Is There Anyways To Break The Sweat Glands In The Human Body

Is there anyways to cure osteoporosis?

I am a 17 year survivor of cancer and due to the removal of my femal areas and radiation treatments,I have and am living with osteoporosis,I am taking suppliments but i have been told it is not good enough,anyone out there who can help me I willl appreciate it.Thanks alot

Any ways to cure sweaty palms while playing guitar?

I have moderately sweaty palms/ fingers. So whenever I play guitar, my guitar strings wear out and rust very quickly, whereas my friend's guitar strings last longer than mine even thought we play as often as each other. So, any ideas to cure this? Or is there anything I can do to reduce the amount of moisture on my fingers? (I mean it'll be bad if I have to play for a very long time during gigs)

Why do our bodies get sweaty after drinking water?

Sweating, urinating and defecating are the three ways our body has to get rid of excess water, mostly depending on the environmental conditions (temperature) and your own physiology.If your body detects he has enough water and it is warm, you're likely to sweat rather than urinate. Sweating is the main mechanism for us to refrigerate our bodyOn the contrary, if the temperature is low, the skin pores will shut down and your kidneys will be put down to work to evacuate the excess water. Regarding the third way, defecation is a slower water control mechanism the the other two. But it is important to mention that if you tend not to drink enough water, everything will run down slower in your intestins and you are more likely to suffer constipation. As a message, it is way better to drink too much water than to drink too little.

Does meth get excreted out from our sweat?

Like any water soluble drug or toxin, methamphetamine or it’s metabolite becomes distributed throughout the body. This includes all the organs (blood, liver, brain, skin, etc.). The distribution percentage varies widely but if your method of detection allows for the material at that concentration, then it will be detected. Methamphetamine is rather soluble in water so it does get distributed everywhere. So, any method of excretion is a viable means of eliminating this type of drug/metabolite. This can be through the saliva, sweat, urine, hair, feces. The liver will take some, but much less than the kidneys. The urine is considered an excellent medium for measuring the presence of drugs because the kidneys will concentrate by filtration most drugs. Autopsies can take samples of the urine, brain, liver and possible other organs and measure the concentration of a drug in each. I am not a medical examiner, but my impression from the literature is that they are trying to show the concentration to help determine when someone may have overdosed on a drug and possibly how long they were using the drug. They may not be able to say a specific time frame by more of an indicator of long term or first time use.

How do toxins come out from the body?

So this is how our body eliminates toxic substances -Liver - the liver has a critical role in the processing of toxins, including some medications (such as acetaminophen) and alcohol. The liver contains many enzymes, which are special proteins that can enable chemical reactions to take place in the body. Some of the enzymes in the liver are used for toxin processing. Blood from the body flows through the liver where toxins in the blood can be processed. Some of the enzymes work to inactivate toxins to keep them from damaging the body. Enzymes can also break down compounds in the blood or modify them so that they stay dissolved and can then be excreted, via the kidneys or other methods.Kidneys - According to the Nuffeld Department of Anethesiology (which is associated with the Oxford Medical Center in England), the kidneys are one of the primary ways in which the body is able to eliminate toxins and waste products from the blood. The kidney contains many small structures called glomeruli, which essentially work to filter substances (such as toxins and waste products) out of the blood, where they are concentrated into the urine, which is then excreted from the body via the bladder and the urethra. Some toxins don't get filtered out by the glomeruli and are instead actively secreted by the kidneys into the urine. Regardless, the kidneys ability to secrete waste products and toxins into the urine is one of the primary ways in which toxins are eliminated from the body.Sweat - Another way in which toxins can be eliminated from the body is via sweat. Some toxins and waste products in the blood are able to diffuse into the sweat glands. As a result, when the body excretes sweat (in order to cool down), some toxins are excreted as well. Sweating is normally not able to process nearly as many toxins as urine production by the kidneys, but it provides an auxiliary method of toxin elimination.

What causes night sweats in teenage girls? Is that normal?

Anti-anxiety meds don't normally cause people to become drenched in sweat,but only at night.I suppose a horrible panic attack could,but that's not what I'm hearing from you.

I think you need to see a doctor ASAP and be tested for diabetes and for thyroid disorders.If you ever have spells of being excessively hungry,excessively thirsty,of peeing often,of getting shaky and weak when you have one of your sweating episodes,those are things you should tell the doctor.Sometimes high blood sugar levels DO cause insomnia.(Then again, a lot of people with anxiety disorders chose to sleep in the daytime and be awake during the night.)

For the time being keep SOMETHING to eat at your bedside and in your purse.When you wake up sweaty and clammy eat something with a lot of protien like an energy bar and see if you start feeling better.

I don't KNOW that you have diabetes,I only know you have a couple of the symptoms. Maybe it will turn out to not be diabetes at all.

But I also don't want you to be unnecessarily worried about being tested for diabetes.Diabetes becomes a problem when people either don't know they have it or they don't comply with any of the things they''re supposed to be doing to keep their blood sugar levels in normal range.Diabetes can often be controlled with only changes in your diet,the times you eat,and changing your exercise routine.Diabetes would NOT mean you can never eat any of your favorite sweet things again,although it could mean you'd become very familiar with the word "moderation.." ;)
Sometimes it's controlled by taking a pill a couple of times a day.There are now painless ways to check your blood glucose level instead of having to stick your finger.Someone who has to take insulin for a while doesn't ALWAYS need insulin long term to control their diabetes,Insulin syringes are TINY. I'm a nurse and I've stuck myself with them to see what patients go through.You can't even feel them.Finally the horror stories that we hear about diabetes-about people becoming physically challenged-from complications from it happen when people are HORRIBLY non-compliant for years.

Just take it one step at a time.You'll probably find out you don't even have it.
Good luck. Feel better soon.