Is This A Very Uncommon Last Name

How uncommon is the last name Auditore?

It's not a common name. in 1920, there were only about nine families in America with that name. There are none in the UK. It says it's origins are Italian but it gives no definition.

If you have a really uncommon last name does that mean you are related to most of the people with it?

No genealogy doesn't work like that, a surname is not the way to tell if you are related to someone with the same name ...chances are you are not and the ONLY way to find out is do the right research............. so how would your mum know unless she has spent the last 20 years researching your ancestry, it is jut what she thinks or was told in family stories and we are all told family stories that turn out to not be true........................

What are some uncommon last names?

I need some uncommon last names for a character in the story I am writing. So far the character's name is Primrose Blackburn. Pretty lame, huh? Please Help!!!!!!

Is Jin a uncommon last name?

I honestly don't think Jin is a last name.
Now, there are about 270 or so Korean last names.
I used to have a complete list of all Korean last names but I'm afraid I don't anymore.

Anyway, the way you're going to determine someone's gender by name is only if you have the middle name together with the first name. Jin is a common first name, it could either belong to a boy or a girl but that's going to depend. You see, Koreans would also need to see the person's middle name to say whether it's a boy or a girl.

I'll give you an example.

Jin Su would be a boy while Jin Shil would be a girl.
So yeah, you need the middle name and to answer your question, no, I don't think Jin is a last name.

What are the most common Puerto Rican last names?

This is some of the common las names of Puerto Rico...Acosta, Agustín,                               Albino, Alicea,                               Almodóvar,                               Alvarez, Arroyo,                               Ayala, Báez,                               Bermúdez, Bonilla,                               Busigó, Camacho,                               Casiano, Castro,                               Colón,                               Correa, Cortés,                               Cruz, Cumel,                               Dávila, Feliciano,                               Fernández,                               Ferrer, Figueroa,                               Galarza, González,                               Irizarry, Lamboi,                               Lebrón, López,                               Lugo, Madera,                               Malavé, Martin,                               Martínez, Mercado,                               Millán,                               Miranda, Molina,                               Montalvo, Morales,                               Nazario,                               Negrón, Ocasio,                               Ortiz, Ortiz                               de la Renta,                               Pacheco, Padilla,                               Pagán, Pérez,                               Ramos, Ramírez,                               Ríos, Rivera,                               Rodríguez,                               Rosa, Ruiz,                               Sáez,                               Salcedo, Sánchez,                               Santana, Santiago,                               Silva,                               Soltero, Soto,                               Tirado, Toro,                               Torres, Valle,                               Vargas, Vázquez,                               Vega, Villarinos,                               Zaragoza.

Why is my last name so uncommon? How do I find its origin? (Re posted)?

My last name is very uncommon. I've been trying to find the origin of the name and its meaning. My last name is "Hettasch." I'm told its German. I don't have much information on the name because unfortunately there no relatives ( to my knowledge) left that I can ask besides my Grandma. My family came to America with the name in the late 1800/early 1900 & I'm in the last generation that will be caring the name.

Why is it so uncommon and how do I find its origin?

Thanks Everyone! :)

What are some uncommon Spanish surnames?

I have a friend who's last name is "Orizaga", there is also "Calderón" (which comes from the French word for "cauldron-maker" but it's Spanish) Rubio, Pardos,Guerrero (warrior), Panadero (this one comes from "bread-maker" since most of the surnames were made from their professions like "Smithson" which was the son of the smith and so forth), Marinero(sailor),Cantor (singer), Marin, Monje(monk), Salvador(savior), Ferrer, Amador(lover), Reyes(kings), Marques(marquess), Conde(count), Hidalgo (Hijo de algo "son of something"), Fidalgo, Gallego, Navarro, Montañés, Castellano, Murciano, Valenciano( from Valencia), Franco, Sicilia, Aragon (a place in Spain), Castillos(castles), (these are derived from Arabic during their stay in Spain) Alhama, Alarcón, Alameda, Medina. These ones come from Latin, Frádes, Gádes, Pilatos, Santos, Augustos, Martos.These others are from the Gothic times in Spain; Rico, Guzmán, Recesvinto, Huesca. These ones are a bit like their English equivalent to "Thomason, and Williamson"; Gálvez (Galva’s son), Sánchez (Sancho’s son), Méndez (Mendo’s son), Ruiz (Ruy’s son), Estévez (Esteve’s son), Álvarez (Álvaro’s son ). And these last ones are old Uncommon last names: Manera, Martín, Custardoi, Roí, Cao, Pelayo, Pita, Manuel, Villena, Hurtado, Mendoza, Cortes, Godoy, Gil, Alonso, Salvatierra, Salvatella.

What are some uncommon Japanese last names? Please and thank you.?

Here's a list of 100 very uncommon Japanese surnames (in Japanese):

Among them, here are some which I think go with 珊瑚 Sango (= coral) and 空 Sora (= sky):

[Related to the sea]:
- 鯨 Kujira (whale)
- 漁 Sunadori (fishing)
- 宝船 Housen (treasure ship)

[Related to the sky]:
- 朏 Mikazuki (crescent)
- 小鳥遊 Takanashi (little bird's play)
- 七夕 Tanabata (the Star Festival -- July 7.)
*Note: Takanashi is a rather common surname if written 高梨 (lit. "high pear") in kanji.

[Others that might be interesting]:
- 春夏秋冬 Hitotose (Kanji: spring, summer, autumn, winter/ Reading: one year)
- 東西南北 Yomohiro (Kanji: east, west, south, north/ Reading: four-direction extension)

Hope this helps.