Is This Correct In French

Is this correct in French?

je suis intéressé à apprendre la culture française


je suis intéressé d'apprendre la culture française

Also, I don't think I need an extra "e" at the end of intéressé since it's used as a verb but if it would've been used as an adjective (to mean "interesting") then it would've been intéressée (extra "e") right?

Thank you for the help!!

Is my french correct?

Ok, well i need some help with my french.

Could you help me correct my sentences?

Je mapelle Aracely. Mon anniversaire est le sept octobre.
j'habite au Denver. J'aime le tennis et volleyball.
J'ai une soeur et un frere. J'ai une mere. Elle est petite et tres

Could you tell me what i wrote and if its correct?

How do you say, "is this correct?" In French?

Est-ce que c'est correct ?

How do you say, "is that correct?" In French? The same way?

What are the rules for forming questions in French?

I know inversion and things, but how do I know when to invert or not?

Also, is this phrase correct? «j'apprends lentement ?» or does it need more adding to it?

One last question: what are simple ways to form negatives? Like je ne sais pas, ne and pas mean not, don't they?


Is my french letter correct?

For corrections you should go to a site like

Is This French Statement Correct?

Okay so someone has asked me if I have any brothers and sisters, and my best response would be: Je n'ai pas une soeur ou un frere. Is this correct?
I'm not very good so I expect it not to be totally right.
Any help would be much appreciated as I can't ask my French teacher til next week!

Is "nous nous jouons" correct in French?

You will find ‘nous nous parlons’, ‘nous nous battons’ and so on, but ‘jouer’ although a direct and indirect transitive verb with many possible objects and constructions does not allow to be made into a pronominal verb in the same manner.Because you can only “jouer avec quelqu’un” or “jouer contre quelqu’un”, but not ‘jouer à quelqu’un’ (except in expressions like ‘jouer au con’ and the like), you have to use:nous jouons l’un contre l’autre (2 players)nous jouons les uns contre les autres (2 or more teams)nous jouons ensemble (same team or different team)nous jouons les uns avec les autres (again, same or different teams)As you rightly find it rather complicated, you can also say, more simply:on a un matchon a une partieI fully understand your logic with ‘nous nous jouons’, but probably for the same reason football players have to wear different colors and every sport likes to have different rules, French does not allow to make ‘jouer’ a pronominal verb for an altogether very simple usage, describing a very common situation.

French! Is this correct or incorrect? ?

Tu finiss tes devoirs means "You finish your duties"

So it is grammatically correct.

Is this gramtically correct in french?

I am trying to say "though never fear my love" in french
the google tranlate result is "si jamais peur de mon amour", but i know online translators are sketchy at best. So, is this correct? if not could you please say what is....
also if you could translate any of these alternatives it would be much appreciated...

fret not my love
dont be concerned my love
anguish not my love
but dont be scared my love

thanks in advance!