Is This Cut On My Leg A Big Deal

I cut my leg while shaving and it's REALLY bad?

razor cuts tend to bleed A LOT but they look worse then they are. its most likely that it bled on the bandages when you first put them on, stopped, and then when you pulled them off the pulling reopened the cut, so it hasnt been bleeding this whole time. dont put ice on it, if its cold then more blood will flow to the area to warm it up and it will bleed more. just clean it well, bandage it up, keep it elevated and dont do anything that would reopen the cut, and youll be fine. if it looks infected or is still opening up and bleeding in a few days, maybe then think about going to a doctor, but the idea of going to the ER for a simple razor cut is quite a over reaction. bandage it, keep it clean, youll be fine.

Can you die from cutting on your thigh?

I'm sorry to hear about what you're going through, I feel your pain.

You can die from cuts anywhere on your body, from loss of blood. It all depends on how deep, long and how often you cut your thighs.

Most people cut themselves because of the hormone that is released when self-pain is inflicted. I understand that it's your way with dealing with life and its issues, so I won't say stop doing it (although you should, of-course). But, just make sure when you do, do it, use clean items, make sure that they are not to deep or to long and that it does not become infected. People are always around to talk to, who do care.

When you get cut, what color of the blood means it's not that big of a problem, and what color means very serious problem?

All blood is red. Color has nothing to do with the matter.How deep is the cut- amount of blood or not, how deep is it? What caused it?  Did it slice through a tendon?Is it bleeding a lot?  Is it spurting?  When you put pressure on it for three to five minutes, does it stop bleeding?A serious injury, one which needs fast medical attention, is one which:-Bleeds in spurts (you've cut an artery)-Does not stop bleeding after three to five minutes of direct pressure (so you don't bleed to death)-Is very deep- a puncture type wound or one where you can see bone or other structures.  This type of wound can infect easily-Is long.  A long incision usually needs some support while healing, even if not that deepBlood color is meaningless to the severity of an injury.

Does cutting your leg hurt more than your wrist?

depends on which part of both. if you’re talking about your literal wrist-where your forearm meets your hand or close to it, that will hurt. there is very little fat or tissue or really anything to buffer the pain with, so it will hurt. futher up on your forearm though, that won’t hurt quite so much.the same goes for self hrming on your leg. what i have personally found is that your inner thigh when self harmed on can hurt pretty significantly, definitely more than the middle area of your thigh.another thing is how much you have self harmed in that area. for me, my forearms have virtually no pain receptors left. so it takes quite a lot for me to feel any pain there now simply because i have self harmed there so much before. similarly, some parts of my thighs also have basically no pain receptors left either.personally i self harm for the blood, not the pain, so i don’t mind self harming in spots where i don’t feel pain, because i will still bleed just as much sounds like you are thinking of self harming but haven’t started yet. usually i don’t come on here and recommend people not to self harm, but seen as how you have not yet started here i go.self harm is a lifelong struggle. once you start, it is incredibly difficult to stop. even if you do want to stop it’s absolutely horrible and hard and seems impossible. it’s best to just not even begin because trust me, you will regret it. i’ve been self harming for seven years now. this habit started when i was 12 and i am 18 now and still doing it. i regret starting with my entire being. i wish there had been someone there telling me that i would regret it.ive gone through periods of trying and successfully quitting self harming, but it’s never lasted for more than a few months because i crave it so much. i always end up going back to, no matter how much pain you are in now, please don’t start self harming. it adds so much more pain and a huge complication to your life. it backfires so much.let me know if there’s anything i can do to help. you can absolutely message me if you want/need to.good luck :)

I accidently cut myself when shaving my legs?

When your skin is cut, it is in trauma. White blood cells immediately rush to the area where the trauma has occurred to encourage and speed healing...this is what causes the 'bump' you described.
This is a normal reaction to a shaving cut. Just continue applying Neosporin or another topical antibiotic gel, and keep fresh band-aids on the site of the cut.
If you want to avoid scarring after the cut has healed, wait until the wound has become a 'pinkish' color and the skin is totally closed. Then gently massage the site of the cut as often as you can each day for several (5-7) days. This encourages the re-growth of collagen in the skin, thereby reducing or eliminating scarring altogether!
In the future, just try to slow down when you are shaving and remember that you don't have to press hard, as long as you are using a razor that isn't ridiculously dull, you should be in good shape. And be extra careful around the knees! This is most women's problem area.
Good Luck!

So.. I cut my ankle the other day while shaving my legs.. Help!?

I would consider myself a pro at shaving legs seeing as I've been doing it for years. But this past Saturday when I shaved them I cut my ankle badly. I had a big gash in my ankle and bled for a long time. I put some neosporin and a band aid on it and controlled the bleeding and tried to keep it sealed and stuff to heal.

Well now it has a scab and it itches like crazy. With all my other scabs I've ever had, and I've had a lot since I was a kid because I fall a lot, they have NEVER itched! I'm constantly scratching my ankle because it bothers me so much. No matter what I put on it I end up itching it and it becomes this big problem.

So do you think I could have an infection or something of the sort? Do any of you itch on your legs after you cut yourself? Anything would be greatly appreciated. I just need to know why my ankle is itching so badly.

I cut my leg...preventing infection?

I was just outside, and some sharp corner of a metal thing cut my leg. It didnt cut my leg directly, my pants were still covering my leg but it did still cut. The cut wasnt really deep or anything, but it was a sorta long cut. I'd say about half a foot long. I poured some hydrogen peroxide on the cut and let it sit for about half a minute, then did it again. Will that prevent any infection of the cut?

I accidentally cut my dog while grooming him, how should I treat it?

It depends on the size of the cut.#1 - 1/4 inch on less: dab it with a cotton ball soaked in iodine and leave it alone. Dogs heal fast, faster than any other animal I've ever encountered.#2 - 1/2in - 1 inch: clip the fur around it (how far out from the wound depends on how long the fur is; with a short coated dog, just the immediate area will do while an exceedingly hairy specimen may need to be clipped two or three inches out from the edge of the wound). Once clipped, clean the cut with peroxide and apply some Vetricin if you have it. No big deal if you don't. After that, flush it once a day with peroxide until it heals or scabs over. It won't take long. If it starts looking more red than pink, switch to iodine diluted 50/50 with clean water (straight iodine burns like hell)#3 - 1 inch or more: Ok, if you cut your dog this bad, you might want to find someone else to groom him, but I digress. Accidents happen.First stop the bleeding by applying firm, steady pressure with a towel, shirt, toilet paper, whatever you have. It doesn't have to be sterile because you're going to be cleaning it anyway. But be warned, if it's a head or foot wound, it's going to bleed a lot at first. Don't freak out… too bad. Ok, you can freak out but keep applying pressure until it stops.Next, assess how bad it is. If it doesn't go all the way through the skin, follow the steps for #2. If you can see muscle, go to the vet. If you can't afford the vet right now for something that's not life threatening (we've all been there), don't use peroxide for this one. Leave it alone for twelve hours and then gently flush it with diluted iodine (50/50). Like I said before, dogs heal amazingly fast and their skin is wonderfully elastic so their wounds shrink quickly.Continue flushing it daily until the swelling is gone. It also helps to massage the area to stimulate blood flow and help reduce the swelling.Stay calm. Dogs are tough. Maybe find a professional groomer, but don't beat yourself up too bad. It was just an accident.

I am getting a small cut where my scrotum and legs meet, I usually wear compression shorts or normal boxer briefs. What can I do to stop this?

I'm guessing that you're actually getting a narrow, linear area of raw skin, or cracks in your skin, rather than a cut. Something akin to jock itch. Moisture + warmth + bacteria = jock itch. Try switching to looser underwear, like boxers, or going without underwear for awhile. This will allow your crotch to be cooler and dryer. At home, lose your britches and underwear both, and just go with boxers, or loose cotton gym shorts. Sleep naked. The more air you get down there the better. And there are over the counter medications you can buy at most any drugstore, or online, that will help as well. If your legs are on the thin side, you probably don't need medication. If you've got big thighs, then you might do better with it. Also, whatever underwear you do wear needs to be changed daily, if not more often. Same with gym shorts you'd wear around the house.

Would you die if a vein in your foot was accidentally cut during a surgery?

It would be a most unusual case if this happened. The venous system is under low pressure and the veins constrict and clot when cut. The only exceptions would be someone who is on a blood thinner or who has severe chronic venous stasis. I have seen patients with superficial varicosities of the ankle cut themselves with a toenail at night and almost bleed to death.