Is This A Reason Why Someone Bullies

Is dyscalculia a reason to bully someone?

first off there is absolutley no excuse for bullying. The fact this person is bullying your friend just because of her dyscalculia is horrible. It is also wrong that the teachers haven't done anything about it. It is possible they do not know the full extent of the problem. You and your friend should talk to a teacher about the full extent of the problem. If that teacher doesn't listen, talk to another. Keep telling people and one of them will be able to help. I really hope this problem is sorted. I was very badly bullied and it was horrible. Hope that helps

What are the other reasons why someone dislikes you other than bullying?

Personal beliefs and values.

Why do some people get bullied for no reason?

There are actually two parts to this question. I will answer the second part first.No one gets bullied because they have anything to be bullied about.Bullies make up excuses to give a ‘reason’ for their bullying. Or they bully without giving their victim a reason, and the victim thinks:“It must be something about me, maybe it’s ‘X’.”But, no. it’s not them. It’s all the bully.The first part of this question is, why does a specific person get picked? In school they get picked primarily because they are vulnerable; they are people who bullies think won’t fight back. Then the the perpetrator assigns a ‘reason’ to bully the person - race, religion, speech, dress, gender, whatever - and gets on with the bullying. In the workplace, people often get picked on because the bully feels threatened by the victim’s good work.

Why do people bully other people for no reason?

I had a boy in my class last year that was really mean to everyone...including me. He always put other people down and he even hit girls. I think the real problem isn't the person that the bully is picking on but rather the bully themselves. I think they pick on other people because they aren't comfortable in their own skin and they try to hide the fact that they have no confidence in themselves. I totally think confronting the bully is always the best thing to do because they are finally put on the spot and it makes them realize that hurting others isn't funny. :)

What Are Some Reasons People Are Bullied?

Jealousy is for some reason the most common answer, but this isn't true. Parents tell that to their kids to make them feel better, the fact is a lot of bullies aren't specifically jealous of you, hurting you just makes them feel better. Certain people are easier to pick on.Some common reasons are

-Being overweight
-Being flat chested
-Having really bad acne
-Being poor
-Being a slut (or have is commonly rumored you are)
-Being overall ugly
-Bad Hygene
-Being stupid, (or being smart 'nerd')
-Because you did something to one popular kid
-Being a loner
-Weird sense of fashion
-Funny way of speaking
-Odd hobbies or interests
-Being Gay

Those are the most common reasons I can think of for mass-bullying. People bully for many different reasons though, someties they're insecure and what not, but either way that's not what you asked.

Hope that helps.

Why do people bully for no reason?

Many reasons. Envy and resentment. Low self esteem. Bully was bullied themselves so trying to redeem their sense of empowerment. Depression and antisocial tendencies. Family problems such as stressful home life or parents being overly dominant. Although some bullies have none of these issues and that is normally peer pressure or trying to fit in, a kind of mob mentality ie be the bully or be bullied yourself. The worst kind and actually the most rare are the ones that are actually sadistic and just do it for pleasure because they enjoy others emotional or physical suffering. Contrary to common belief many bullies do experience a stage of guilt about their actions in later life which in extreme cases can lead to depression or anxiety. Not much comfort to the victims of this awful behaviour though.

Getting bullied for no reason?

Alot of the answers above hit the nail on the head. Those have a Thumbs Up from me ;)

I'm a guy, and I was often bullied when I was in school. My method was to ignore them. I know it's cliche, but bullies HATE it when their target doesn't respond or even flinch towards their remarks. It takes alot of practice to get used to things not bothering you, but I'm telling you from personal experience that it works. It takes a while to get used to it, because you will still hear their words, but you must fight the urge to respond to them. Act as though you don't hear what they are saying; don't glare at them, don't pinch your lips, don't squint your eyes, nothing. Just smile and keep moving. On the other side of that though, is that sometimes it will make them angrier to the point they try to physically get a response from you, which goes into my next point. You should definitely tell a counselor, teacher or principal, and even tell them that you plan to ignore them, and if that doesn't work, you want them to take action to keep you protected; and make sure they document your talk with them and the requests you made. So that way, if the bullies decide to force a confrontation, and you get hurt or you hurt them, you have documentation showing that you sought help and tried to do the right thing.

Bullies are people that succumb to "Group Think", meaning they can't think for themselves, so they go along with whatever the strongest minded person says (which is usually a child from a battered home), and they are HATERS of the highest caliber. They make fun of other people, not realizing that they will be working for people like you in the future, because their dumb*sses are to ignorant to do anything with their lives. When they become adults they have to stick around groups of people like themselves, because if they tried to bully someone on their own, they would get their *ss beat. Just keep your head up young lady, and take pride in knowing that you will get much further ahead in life than they ever will.

What are some good reasons why we should not bully?

Do you want to live with the guilt of having known your actions cost someone to take their own life? To be named as a killer, murderer? I don’t think so.Bullying is not only a thing that hurts the victim but also the aggressor. It may take a year, five years, maybe even ten years for the aggressor to wake up and notice the pain they’ve caused. That’s called guilt, it’s a nasty thing that can make people depressed. Bullying is a double edged sword. Why take the risk?Do you really want to bully someone to the point where they think that they don’t matter, that they’re a pain and that the only way to fix it is to take their own life? if that happens then not only does a good person lose their life but the attacker now has to live with the fact that they killed someone. They caused someone to become depressed and now look, they’ll eventually become depressed themselves knowing what they did was wrong and unforgivable. Double edged sword right there.I believe that is more than enough of a good reason on why not to bully someone.