Is This Girl Intimidated By Me Or Help Me

Why are girls so intimidated by me?

I'm a good looking guy (I'm told) who is completely comfortable in his own skin?

I'm very polite, friendly and down to earth and I actually hate people who think they're better than anyone else I can't stand judgemental people.

I just don't get why girls get so intimidated by me. I smile and laugh a lot and am very friendly.

Why do I get intimidated by white girls?

It's a self fulfilling prophecy. It works like this: You are afraid of s cute white girls because you have never had a good interactions with one, so you spend all your mental energy trying to stop yourself from freaking out at your first sight. As a result, you are unable to take actions and be confident which the girls can totally see that from you. Because women in general are emotional creatures, they love to interact with people who can give them the joy of roller coaster rides of fun and witty conversations, so they naturally leave you alone. This lowers your self-esteem and reinforces the belief that you are intimidated of all the white girls... and the cycle continues. This is the strategy : "Winning begins small", Travis Hedrick. You don't need to charm an awesome white girl right away. The trick lies on the small victories. Just try to be friend with one. It sounds funny but being "friendzoned" is great in this circumstance. Then, slowly build up that circle of friends which will allow your core confidence to rise and destroy the bad premise you had all along. Good luck :)

Why would a girl be intimidated by a guy?

She could be intimidated by him because she feels awed by him.If he is very good looking, popular, super smart, famous or very talented, she could feel like she is not worthy of his attention.If he’s a physically large guy and/or boisterous and loud, she may be intimidated by the physical space he takes up just by existing.If she is shy and/or an introvert,  and he is an extrovert (or vice versa) she could be intimidated by how different their personalities are from each other.The best way to find out, though it could be tough on your friend, is for him to talk to this girl he has a crush on.  If he just interacts with her like a regular person, it should help lessen her intimidation of him.

Are girls intimidated by handsome guys?

Do you get intimidated by beautiful girls?
Most people want average looking people, because then they will be less afraid of competition and cheating. I have a handsome friend that is married to a girl less prettier then most. When asked he says that she is a nice girl, and he is sure she wont cheat on him.
I think that those girls will get over their shyness and get to know you after some time, if you don't look down on them and let them get to know your personality.
Some people are intimidated by beauty and some aren't. You choose who you want to be with. Consider yourself lucky that you can choose from more then others.

Are girls intimidated by me? Girls only, please.?

It seems that whenever I talk to a girl, they most of the time act like they are intimidated by me. At least that is what my friends say. But I don't feel bad or like I did anything wrong though. I'm 19, 6'2", black, muscular, smile a lot, a very deep voice, low haircut, shaved face, and I have dimples on my cheeks. I'm not an ugly guy and I don't feel intimidating so... what the crap? And why would my friends tell me that I scare people?

How can I not get intimidated by women?

You are most likely intimidated by a lack of knowledge and understanding of females. Especially those you are attracted to. Moreover, you may fear being rejected to the point of failure to adequately inter-act with women.     Their basic needs are the same as yours. They want entertainment, life's amenities and, if heterosexual, the genuine interest of the opposite sex. And they want attention as do all males.  They have egos, just as you do and need to have their self esteem bolstered. Just as you do. The especially want a male who does what he says he is going to do, but also offers somewhat of a challenge.   They do speak a different version of any language than males do and their emotional repertoire is somewhat different as well.    The only way to overcome your intimidation is to believe in your self worth and learn from both your successes and failures. Building on your successes.  If you are a good looking man, you shouldn't be having problems with women unless you are over reaching your own status and have an unrealistic determination of what to expect. You might even inquire from any lady of interest what she is looking for in a man and at least attempt to live up to this fantasy.  It is time to quit dipping your foot into the water and jump into the pool.

Are girls intimidated by attractive guys?

A lot. Not as much as most guys are,with pretty women, but enough to drive them crazy to the point it's obvious.There are two signs that a woman is attracted to you (generally. There are also women who start getting mad at you when they are attracted to you.):High pitched voice.Laughing too much.Sometimes when I start a conversation, even a “Hi, I am Akshit” is enough to make them feel positive emotions. Frankly, it happens most of time. You get the biggest smile possible from women even at simple things and the way they say “Hi” is funny. It will be exaggerated and the voice will be so shrill it might hurt your ears.They also laugh at your shittiest,untimed jokes as if they are the best thing ever.But the thing is, looks are rarely enough. If you look good, you can have 20 to 80% attraction right off the bat. But self esteem is core. Lack self esteem and the attraction falls to zero, quickly.I had a long period in life where my self esteem fell to zero. A lot of girls showed interest,none stayed. I was repulsive and depressed. Like most guys are.If you look like shit, you won't get good reactions initially. People will be indifferent to you. Does not mean you can't be successful with women. It just means, you just have to emotionally stronger than a handsome guy. And that takes practice and pain.

The girl I like says I'm intimidating. I need help please!?

Hmm that's a hard one to explain. I've had some intimidating guys in my life before. I don't know exactly the reason she feels you're intimidating. You should really ask her that. Get straight to the problem. Some of the guys that intimidate me are kind of like you, they have a lot of confidence. This usually means that they make everything about themselves. You need to make it feel like it's more about her, but you still need to keep that edge you have.

I think you need to make her feel safe, it's all about your presence. You just have to keep it in the back of your mind that you want her to feel safe and you really care about her, if she senses that, then you won't be as intimidating. Just make sure she knows you care, ask her questions about her life, and then after she replies, answer them yourself. Just try to get to know her. I don't know what else you can do, just care about her.