Is This A Net Of A Cube If Not Explain

Charge q is placed at the corner of a cube. What is the flux through one face of a cube?

If charge is at the corner then it will be shared by 8 cubes.Charge for 1 cube = q/8Now in any given cube it is touching 3 9f its faces. So the area vector of that side and the electric field vector will be perpendicular. So flux through those 3 sides will be 0.Equal amount of flux will flow from the other 3 sides.So flux through 1 side = (q/8)/3 = q/24.Hope that helps.

Is a square prism same as a cube explain?

Is a square prism same as a cube explain?It appears by looking at the other answers this question got changed.A square prism might be a cube, but it might not be a cube. A square prism just means the base is a square. if the height has the same measurement as each side of the base it is a cube, but if the height has a different measurement than the side it is not a cube.

Project Euler 126: could someone explain?

It would require 12 to cover the top and bottom faces (6 each) It will require 20 more to cover the sides of the top and bottom faces. It will require 10 to cover the end faces, and 4 to fill in the corners of the end faces. Total, 46.

How do you explain a 4d cube?

look 4D dimensional objects are really easy to understand, the problem with 4D dimensional objects is trying to imagine it.imagine a square, put another square on top of the original square and make them overlap, draw lines between the verities of the squares. You made a cube, square =4 lines, cube=6 squares, NOW.imagine a cube, put another cube on top of the original cube and make them overlap, draw lines between the verities of the cubes. You made a tesseract. cube=6 squares, tesseract= 8 cubesIf you can see this tesseract, you would find that some of it’s cubes aren’t even cubes anymore BUT here’s the catch.If a 2 dimensional person looked at a cube, he would see that the squares of the cube are distorted, he would say “that’s a parallelogram not a square dumbass it doesn’t have 90 degrees on all angles”. But as a 3 dimensional person YOU would know what’s going on, you know that the squares behaves like this because it’s edge is folded into the 3 dimensional aka the z-axis but there is no z-axis in the 2 dimension and no 2 dimensional person will ever be able to imagine the cube because it’s out of their minds reach. although they can understand it (like we do with the 4th dimension) they can NEVER imagine it’s true form. like us with the 4th dimension. Thanks for reading!

What is the electric flux on each side of a cube if +q is placed on any one of the corners of the cube?

The key principle we first need to know is- Gauss’s law for electric flux. It states that the net electric flux through a closed surface is given by:where, Q is the net charge enclosed within the closed surface.Another key thing is, which is obvious, that electric flux, through surfaces which are symmetrical with respect to the geometry of the problem, will be equal. For example,if an electric charge , say +q, is placed at the center of the cube, then the net flux through all the faces should be equal to, as per Gauss’s law- [math]q/episilon0. [/math]And the net flux through each of the faces is- [math]q/(6episilon0)[/math], since the same flux should pass through each face as they are symmetrical to each other.Now, lets approach this problem.The first thing to observe is- faces 1,2 and 3 are symmetric with respect to the position of charge q. So equal amount of flux should pass through each of those faces.What about faces 4,5 and 6? Their planes contain the charge q. So no electric field is perpendicular to them, and hence the flux through faces 4,5 and 6, which is by definition,will be zero, as the angle between E and A is 90 degrees. Below image shows the scenario for a particular face(4,5 or 6).So, now we know that whole of the flux through the cube is passing through faces 1,2 and 3, and in equal amount. So, if F be the net flux through the cube, then through each face, net flux is: F/3.Now, lets find F. Now I am going to create symmetry around the charge q, as shown shown below.I have created 7 other cubes of same dimension as of original cube, the center of which is the position of the charge q. So by symmetry, net flux through through each of the 8 cubes should be the same, which is F.But the net flux through all the cubes will be, by Gauss’s law-[math]q/episilon0[/math]So, through each cube, net flux is: [math]q/8episilon0, [/math]which is equal to F.So, we arrive at the conclusion that, for the original problem geometry, where a charge q was placed at one corner of the cube, the net flux through each of the faces marked by 1,2 and 3, is F/3=q/24episilon0. And through faces marked by 4,5 and 6, the net flux is 0(zero).

Whether or not there must be an unblanced net force acting on any moving object?

There need not be an unbalanced force acting on a moving object. If an object moves with a constant velocity, there are no unbalanced forces acting on the object.

Objects continue in a state of rest OR UNIFORM MOTION , unless an unbalanced force acts on them . ( Newton's First Law of Motion ).

Things that are moving, just keep on moving. They don't need forces to keep them moving.

But if there is some force ( such as friction ) that slows them down, then they need another force to make them get back the speed they are losing.

How do I explain to someone that using algorithms to solve a Rubik's Cube is not cheating?

Do you know this guy?That’s right. He is Feliks Zemdegs, one of the most famous and epic cubers of all time.Currently he holds the record for 3x3 through 6x6 solves, with an addition of the 3x3 one-handed, 5x5 and 6x6 average, and the 7x7 average. A total of 8 world records under his belt. Impressive isn’t it?And guess what he uses to solve the cube? For every single type of cube he knows, which is more than I would be able to name?That’s right. Algorithms.If all those cube fans and humans out there were to think of algorithms as a cheat way of solving the cube, this guy wouldn’t be famous at all. He wouldn’t hold 8 world records. He would be viewed as a dirty cheater, banned from competitions, booed by people all over the world online and left to be forgotten.But he isn’t banned from competitions. It’s allowed by WCA. He isn’t viewed as a dirty cheater. Everybody thinks it’s fine. So what does your friend have against the use of algorithms?Or maybe let’s try a mathematical point of view.There are exactly 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 combinations to legally scramble a cube. Thus it goes that there is a same number of ways to solve a cube.But you ask “surely they can’t all be visibly different from each other? For example, if permutation A were to be just one more move from permutation B, wouldn’t A’s solution be only one move different from B’s?”And guess what; you are absolutely correct. As you try different scrambles and solve them, you’ll find that there is always a certain structure in a more efficient solve solution. Take the CFOP method as an example; It always begins with a cross. This is how an algorithm works.Algorithms are not out there to be used as a cheat method. Instead, they are out there to help you effectively and easily remember how to solve a cube.(You might have noticed how I especially highlighted the “easily”. This is because it is actually possible to solve the cube without algorithms. Instead, you could do what Google’s computers did: Generate a unique solution to every single possible combination. And remember them.)Edit: Just came back and noticed the number of upvotes for this answer… I really appreciate the support (this is my first time going over 50) and I’m also happy that you guys like my answer :D, I hope I can continue to improve my answers in the future.Edit 2: Holy CRAP. Never did I expect over a hundred upvotes for this answer, let alone 363. Thank you guys… I’m at a loss for words…

Gaussian surface. what is the net charge contained by the cube. Please help me?

Do it separately for each face. On each face, you want the dot product of electric field with the surface normal, which is either +- the component of electric field in that direction. You'll then integrate that over the face.

For instance, consider the front face, which lies in the yz plane. The surface normal is +i, so the component of E in that direction is the component along the x-axis, which is 1.30x + 2.47. On the front face, x = 0. So the perpendicular component is 2.47, a constant. The flux is 2.47 N/C x (area of the face), and the area of the face is (3.89 m)^2. Multiply that out. Keep it in mind.

On the back face, the surface normal is -i, and x = -3.89. So you are integrating -(1.30*(-3.89) + 2.47) over the area, or multiplying that value by (3.89 m)^2.

On the sides the surface normals are -j and +j. E is constant across those faces too, so it's just a multiplication.

Now let's look at the top and bottom faces. The surface normals are +k and -k, which means the thing you are integrating is +- 6.19, the z-component of E. Again constant, so you just multiply that by the area as well.

No integration is needed to solve this problem.

A charge Q is placed at the centre of a cube of side A. What is the electric flux through the cube?

According to Gauss’s law,[math]\displaystyle\oint_\,E \cdot ds= Q/ \epsilon[/math]Therefore the total flux through the cube is [math]Q/ \epsilon.[/math]The flux through each side of the cube is [math]Q/ 6\epsilon[/math].

How did Ice Cube get his name?

K-dee, Kid Disaster, was a member of Cube's original group CIA (Cru in Action). (thanks to Marchbabi323 for the correction.) He explains it the best because he was actually there when it happened. Don't buy any story that it is about Cube being "cool". It was because he liked Prince and Ice-T! See K-dee's explanation below:" Cube was a fan of Ice-T , that's how he first started liking rap, he said that dude is hard, and I ain't gonna put him out there but that's like almost how his name came about. He will tell a different story but his name was Purple Ice before that because he was into Prince and Ice-T. That was his name at first and one day he was like, man I need to change my name, and his Mom kept soda up under the counter, and he was getting a luke warm soda, he put it on the counter and got the glass and he got the ice cube tray and was like Ice Cube. He looked at me and I said it was tight. I heard him tell a different story but that's how it went down."’s another citation because people upvoting the fake reason. Not the truth:Original Gangstas pp 40–41: Google Play