at most three things that you could see yourself doing every day. By this point you've gotten far, and I applaud you. You have already cut a lot of useless "fat" from your daily routine and are now on the path to a passion that can better yourself as a person. Now hone it. Work on your activity until you feel you are relatively competent in what you are doing. Then comes the tricky part: for you to be truly successful I cannot tell you what specifically must come next. All I can say is you must get innovative. Think outside the box. Market your skill in which a person sees it as "Wow, that is a valuable man". And I wish you luck.

How can I make money at the age of 19?

Do you have any specific skills that are unique to you, but are not necessarily incredible?Do you know any language other than English well enough to translate? Go get your translator diploma, depending on where you are, you might get paid a pretty price for just one sheet of document/one hour of talk.Can you get along well with kids? Offer to babysit.Do you like writing essays? Sign up to online essay writer forums (like penster), where people ask for essays and you give them a price.Do you like sculpting, or drawing, or calligraphy? In this case, you can get paid to draw or write cards or give handmade artifacts for special occasions. Just tell your friends you are up for the task, at a low cost.Do you know any basic html? Offer to teach a kid charge them like the capitalist scum you are. Photoshop? Charge a newbie with a cam to enhance their photos. Or a chick who wants a bigger booty.Into sneakers? Create a blog about them, promote yourself and then be paid for ads. (Or anything you like)You good at jokes? Offer to be an opener at gigs.You suck at jokes? Offer to be a critic.You have any type of opinion about absolutely anything? It can be about sports, celebrity gossip, makeup trends, the new orange politician in town, awkward fashion statements, advancing technology, literally anything. Try writing articles for newspapers.Offer to be a tutor in any subject you are pro-efficient in.Offer to cook and deliver food to coworkers/ some random office building next to your place.Become someone’s personal shopper.Become someone’s personal assistant ( a la The Devil Wears Prada); delivering them coffee, picking up their groceries and clothes, reminding them of business meetings, dentist appointments, their kids’ ballet show, picking up [insert pet name] from the grooming salon. Kind of like a mother, but paid.Literally invent a job.Freelance in what you enjoy.And never worry, strippers are always paid well.UPDATE: Just read your credential. The thing is, you can use your platforms of social media to promote companies. Mainly startups are willing to pay. Offer to shoot prom pics (lame), promo pics, advertisement campaigns. Design logos, design book covers, design themes for web pages. The possibilities are endless!