Is This Girl Beautiful

Can I tell a girl she is beautiful?

Hells yeah! Tell ladies they are beautiful all the time. You don’t need a reason or an occasion for it. Just let it be casual. If you run into each other in the passing, smile, wave or throw up a brow and just be like “Hey. You look beautiful today.”Plenty of other more less on the nose compliments are also just fine if you don’t really know this young lady well enough to call her up and be like Joey Tribbiani’s classic “Hey. How you doing?”. Some of them are as follow,“You look nice today”“I love your dress/outfit/specific name of garment”“I love your hair”“Your eyes look beautiful today”Try to make to make it tactful, when not a lot of people are within ear shot because you don’t want to embarrass the young lady that the object of your pubescent affections or worse yet put yourself in a decided disadvantage before you even start dating or know for sure if you wanna.So yeah. That’s about it. And don’t sweat the big stuff if she doesn’t swoon immediately. Girls in HS are about a just little less awkward and figuring things out as well as discovering their sexuality. SO if she just smiles or giggles then that’s a good sign. Find a nice opportunity to talk and get to know what she likes and who she is and if that is the girl you want to date. If she does not respond or looks away or in any indicates she is uncomfortable with your attention just back off and give her space. You can say “Sorry if I made you upset” later on another day. But just leave her be for then.But yeah if she responds by shying away just laugh a little and say something like “Oh you break my heart!” Just keep it fun and lighthearted.Telling a girl she looks beautiful is not weird. Just smile. And say it from the heart.All the best casanova!

Is this girl beautiful?


Why are women/girls so beautiful?

As brilliant as it is that you find all girls beautiful, the concept of ‘beauty’ itself is highly subjective. It can land you in a lot of trouble too if you are unable to manage the creepiness this can create in your social conduct.The female species of certain animals are more attractive than the male while for others, males are more attractive. I don't know what precisely is the reason for this except this is meant for individuals to mate aka reproduce which as you know, is a must for the continuation of species. Generally, the more attractive an individual, the better are their genetic constitutions from evolutionary point of view. In some animals, the amount of fur, the mating dance/ritual, scents (pheromones), waist to pelvis width ratio etc determine the fertility. More fertile an individual, better is their capacity to attract a potential mate. Now, these features are more intrinsically rooted in us as species than we realize. But beauty being more obvious (and on the surface), we believe it is this feature that attracts us to someone. Untrue. Next time you find someone attractive, you must probe into the reasons for it, often there are more than their appreance as the basis for attraction.In human beings, physical attraction of girls is seen to be more important when it is actually deeper than that. The man's masculinity (ruggedness) is often what works for a female and she might not know but her conditioned (mammalian) mind is looking for signs of this ruggedness. Note that I'm only considering heterosexual attraction between man and woman in this answer.A2A

Is this girl beautiful? (with picture)?

YES! haha i love her hair /eyes/smile its like flawless

Is calling a girl cute or beautiful Ok?

So there is this girl I really like in my class. I'm 14 by the way. I don't know her barely at all and I don't think she really knows who I am either. I don't know how to compliment her. I mean I think she looks astonishing and she seems to be really funny and sweet (2 qualities I really like in a girl) from what I can tell. So is it acceptable to just say on like Instagram you look really pretty/beautiful?