Is This A Tooth Abscess Or Just Tooth Pain

Is this an abscess? Or just cavity pain?

I have a tooth on my bottom right jaw towards the back, don't know the name of the tooth, well anyways, it was supposed to have been taken care of years ago but the dentist that saw me just put a temp filling in and it just recently came out. Now I wasn't experiencing pain when it came out, but the last few days my tooth has had a real bad throbbing dull pain that comes and goes and this morning I noticed my gum next to the tooth is swollen. Is this an abscess? My dentist isn't open til Monday. What can I do for pain and/or to treat the abscess at home for now til I can see them?

How can I stop abscess tooth pain?

The best treatment for pain from an abscessed tooth is to see your dentist ASAP. This way your dentist can perform root canal therapy if needed, prescribe antibiotics if needed, drain the abscess if possible, and clean out infection or debris from inside the tooth’s pulp.Since getting a dental appointment can take a day or so, I’ve found that these at-home remedies can provide some relief to the infected tooth in the meantime:OTC pain relievers, such as Ibuprofen, to reduce inflammation and pain, taken regularly (not excessively).Clove oil, also packaged as eugenol, works as an antiseptic and can be applied directly to the affected tooth or surrounding gums. Most pharmacy/wellness stores sell a “Complete Toothache Kit”, for around $5. The kit comes with a small bottle of eugenol, small cotton swabs (kind of like the tips of Q-Tips), and tweezers so you can dip the cotton in the oil and apply it to the irritated area. If you have a hole in the tooth, accessible with tweezers, place the cotton directly in the hole. If not, apply the oil around the gum area. The oil is absolutely hideous tasting, but I’ve found it provides some relief (lasting about 1 1/2 hours per application) when nothing else seems to at all. Do not use more often as necessary as it can cause additional inflammation if overused.If the tooth has a hole caused by decay or a chip/crack in the tooth, drugstores usually sell a temporary sealant kit to fill any holes. These temporary fillings help keep debris out of a broken or decaying tooth as well as reducing irritation caused by heat, cold, sweet, or acidic food and drink.Rinsing with warm, salty water to relieve inflammation and pain, as needed.Flossing helps dislodge any food particles that may be aggravating the tooth/gum area.Sleeping/sitting/laying with your head elevated reduces pressure within your head.Most importantly, make a dental appointment as soon as possible. Abscesses don’t heal themselves and delaying treatment greatly increases risk of further infection or tooth loss.Best of luck relieving dental pain!

How can you have a tooth abscess without pain?

a Tooth abscess is usually the sequelae of Tooth ‘Pulp Necrosis’ which is the stage where the nerve tissue in the pulp is dead and degenerated. Once that has happened, pain stimulus is not perceived. Also the abscess could be chronic (slowly developing).

What cause you to have a tooth abscess without pain?

If the root of a tooth is dead, you won’t feel pain with a deep cavity or an abscessed tooth. The root may be dead because you did not take care of a cavity and eventually it killed the root.On the other hand, you may in the past have had a painful tooth, but there was no cavity. The dentist may have given you a root canal treatment to take care of the pain. Years pass and you forgot that you had a root canal done on this tooth. In the meantime you now develop a tooth abscess because of a deep cavity. It does not hurt, because you had a previous root canal done on this tooth.

Why did my abscess tooth just drain and the pain subsided?

I've been dealing with an abcess tooth for about a week my lower left molar, it swelled up my jaw and the gland under my tongue it was so painful and swoll that I went to the emergency and followed to the dentist this week. They gave me Penicillan and pain meds. I need to get the tooth worked on as soon as the swelling subsides.Nothing helped this throbbing beast of a tooth! It hurts as bad as labor pains for reals.. so anyways tonight I started to gargle with super hot salt water and it started to drain, it was brownish red and really horrible tasting, but as soon as it drained the pain was gone. I am sooooo relieved. Has this happened to anyone before? My dentist said it good for it to drain but it sure is strange.

Tooth abscess - SEVERE pain - HELP!!?

Okay, for *Mojo*, Panadeine Forte is not available without prescription in Australia or anywhere else. And for Audrey, hospitals DO have emergency services for dental pain.
My advice is however, go to your local after-hours doctor. It may cost extra but they will be able to put you on a strong antibiotic to relieve the pain by reducing the severity of the abscess, along with a pain killer to tide you over until you can get to your dentist, just don't over do the pain meds, if two don't work, four won't either.
Book that appointment with a dentist regardless of the wait, tell them to put you on their cancellation list, you may get in earlier. You need to be treated as soon as possible. If you get any severe facial swelling, turn up to a dentist or your hospital A & E on the spot. this could be very dangerous, sometimes fatal if left.

Tooth Abscess questions?

I've had a tooth abscess for months, Probably since March. At first we weren't sure what It was, because we went to urgent care and they said I had a horrible sinus infection. They gave me super strong antibiotics. I was in MAJOR pain! The pain went down alot, so I thought it was going away. I soon figured out it was a tooth abscess, because I saw it. I told my mom and we had a couple antibiotic pills left so I took them. It hasn't bugged me at all! I could see it there, but it didn't hurt. I rinsed my mouth with salt water, Brushed my teeth more often, Etc. There was two parts to it (hard to explain) one near the top & and the other partially on my tooth. The bottom one is gone but the top one is still there a little. All of a sudden its starting to hurt again, not really really bad. But it hurts.

Is there any natural ways to get rid of it? Or maybe just antibiotics would get rid of it?

I have a MAJOR fear of dentists, the whole reason I got this is because we couldn't afford a crown to put on it after I had a cavity filled and it wasn't covered under our insurance. If I really have to go to the dentist, what will they do? And can I be put to sleep or something?

I'm remembering last time, I was literally in tears! My mom gave me some of her Vicodin from a surgery she had (only about half, when I really needed it!) and it barely helped lasting only about an hour!

I'm super scared because I read you could die from it!

BTW I'm only 13.

What is the pain comparison of a tooth abscess?

This has got to be the worst kind of pain going, I mean if you put childbirth no 1 on the scale of 1 to 10……Source: Do You Know You Can Reverse Your Teeth Cavities Naturally?About a year ago it started to hurt so the dentist I now have decided to do a root canal……a week later half of it broke and came out… and despite having a root canal which is supposed to kill the nerve it still hurt …she then decided to cap it or crown it what ever you want to call it…. that was fine for about 5 months… then it came off which left me with the outer side of the tooth and some very sharp bits on gum level… but no pain… so she decided to leave it at that and then put another crown on despite me asking her to now pull it…… ok I admit its my fault I never went back for the crown… hey no pain, no sensitivity no need to go… well thats what I worked on the theory of anyway…Anyways… I took Antibiotics, pain killers, anti inflammatory pills and more pain killers….. I would of taken anything including arsenic if I thought it would of had a drink to try to numb it…….. a whole bottle of white wine later and still in pain…. it didnt even make me sick to take my mind off it…I recon at the time it couldnt of hurt any more than it did already and it might of hurt for a while but then the pain would be gone…I try calling the dentist only to be told they cant fit me in until next week Friday to be exact which meant i would of had toothache for a week. tried the emergency dental line and they no longer operate they just work with local dentists now on a rota basis…I tried Canterbury hospital at the suggestion of my sister in lawish… I lied and said i was staying with a friend in faversham (so i could be in the right health area) but they told me that my local dentaline rota dentist was within distance of me going home…..I had an appointment at 3.45 at the dentist in milton….. what the hell…… thats my dentist .. the ones that cant fit me in until the end of next week……i cant do anything until its gone down i will give you some antibiotics at which point i told her i had been taking them for 2 days anyway…and was in agony…

Tooth abscess that wont go away?

sorry about my English.

Your Dr. need to make an incision to release the infection contained on the packed, is not painful with anesthesia, I had the same problem, the faster way to get better is to drain the pus before it spread to a bigger area, is done in 3 mints or less, and the amoxicillin 500mg 1 pill every 8 hours for 7 days , and yes, warm salty-water is very good, do it like every 3 hours, hold it on your mouth for at least one minute then spit out.
take Advil 2 pills every 8 hours, be careful don't take too much Advil, it might produce liver failure and you might die, read the label very well and do not abuse the pain killers, they might kill more than the pain.

How do I relieve my cat’s pain from a tooth abscess without going to a vet?

Are you avoiding the vet for financial reasons? I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to use one for this. A tooth abscess can literally kill your pet. The pain is the least of your worries. In fact, if you can tell that the cat is in pain, it’s probably already so bad that you need to have it taken care of NOW. And yes, it will be expensive. I’m sorry. But there’s no way around this one. As Joanne Kaufman suggested, maybe you can get on a payment plan. Really, your cat’s life is at stake.