Is There Any Way To Remove Forehead Wrinkles Without Surgery

How to remove forehead wrinkles?

This safe natural treatment gives fast amazing results as users on Answers will testify. See ## below.

Using any natural oil - extra virgin olive oil is good - do quite vigorous and firm massage repeatedly on the lines using front of hand with fingers held together. It's best to do fairly short massages blending one into the next as you work your way from one side of forehead to the other.
In a few days you will see distinct diminishing of lines and day by day more diminishing. Keep it up and you can greatly diminish them. You do not need to remove oil as it is a perfect and only skin benefiting moisturizer.

## From : 1413
"Thank you Mukunda! I've been massaging my whole face with olive oil for about one week now. My neck, face and my skin are much tighter and my skin feels so soft and moist ALL DAY! And my upper lip wrinkles(smoker's lips) are 70% gone. Forehead lines.What forehead lines?? They're 50% gone!.

## TESTIMONIAL from." big papy" on Answers
"Thank you Mukunda so much - I am greatly touched for your concern about my skin. i want you to know that i did continue the massage with tightening the skin around my mouth area and the lines are all most gone thank you soo much, you have changed my life. Also my crows feet are all most gone too! I finally look my age! thank you soo much i don't know what else to say, YOU'RE THE BEST!!!!

See my other answers that give more detailed vigorous massage info. and other testimonials from happy users by entering in Search box of "What are you looking for? Search Y!.Answers"......... " Mukunda M remove forehead mouth crows`feet lines wrinkles and testimonials"

Sources: Many years researcher and consultant - safe natural treatments/cures - skin conditions, skin enhancement and anti aging/rejuvenation treatments.

Is there any way to remove forehead wrinkles without syergry or botox?

When you noticed yourself squinting or worrying, STOP!. Raising your eyebrows promote wrinkles, too! STOP!

You can't get rid of wrinkles once you have them. The sun and too much soaking in the tub are skin's worst enemies. Wear a floppy hat to protect your face, neck, from the sun, or wear umbrella. I've been protecting myself from the sun since age 9. Wear sunglasses.
Applying & removing makeup, also stretches the skin, promotes wrinkles.
Victoria Beckham doesn't like to smile, she said it promotes wrinkles around her mouth.
A loss of collagen and elasticity reduces skin volume, causing fine lines and wrinkles. Repeated muscle motions—laughing, squinting at the computer screen, sipping lattes through a straw—etch crow's-feet around the eyes and marionette lines near the mouth.

At home: Prevention is the best treatment, says Tina B. West, MD, a cosmetic dermatologist in Atlanta. She suggests adding these basics to your skin-care routine: antioxidants (which help fight free radicals), sunscreen (look for an SPF of at least 30), and retinoids.
ANTIOXIDANTS FRUITS: Cranberries, blueberries, and blackberries ranked highest among the fruits studied. Apples ran a close second, and dried fruits were also leading contenders. Peaches, mangos, and melons, while scoring lower than berries, still contain plenty of antioxidants as well as other nutrients. Make a smoothie. Watercress can be added 2-3x a week!

At the doc's: See a doctor for treatments like Botox, fillers, and lasers. In general, think Botox for the upper part of the face (forehead lines, that crinkle between your eyes) and fillers for the lower half (laugh lines, thin lips).

Karolina Kurkova: "I am more of a you-are-what-you eat kind of person. It's about healing from the inside out."
All the vitamins & minerals you need for good skin care comes from all the healthy foods you eat from Mother Nature.
Google: 8 Foods that Give You Gorgeous Skin 7-10-13.

How can you remove forehead wrinkles without Botox or Forehead lift?

Whenever I raise my forehead forms about 2-3 wrinkles and I want them to be gone.
I look kind of mean and mad if I don't raise my eyebrows :/
I don't want a procedure such as a forehead lift that will leave a scar in my hair, though.
Can you possibly remove them with laser surgery?
Or is there no such thing?

How do I remove forehead wrinkles, without spending too much money?

Wrinkles are the lines and/or creases that form in the skin. It is caused by number of factors:Age: As one gets older the skin becomes less elastic and produces less of the natural oils. Skin becomes loose and sag which produces lines and wrinkles.Repeated facial expressions: When one makes a facial expression the muscle beneath the skin forms a groove. As the skin age it loses it ability to return to it normal smooth appearance.Smoking: Smoking drastically speeds up the aging process of the skin.Ultraviolet light: Exposure to UV light is the primary cause of skin aging as it breaks down the collagen in the skin.To help get rid of this I would suggest that you:Start drinking a lot of water. Moisture is simple water, so moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!After cleansing and toning your face rub a few drops of Jojoba oil (NOW Foods Organic Jojoba Oil, 4 ounce)on your face. When rubbing it on your forehead do it in way as if your smoothing the muscles in your forehead. Jojoba oil is similar to the natural oils in your skin and works wonders! Trust me, I use it everyday and it is amazing!Another thing I would suggest is to be mindful of your facial expressions. For the next couple of days pay attention to how the muscles in your forehead are when your face is relaxed then try to train your muscles to be smooth again by making your face as relaxed as possible.This may take some time but stick to it and be consistent! I had the same problem and I noticed a difference from doing the things mentioned above. Good luck!

What is the treatment to remove wrinkles?

Treatment to help with the appearance of wrinkles would be skin needling.Skin NeedlingSkin needling is an established method to rejuvenate skin, firm wrinkles and refine scars. Micro needling stands above all over current treatments because as far as can be determined it regenerates tissue and restores the natural collagen of the dermis. To date it is the only treatment that regenerates elastin.Micro needling can be preformed on all ages and all coloured skins. For results bleeding must be caused on the skin as it is the release of platelets that stimulates the regeneration.Release of growth factors. A single needle prick through the skin would cause an invisible response. When thousands of needle pricks are placed next to each other there is a strong visible response. The bleeding initiates the release of platelets and a cascade of platelet derived growth factors that set up a chain reaction with the production of increased dermal matrix proteins and a thicker epidermis.Fibroblasts migrate to the area, and the surge of activity inevitably leads to the production of more collagen and more elastin. Keratinocytes migrate rapidly across the minute epidermal defect and then proliferate, epidermis then becomes thicker.Seek a consultation with a skin specialist. Don’t try perform this treatment alone.

First forehead wrinkle, any way i can remove this?

i am 25 and i noticed beginning of january all of a sudden i have this one forehead wrinkle that im pointing at in the picture. it is in the same sport as if was to raise my forehead, so i think it came because of a constant facial expression.

anyway to rrmove it or will it be there fore ever?

How can I make forehead wrinkles go away without expensive botox?


How can I remove my face wrinkles without pain?

18 years ago Thermage was invented. It’s a nonsurgical on time treatment. We have people flying in from all over the world for that treatment. Since then there are many more machines. I feel it is still the best and safest option. It’s not for deep wrinkles. Before and after photos will give you an idea of what can be accomplished. Sadly too many providers over promise and under deliver. In fact we have turned it into a combo protocol with another radiofrequency device caked Exilis for even better results. The other problem is that you lose collagen every day of your life. The women and men and celebrities who look ageless repeat the treatment yearly.

How to get rid of forehead wrinkles naturally?

This is the simplest and quickest working natural treatment which gives amazing results as many will testify on Answers.

Using any natural oil - extra virgin olive oil is good - and massage repeatedly with forward and back action on the lines using front of hand with fingers held together. It's best to do a do fairly short massages blending one into the next as you work your way from one side of forehead to the other.
Do it quite vigorously, but not too vigorously in the beginning, until skin adjusts. In a a few days you will see distinct diminishing of lines and day by day more diminishing. Keep it up and you can GREATLY diminish them. You do not need to remove oil - simply wipe away excess with dampened tissues. :) :)