Is This Considered Child Abuse

When is SPANKING considered child abuse?

It really depends on how hard you hit your child, where you hit your child, and for what reason you are hittig your child. If you are doing it in order to discipline your child so that he or she grows up to be a better person, and if you don't do it so that it leaves welts or bruises on the child, and if you don't hit on the face or somewhere fragile, then it should be ok. Children sometimes need guidance. You should first try to talk to them, and if that dosn't work then you can try "time outs", but if that dosn't work you will have to spank. But just spank responsibly. Usually when you spank it hurts the parents more then the child because no real parent wants to hit their own child or cause them any harm.

What exactly is considered child abuse?

Any sexual abuse or harm done for no reason would be considered abuse. I have been spanked until I could hardly walk, but guess what... I never did what I did again.

When kids get the idea that what they are doing has physical consequences, they won't do it again. If telling them no is the worst think and they don't mind it, then they will do whatever it is as much as they please.

Btw i strongly disagree with travel hq services cause my parents were not bad parents at all. If you want a bit of my story, just read my question...;...

Is pushing considered child abuse?

my mom doesnt hit me, although she threatens to, but a few times she has pushed me into a wall, pulled my hair, and is always screaming at me and calling me a bunch of names and saying she hates me. I have no freedom. I have to stay in my room from the time i get home from school til i go the next day. On weekends im in there the whole day.I'll be turning 17 next month, so i was wondering if them would be good reasons to get emancipated?

Why is everything considered child abuse?

Because people don't know what abuse is anymore. Child abuse is intentionally causing lasting harm on a child, whether that be physical or emotional. A smoker isn't intentionally causing harm, spanking doesn't cause lasting harm, obesity, while it does cause lasting harm, is not intentional.

People should educate themselves more on what child abuse looks like. Not only would this stop false allegations, it could prevent a child from enduring abuse for the rest of their childhood.

Is ductaping a child's mouth considered child abuse?

Yes, in fact it can be fatal.

"Chiles has been charged with killing 2-year-old Joshua Minton on May 17. She is accused of causing his death after taping his mouth shut and binding his hands to keep him quiet for a nap."

Is forcing a child to play sports considered child abuse?

I think it could be if you were abusive about it. A child should not feel forced. But, I would say there is a caveat.Most parents want what is best for their child. They do not sit around trying to design the latest torture for their children if they are not abusive parents.They may see their child is gaining weight, having unhealthy habits and they wish to change that.The child may need help to be pushed outside their comfort zone. Not forced, but put in situations to help them excel.My oldest son did not want to play basketball. He wanted to play soccer, but we did not have a league here. When a friend begged him to play basketball in sixth grade, he did so reluctantly. Exercise was a chore and in the early teen years, he had started to get a little thick around the middle. He needed the exercise in order to excel in school. I pushed a little and told him that he only had to try it for one season. He stuck it out and found he sort of enjoyed it. He wanted to go back again and play the next year and after three years, found he not only enjoyed it, it made his day when he got to play basketball. Basketball is now a part of who he is as a person.Another child was very shy and retiring. He preferred to be at home, alone, than be around people. He enjoyed sports, but was afraid of doing things wrong. When he said he didn’t want to play basketball, I made the executive decision that I believed he would enjoy it once he did it. I told him he could quit, again, after one season. After those first few times of working with the team, you could see his face light up on the basketball floor. He struggles in academics, and to have something in his life that he is truly good at, makes him happy.So, to sum up, no, children should not be forced through abusive behavior to play sports. But if you feel that it would enrich their lives and they may enjoy it later, it is not abusive to have them experience new things and activities.

Is it considered child abuse to refuse to turn on the heat in the winter for your child?

I live in a region where it gets very cold in the winter. Right now it's 18 degrees outside and 37 degrees in my house. It's about 50 degrees in my room because I have my little space heater on, but everywhere else in the house it's 37 degrees.
My parents refuse to turn on the heat because they're very stingy. We wear our winter jackets, gloves, scarves, ear muffs, and boots in the house. When I sleep, I wear a jacket, sweatpants, socks, and gloves. I'm not allowed to even leave my little space heater in my bedroom on at night because my parents think it's expensive (it uses 1500 kilowatts an hour).

My parents are depriving me of my necessary comforts. They do it in the summer too when it's hot (they never turn on the air conditioner even when it's 92 degrees in our house). We're not poor at all; I live in a 5-bedroom house. Is this considered child abuse?