Is This A Sleeping Disorder

Why do I have sleeping disorders?

This particular sleep disorder is called Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome, in which you are falling asleep much, much later than you would prefer. Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome is primarily caused by too much exposure to bright, short wavelengths of light in the evening (and not enough bright light earlier in the day). I cured my own Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome with a fairly easy light regimen.Get lots of Bright Light in the morning and afternoon. Blue wavelengths in sunlight tell your body that it’s daytime, sending signals to produce serotonin and cortisol, the body’s wakeful hormones. Sunlight is best, but a dawn simulator lamp or SAD lamp will work just as well indoors. Eat your breakfast in front of a bright window or in front of your SAD lamp.2. After sunset, reduce your exposure to bright, blue light! Blue light at night blocks production of the sleep hormone melatonin. Download a free app like f.lux on your phone and computer. These apps reduce the brightness and blueness of your screens. If at all possible, stay away from screens altogether.3. Blue Blockers. If you have to be around bright lights after sunset (including for work), get a pair of blue light blocking glasses. Studies show that wearing blue blocking glasses restores normal melatonin production and healthful sleep schedules to shift workers.4. Amber Lights. Invest in an amber lamp or amber book light to use in the hours before bed. Amber lights emit very few of the blue wavelengths that can block melatonin production and disrupt your sleep.5. Stick to a schedule! Aside from light exposure, a careful, consistent sleep schedule is the best way to prevent Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder and related circadian problems.I wrote a longer article about curing my Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome here[1]. Check it out if you need a little more info!Good Luck!HerbFootnotes[1] Curing Insomnia, Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome, and Shift Work Disorder with Natural Light Therapy

What is my sleep disorder?

I have always had sleep trouble. For the past couple of years I would have these parasomnias where I was like in a trance or something. I would be asleep but I was fully conscious of where I was (usually). For example, after a soccer game I would go to sleep normally and then wake in a parasomnia where I could see the whole room and think to some extent but I would see the whole soccer team in my room playing a game and I was afraid that if the coach saw me laying down then he wouldn't put me in the game, so I would just sit up. Another was when my room was completely dark and I thought that I was in some strange attic. I then starting screaming cause I couldn't find my way out. I remember both where I was in my room and where I was in that strange attic...sort of, it was very dark in that dream. But now I don't fall asleep until like 1 or 2 every night. then i wake up at 4 and fall asleep and then wake up at 6:30 for school. when i get up for school it is so hard that i just want to die! please help!!

oh by the way my doctor said that it may be Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder after i mentioned the parasomnias.

Do I have a sleep disorder?

I have always been a night owl. I love the night. Everytime I try to go to sleep I can lay in bed for 20 minutes up to 2 hours. It takes a really long time for me to fall asleep. I don't sleep with a TV on, but I always have my fan and my radio on. My radio is always on low. Just enough to where there is background noise. I can't sleep without either of those things. When I get up in the mornings I always feel really tired. I have school and get really bad grades from not being able to focus. I can be watching TV or be on the computer and feel really tired, but when I go and lay in bed I just can't sleep. Is there any medicine I can take for this. Should I see a doctor? Thanks in advance!

I think i have a sleeping disorder...?

im just going to list some details incase needed.
age: 15
sex: male
weight: 55kg
height: dont know, but comparing to others at school, average.

Okay, so my problem is that: whenever i am at school in lessons, i am constantly falling asleep against my own will. i dont want to fall asleep, and try my best not to, but i cant help it. i dont know if this is REAL sleep only because the second someone says my name i wake up. (possibly cos im so embarased of falling asleep). i went to the doctor and told him i thought i had narcolepsy but he said i didnt because i didnt fall asleep while talking to him about it.
my sleeping cycle is all over the place (HOWEVER, this is NOT the cause of my sleeping problem, my sleeping problem is causing it). i always sleep way to long (10-16) hours when given the chance, and STILL feel really tired when getting out of bed (more tired than when going to bed) after 16 hours sleep.
i have 3 alarm clocks to wake me up for school and stuff, but that doesnt work, so i get my mum to pull me out of bed and stuff. when i wake up with an alarm or something, i fall asleep after like.. litteraly 2 seconds, and will completely sleep through my alarms.

this has been going on for a few months now, and its affecting my grades badly, because of this i never do any homework, or revise for exams. and a lot of the time, dont go into school. i think my attendance is at like..60% or less now.

also i feel very much awake at night, and on weekends, will stay up very late, or not go to bed at all for a night.

Also i use caffiene to try and help. i am like 2 or 3 times over the max amount you should take for an adult (and im only 15) most of the time. i take caffiene tablets and drink loads of energy drinks, but i think i am now completely immune to caffiene (you build immunity overtime of taking too much caffiene).

Basicly: i sleep to long, still feel tired. and fall asleep during day while on way too much caffiene. and am very awake at night.

some interesting things: i have halicinated (sound and image, both at different times tho) , and have never tried any illegal drugs. i have fallen asleep in the shower for a very short time without falling over. and i fell asleep standing up, like 5 times, for a very short time, while straightening my hair 2 nights ago.

please help, the doctor wont, your my only hope really.

How do I get rid of sleep disorder?

I think I will be one of the apt person to answer this question because “People who felt the pain will know its worth “I had suffered from sleeping disorder over a month .I found very difficult to sleep even I close my eyes and lie down in the bed for one hour I will be awake.Dark circles surrounded my eyes within a weak as a effect .I had head ache continuously .My eyes found very difficult to work with computer.My friends suggested me to consult a doctor when I tried to find best doctor online they directed me to a Psychiatrist but I feared that they will treat me as a patient and it will take too long for that to cure so I decided I am going to heal myself.When I said about this to my MOM the first word she uttered is “DONT TAKE ANY MEDICATIONS “ and follow this remedy :Do shilpa yoga at the morning for 20 mins (As this was one of the easiest yoga methods)Wake up at the same time in the morning(Even if you haven't slept the previous night)Go to bed before 10:00 pmClose your eyes and count 100–1 in reverseMake your concentration towards center of your eyesDon't move your body for at least 15 mins and do this.Finally, Pray before bed (Best medication in the world).When I followed this remedy I saw changes over my body and my sleeping disorder flew away.You may also try sleep giving eatables  :milk with brown sugar before bed / Banana / AvocadoHave a happy Sleeping :)

Is this a sleep disorder? What should I do to keep from sleeping 12 hours every night?

It sounds excessive. If you are feeling tired and lethargic, why not go to your doctor and explain your symptoms? Tell them how long this has been going on. There may be a reason for it and it's always best to get these things checked out.
I found this on wikipedia- where else?! It may give you some more information.
Best of luck- hope you get this sorted out.
Sweet dreams!

How is a sleep disorder diagnosed?

A sleep disorder is diagnosed by spending a night or two in a sleep clinic and having your sleep patterns monitored. There are a lot of different type of sleep disorders, sleep apnea, insomnia, restless leg syndrome to name a few. You have to be referred to the sleep clinic by a physician who can analyze the results and diagnose your problem.

Sleeping Disorder - Waking up every hour?

Something is obviously waking you up often if you suddenly wake up but are able to fall back asleep repeatedly. I would guess it's something physical.

Normally, people with sleep apnea have this problem, but that's extremely rare in a healthy 16-year-old. However, that doesn't mean it isn't some other kind of similar sleep disorder. Persistently waking up as you say means there's something either physical or environmental causing you to wake. It could be something in the room you sleep in, or it could be something in you that wakes you up. If you can determine what it is, it would be helpful. If you can't, you may want to see a doctor, if it persists.

My best advice is to have good sleeping habits. Avoid caffeine at least six hours before bed, don't use the computer or TV or any other LCD screen before bed, don't eat dark chocolate before bed, and keep your room temperature slightly cool so you aren't awoken by a buildup of excess heat. Make sure your sleeping area is comfortable enough so you don't toss and turn all night. And, of course, be sure there's no interrupting noises or flashes of light at any point (like cars outside). If that's a problem, use earplugs, which you can get at any pharmacy, and if light is a problem, a sleeping mask helps, also commonly found at pharmacies.