Is This A Weird Reason To Change My Last Name

I hate my last name because I hate my dad, what should I change it to?

The beauty about it is you can change it to pretty well what ever you like. You’re breaking off the family tie and creating a new one.When you change your last name you are distancing yourself from your previous family as if you were never apart of them. That’s a good thing. Go with a name that has no affiliation with your roots or any connectivity with your current last name.For example Evans my last name. Charly Goodman or Charles Bronson lol. See i hate my dad, My brother and sister too. They hate me so i hate them back. I’m also considering changing my last name. I haven’t spoke to my so called family in over 12 years no phone calls from them no birthday, christmas cards no nothing. Me changing my last name will make it all so much easier when they die. When my so called dad dies which is going to be very shortly i hope i will be extremely happy. You may want to change your looks as well. You got your looks from your father and i’m sure you don’t want any part of him on your skin so make some minor improvements (Surgery) on your face breaking away any ties to your father even more. When you change your last name heck why not change your first and last name. too. Your father gave you your first name. Go all out change your first and last name. In Ontario Canada it only cost 25 dollars to change your last name. It wouldn’t cost any more to change your first name. Once all that is done move away from the poison and start fresh and new. Have you ever seen the movie sleeping with the enemy?Julia Roberts was great in it. She fakes her death and changes her appearance and even her first and last name. Hey that might be a better solution. Fake your death. Legally change your first and so it will literally be impossible for him to find you that’s if he ever decides to. He won’t be looking for you because he will assume you’re dead lol. If he ever found out some how he would be so pissed off that his own flesh and blood that he betrayed has actually betrayed him in the worst possible way. Disregarding his fatherhood from birth to present as if he never existed. Double Jeopardy is another good movie. The husband fakes his own death and changes his first and last name. Of course in that movie he did it for the wrong reasons and that was to frame his wife for a crime he commited.

Wanting to change name after abuse, weird?

I was abused by my father for 6 years and i want to change my name. Not just my last name my entire name since he chose my name. No one in my family except for my eldest brother understands why. It has been so bad that my relationship with my mother has suffered significantly because of it. Everyone tells me it's strange to want to change it fully. I don't see why, What do you think?

Why should women change their last name?

If I had it to do over again I'd have kept my name. I've thought about changing it back, but then it came to me that I'd be taking another assumed name: my Dad's (rather than my Mom's.) So I'm just changing one assumed (man's) name for another --- when what I really would like is my own name.

I have thought about choosing a totally new name that is really mine. But my husband doesn't like that idea --- I think it would be neat even if we chose a new name together.

I think it's so funny how guys don't understand why women may want to keep their names, but if you ask them to change their name the response is NO. Why should women feel any differently about the signal of their identity?

As an earlier poster pointed out, it's just a bunch of bull.

As an Indian male, would you be ready to change your surname to your wife's surname if asked?

Anonymous, I'd like to keep my privacy here.Will I change my surname? I wouldn't like to. Would I 'ask' my wife to change her surname. Not in a million years. Her surname is her identity - how much of low self-esteem must I have that I ask an equal partner to change her name, so that it includes mine? Ridiculous! What if my wife wants me to change my surname? I would disagree strongly. I would  think my partner has self-esteem issues.What if she wants to change hers, "out-of-love"? I would protest. I would be extremely sad that she would want this herself - and would do everything I can to convince her otherwise. EDIT: made some changes, I had combined two points into one.

What last name would go with this name?

Sage Davis
Sage Taylor*
Sage Harrison
Sage Walker
Sage Carter
Sage Collins*
Sage Evans
Sage Cook
Sage Cooper
Sage Barnes
Sage Perry
Sage Butler
Sage Woods
Sage Graham
Sage West
Sage Owens*
Sage Parker
Sage Hawkins*
Sage Bradley
Sage Elliott
Sage Lawson
Sage Wheeler
Sage Reid
Sage McCoy
Sage O'Brien
Sage Barrett
Sage Archer
Sage McCallister*
Sage Lucas
Sage Warner
Sage Manning
Sage Cohen
Sage Becker
Sage Tyler
Sage Copeland
Sage Burnett
Sage Davenport*
Sage Cameron
Sage Hartley
Sage Everett

* My favorites

(I'd stay away from last names that are also nouns because Sage is a noun and you don't want to end up with Sage Bush or something...) :)

Would changing my first and last name be disrespectful to my parents?

Let me start with the most dreaded kind of answer - “it depends”.Now that I said it… I don’t think it is a disrespectful thing to do, but it most certainly can be. If you don’t have a strange name or a “funny” name, then changing it might be a challenge to your parents. This will be seens as disrespectful.Now, if you are a transgender, or have a “bad” name, I don’t see this as disrespectful. If you have a good reason to change it, then it might not be disrespectful either.But you know what? It’s your life, your name and it don’t really matters what other people think, only what you feel that is needed for you to feel good about yourself!I’m particularly quite fond of my name and wouldn’t change it, but if my daughter decide to change it later when she’s older I wouldn’t mind. Sure, it would be a chock initially but after that I would accept it.

Do you ever wish to change your name? Why or why not?

Personally, I won't change my name because It was given by my parents and it has beautiful meaning. I realized when I grew up my name represents myself and my personality a lot.It belives that name is wishes of the parents. So, it's so important for parents to give good names to their babies.However, not all people happy with their names, and I know some people who have changed their names due to some reasons, like they think that their names are chessy and not cool for them, or they used to get sick easily and according to the local beliefs, they had to change their names because they thought the name bring illness for them.But I know a guy who has inspired many of his juniors in his high school through his story about changing his name.His real name is “Natim”, and he was my senior in high school. He doesn't have family name and middle name neither, he only has 1 given name “Natim”, and this name is way too old fashioned at all, it doesn't sound cool and sounds like he is completely a villager man and lives in rural area.All of his friends in the city mocked his given name, and always made it as a material of their jokes. Some of his friends even suggested him to change his name. He was embarrassed and yes, he wanted to change his name so badly.He was looking for some edgy new names for himself. He was thinking to change his name to be “Martin” or something like that. And one day he asked his parents why they named him “Natim”.His parents only said to him that when he was born, all of the family wished that he would be a great man and make his family proud in the future.He was in dilemma about changing his name to make it sounds cooler so his friends could stop making joke of him or sticking with his birth name.Finally, after thinking it so many times, he decided to change his name became“Natim Forever”Which means, he is proud to be “Natim” and he will never ever change his (“Natim”) name forever!And actually it works! his name became cooler than before, because he put English word “forever” on his name and it sounds like quirky-western name. Even It makes everybody ask him about his “Forever” name.Since then, all of his friends and juniors call him “Natim Forever”.