Is This A Sign Of Something Continued

Bad luck or warning signs of something happening?

Ok, lol this is gonna sound like REALLY weird but lately things have been wierd with my family and I. Suddenly the microwave doesn't work, both my parents cars break down and wont pass inspection, and my TV all of a sudden turns black&white, filter breaks, my Room TV all of a sudden turns on when im asleep -.- idk if this is a coincidence or it means something, it feels like a coincidence but at the same time idk maybe bad luck or a sign of something good or bad in the future :o

Why are some people chronically late? Is this a sign of something deeper than poor time management?

Why are some people chronically late? Is this a sign of something deeper than poor time management?I personally think that being chronically late is due to the culture of the person and also may be due to poor time management. I really do not think that there are deeper underlying psychological characteristics that are responsible for chronic lateness.Here in the Western World, we tend to stress punctuality, especially in the business world. We also suffer from unnecessary stress due to our insistence on certain demands that may not always be that healthy.Shakespeare the Bard stated, “There is a method to my madness.” No truer words could ever have been said. What works for one person may be seen as madness by another.I tend to be a very creative person. My time schedule does not fit the strict time observances of someone who is a time punctuality lover. I struggle with deadlines. Give me the freedom, the room to think and the world is mine.A past roommate of mine, a guy from the South Pacific Islands piddled with time like I do. We discussed this subject. In his culture, one stopped, talked with your neighbor, you did this, then you did that and the time was not an issue. You arrived at a deadline when you arrived at the deadline. This was acceptable in his culture.In summation, no I do not think chronic lateness is due to anything more than the culture or the temperament of the person.Now get busy and get those reports in on time!!!Peace and Merry Christmas.

My cat is making a continuous purring sound all the time, is that normal?

Place your finger on your cat’s “adam’s apple” and see if you can feel vibration there. This is to verify that the noise is a purr.Now, is the noise steady, or only heard on the inhale or exhale? If the latter, your cat is having respiratory difficulty and needs a vet.If no vibration at voice box, the cat needs a vet. Place a finger in front of the cat’s nostrils and see if you feel air moving evenly out of each nostril. If not, off to vet.If cat is behaving normally, has not changed in anyway physically, (hair coat, eating and “bathroom” habits), and is not showing any behavioral changes, and it IS a purr, and not harsh and/or irregular, you are probably OK.If you feel vibration at the chest (under the left elbow on the side) and not at the voice box, go to vet. That’s a sign of heart problems (murmur and a bad one).How old is your cat? Overweight? What breed?When did this start? The more detail you can give me, the more info I can give you, but all in all, any time anything weird comes up with a cat, I tend to lead toward a vet visit as cats can be very ill before they show signs (they are prey as well as predators so hide symptoms), and can crash very quickly indeed.

Stomach bug or something more serious?

The other day I started to get a really scratchy sore throat followed by some nasal congestion. Now last night I was up for about 5 hours, vomiting about once an hour like clock work. The vomiting coincided with stomach pains, that have continued into today even though I have not vomited in about 6 hours.I had no appetite yesterday so I know that the vomiting wasnt caused by anything that I ate.. I wasnt even able to keep water or Tums down last night. I dont think its common to get a stomach bug in May so Im concerned. Does anyone know what I could have, or know if you can get the stomach flu in the summer? No one around me is sick, help! :( Just a side note, I have been having cramping and bowel movements but no diarreah

What is the reason of continuous blinking of right eye lid?

An eyelid twitch is a repetitive, involuntary spasm of the eyelid muscle.Chronic and uncontrollable eyelid twitches are a sign of benign essential blepharospasm.Very rarely, eyelid spasms are a symptom of a more serious brain or nerve disorder.An eyelid twitch, or blepharospasm, is a repetitive, involuntary spasm of the eyelid muscles. A twitch usually occurs in the upper lid, but it can occur in both the upper and lower lids. For most people, these spasms are very mild and feel like a gentle tug on the eyelid. Others may experience a spasm strong enough that it forces you to close your eyelid completely. Some people never have any noticeable signs.Spasms typically occur every few seconds for a minute or two. Episodes of eyelid twitching are unpredictable. The twitch may occur off and on for several days. Then, you may not experience any twitching for weeks or even months.The twitches are painless and harmless, but they may bother you. Most spasms will resolve on their own without the need for treatment. In rare cases, eyelid spasms may be an early warning sign of a chronic movement disorder, especially if the spasms are accompanied by other facial twitches or uncontrollable movements.

What does it mean if you dream the same dream continuously?

A dream that you keep dreaming over and over is known as a Recurrent or Recurring Dream. Recurring Dreams happen when you did not remember, or understand the dream message information the first time you dreamed it, also known as solving the riddle of the dream. This was seen in many of the multiple dreams of the dreamers in the book Dreams That Can Save Your Life: Early Warning Signs of Cancer and Other Diseases, based on the Diagnostic Dream Research Work of Duke University Radiologist Dr. Larry Burk. Your inner-guidance is using dreams to communicate something important, but you are not “getting it.” The majority of recurrent dreams usually appear as a nightmare so you won’t dismiss the information. It is easy to forget a nice dream but difficult to ignore a frightening nightmare. Recurring dreams reflect the presence of an unresolved or persistent conflict in an individual's life. Remember, dreams may speak to us with signs and symbols. If you keep missing the message, your dream environment may shift into a nightmare to get your attention. Recurring dreams appear during tough or emotional times in our lives. Like nightmares, they are also often a call-to-action.Photo credit- Pixabay FREE Image no Attribution required.

My gf says she is  bored of the relationship,and will continue after like a 2 weeks break. Is this something to be worried about or is it just normal?

SOMETIMES YOU WILL NEVER KNOW THE VALUE OF A MOMENT UNTIL IT BECOMES A MEMORY.Here are some of the commonest reasons for women to get bored with their relationships.Taken For Granted: What women want is to be treated like princesses by their boyfriends. But after the relationship gets older, the guy starts settling into his comfort zone. He is no longer ready to drive 20 miles just to kiss you goodnight. But the good news is that some other guy is ready to take over!The Gifts Stop Coming: Every girl likes to be pampered. But guys think that they need to overwhelm their girlfriends with gifts only during the initial phase of the courtship. But girls expect the gift to keep coming even afterwards. If the gifts stop coming, women get bored easily.The Death Of Romance: There was a time when he would kiss you in public and feel proud of it. Now he doesn't even want to hold your hand because it is embarrassing! Time to move on. Romance is what women want from relationships. If you cannot give her that, she will dump you.Too Much Of A Nice Guy..: Men should never forget that women have a huge soft corner for bad guys. So if you are too much of a nice guy and become her pet, she will get bored with the relationship very soon. That is why, show your darker side to your girl once in a while. That will keep things interesting in your relationship.Too Early To Pop The Ring: If you pop the question of marriage too soon, your girlfriend might take it as an attempt to tie her down. Being committed is a good sign but allow the commitment to develop over a period of time. If you propose her in a hurry she may be happy momentarily. But she will tend to get bored later on. These are some of the main reasons for which women get bored in relationships. Have you seen any of these symptoms of boredom in your relationship?