Is This Creepy Or What


I know this might sound weird but maybe he doesn't realise he is doing this he might just think he is being friendly? some people have habbits and they don't realise how it can look!
Try and get a large group of people who feel the same way to confront him about this in a polite manner and let him know his behaviour is making a lot of you feel uncomfortable. If there are no signs of improvement then you should talk to a more senior member of staff who can deal with this issue.
In the mean time AVOID being alone with him and if he asks you to stay behind ever make sure somebody waits with you...

I had a similar situation at my school where my science teacher was just trying to be friendly and have a good connection with me, he singled me out in the way he acted and so I took group of people from my class explained how his behaviour was making me feel uncomfortable and the others backed me up and said they had noticed this too.
he apologised saying he didn't realise this was the case and didn't mean to make me feel uncomfortable and his behaviour changed instantly and now he is one of my fave teachers and i have the best rapport with him

I'm sure if this is the case with your teacher he will appreciate you telling him rather than just reporting it straight away, however if he gets annoyed or defensive about it , take it as a sign something isn't right and report him

As for the rumor, alert somebody this rumor is being spread so that it can be stopped and if they feel there may be some truth they can investigate it! If the rumor isn't true the teacher won't want his name being slated!

Good luck
Jenneh x

Is this creepy to you?

My friend was telling me about this janitor in middle school who use to really creep her out.She said that she had told some of her friends that she thought he was weird and then a day or three after that as she was walking past him to get into the lunch line he grabbed her arm and said "hey I have a present for you i my office,you can come get if after you finish your lunch"she didn't know what to think at that point because she never talked to him and so she didn't know why he'd give her something so she just went and got her lunch and sat down .A few minutes later he came out out his office with a paper bag he handed it to her and she said thanks and he went back ,she opened the bag and there was like a soda some chips and a candy she kind of ate some of the chips but not allot.Then like a month after that her school was doing these candy-gram things were you buy candy and send it to some one in the school.And she got 2 huge candy heart's from guess- who?Yep the janitor.He would try and talk to her more through out the school year but she said she avoided him.And then he did talk to her she said that he would get like all up in her personal space (he never did anything beyond that though).

Sorry it's so long Tell me what you thought of this.
And mabey even wright what you would of done in this situation.

Is this creepy or what?

my dads an emt...
someone across the street has ambulance trucks parked in front of their house. my dad come back to our house to get his bag of stuff. i look at the house and think of stairs and the lady who lives in it falling down them. i asked my dad what hapened. he said she fell down the stairs.

we were driving past one of my old best friends crissyshouse and saw ambulance going to their driveway. i imediatly think of crissys mom and then the word heartattack. i get home and ask my dad if he knows anything about it and he says a lady in the house had a heart attack.

also... i thought about eli manning getting the winning touchdown a few years ago at the superbowl and it happened. plus i havelots of dreams the at come true, like a plane crash and a girl from egypt come to our school as a student. but thats all i can think of right now. so am i like pshychic or something??

The feeling of déjà vu. For example, sometimes, when I’m doing something in school, at home, or just day-to-day things, I’ll get the feeling that I’ve already done this before, and have memories of doing it before. If I have even a normal conversation with my friend, sometimes I’ll feel like I’ve already had the same conversation, even if I’ve just met this person, it’ll seem as if I’ve travelled back in time.I know it’s silly, but what if I actually did? You know like strange memories of things you know didn’t happen but it seemed like they did (an example of those memories is in Undertale, if you reset after completing a full playthrough, certain characters will act like they’ve already met you, even though they technically haven’t.)I’m not sure if I’m the only one that gets these weird flashbacks to things that didn’t happen, but they sure as hell are creepy.

Is this creepy? GIRLS HELP!!!!!!!!!!!?

that's very creepy, and will be totally ineffective

You have to start a small conversations going before you ask her if you can call her sometime.... you need to break the ice, usually the best ways are to talk about something right there, and then, so make a comment about how hard she's studying, what is she studying for? Then she'll say a test or whatever, and you take it from there, to find out a little bit about her, what subjects she's studying, what year she's in... and THEN you ask for her number....

In general, the same qualities that make any other human being creepy.  Some creepy behavior that I have observed from women who were interested in me or a close friend are as follows:1) Excessive texting way too early into the courtship.2) Acusatory language when text messages are not answered fast enough or to her satisfaction.3) Extreme jealousy and a perception of any sort of contact with another woman to be concrete evidence of infidelity.4) Entering my room uninvited, locking the door behind her, turning the lights out and then standing between me and the exit...because she wanted to 'make out'.  Yeah, that actually happened.  It was a pretty uncomfortable experience.  Crazy stuff happens at university.5) A different woman knew my friend for about a day  and had been texting him nonstop. On the second day, she decided that she wanted to have an intense argument with him.6) Sneak kissing.  I returned to my house when guests were over and had to literally dodge a woman who tried to sneak up on me and kiss me without my permission.7) Snooping through my private belongings without permission.8) Keeping track of my location at any given time.Anyway, I could go on but that's enough for now.  This behavior is interchangeable between the sexes.  I'm sure there are women who have had the same things on this list done to them by men.

Anytime anyone makes you feel uncomfortable you have the right to;Ask them politely to step back. If you feel you need to tell them you are claustrophobic. Or you are afraid you may sneeze.Tell them they are creepying you out. It may be unintentional but that is how they are making you feel.Tell your parents.Tell whoever has authority over the teacher. Or your school counselor.Tell a trusted adult.See if they will allow you to transfer into someone else’s class.

For "nevrodiversity":Smiling and laughing while you recount other people's stories of horrible abuse, such as incest and beatings and rape and sexual assaultAllways having a counter-argument ready to counter whatever argument you presentBeing able to see things from, and recant reasons for, seeing things from other sides than what is plainly ethically correct, instantaneously for all thingsA fascination with stories of torture, violent deaths, and corpsesManiacal and half-way hysterical laughterObsessions about sex, specifically other people's ways of having sex and their paraphiliasConstantly generating unrealistical scenarios and questions which reflect an inability to perceive reality from a higher level of cognition than that of a three-year-old, such as "if atheists don't believe in god, why don't they pray to him just in case he exists"Being constantly cheerfullBeing an extreemely good shot and yet not participating in competitionsHaving been divorced and getting to have the kids over whenever he wants at the drop of a hat, no objections raised everFor "esoteric knowledge":A deep and detailed understanding of end-time scenarios (A COLLECTION OF END-OF-WORLD SCENARIOS), especially the ones relating to peak-oil and chemical depletion of phosphorusA deep and detailed understanding of psychology that almost becomes a view of human beings as automatonsKnowing "way too much" about certain sexual offenses and illegal pornography, and cheerfully recanting it in vast detailHaving vast knowledge about toxins, poisons, infrastructure vulnerabilities and explosivesKnowing each and every detail about everyone who has ever played for a football-team, their girlfriends and their familiesBeing able to name each and every character in "My Little Ponies" and retell the story of every episodePausing and actually thinking about the answer to the question: "Which cartoonist is better, Junji-Ito or Uziga Waita?"Being able to come up with all these weird things

Creepiness in humans comes from (I think) two things: Ambiguity, and a lack of adherence to social norms.In general, we find masks creepy, not because they are scary, but because they hide the true intention of the wearer. We can’t see the wearer's facial expressions so we can’t judge properly whether they are a threat.It is the same with creepy people.I’m sure many girls have experienced this type of creepy guy: They hang around the girl, but never make any explicit move towards flirting or dating. They say or do things that could be considered slightly riské or flirtatious, but always at the wrong time and in the wrong moment. And they continue to do these things even after you’ve made it obvious that you are uncomfortable (for example, moving away or refusing to respond to their questions).They are ambiguous - they never quite make their intentions clear. They look you in the eyes for just too long that it becomes strange. We all know a ‘creepy’ person that just doesn’t seem right.A ‘creepy’ person often doesn't quite adhere to social norms. They say crass things at the wrong moment, they joke about divorce at a wedding, they mention that embarrassing thing you did last week in front of all your friends. They might look a bit strange - their clothes might be unwashed, or they might have unkempt facial hair.All of these things, along with their indirect manner and ambiguity, combine to make someone creepy.