Is This Good If Not How Can I Improve

There are many strategies that you can use to improve your vocabulary. Which strategy would NOT be a useful ta?

There are many strategies that you can use to improve your vocabulary. Which strategy would NOT be a useful tactic

A. While pre-reading, use word parts and context to figure out a word. If you still do not know the word, look it up.
B. You should look up the definition of words as you encounter them, so that their meanings stick with you.
C. While reading the main text, use word parts and context to figure out the word. If you still do not know the word, make a good guess and move on.
D. When you are done with your reading assignment, make word cards for the words that were new to you.

Do middle splits improve your turnout and if not, how can i improve my turnout?

Yes, and no. There are several factors affecting your turnout. One is how deep your hip sockets are. If your hip sockets are really deep, then it restricts the movement of where the leg joins into the hips. If you are born with naturally tight hips, then I'm sorry to say, you are stuck with whatever turnout you have. However you can learn to work with your body and maximise your turnout. Firstly, don't force your body to do anything it can't do. For instance, don't over rotate your feet to compensate for a lack of turnout in your hips. this will eventually cause you injuries to your knees. Work with your teacher to find out where your deep rotator muscles are. They are not your big, external muscles in your bum, but they are 6 muscles situated approximately along the line of your leotard. If you can learn to activate those, then they will help you improve your rotation. Also, try stretching out your hip flexors by kneeling on one knee and pushing forwards until you feel a stretch.

Am I good enough for GSoC? If not, how should I improve?

How can one tell? I have been using Python for quite some time and still cannot claim if I am an intermediate level programmer or not.I think the best way to gauge your knowledge and skill would be to take a look at the projects selected in Summer of Code 2016—especially the ones which you find interesting. Since these projects are available online, see if you can understand the work done by the participants. Judge yourself (and improve thereupon) by:Your ability to understand their codeAsking why a feature X is implemented the way it isKnowing if there exist any betters way to do X, if yes, what are theyI will also recommend looking at the project proposals to understand how people organize their ideas and use relevant skills to achieve the task.Good luck! Feel free to leave comments.

Can I be a great programmer if am not good in math? How can I improve my math skills?

Yes. If you want to be a great programmer then it would help if you are good at math. I know that is not a popular answer to this kind of question, but consider the alternative: let’s say you have a really hard time understanding algebra, even after you’ve tried hard. Here’s an example:Let’s say [math]x[/math] is the price of some item in your shopping basket. Then the net price, [math]f(x)[/math], inclusive of tax and shipping, maybe given by:[math]f(x) = 1.05x + 5.00[/math]That is algebra (math). The key part to understand is that you can substitute any value for [math]x[/math] in the formula, then evaluate the resulting arithmetic expression, in order to calculate the result you want. For example:[math]f(3.50) = 8.675[/math]The exact same idea applies in programming: the above formula could be expressed in a programming language like this:function netPrice(x) {
return 1.05 * x + 5.00;
Again, the substitution principle applies and any value you apply to netPrice will be used in place of x in the code and the result returned. For example:> netPrice(3.50)
The concept is the same (even if the syntax is different), so it is hard to see how you could understand the latter but not understand the former.All programming is just executable math: arithmetic, algebra, functions, logic, sets, vectors, matrices and so on. Of course, not every program needs all branches of math (you’re probably not going to use complex numbers unless you’re writing quite specialised programs, for instance) but all but the most trivial programs are going to use at least the first four of those:If you use a (relational) database, these are based on sets and relational algebra.If you write any kind of game, it will likely require some understanding of geometry or matrices.However, it is likely you won’t need to use mathematical syntax much if you are a programmer, because it is generally easier to just use programming syntax directly. But the underlying concepts are the same, so it will help you enormously if you understand the concepts.

How do you improve your conversion rates?

My first and best answer is to Test, Test, Test! Change one piece of copy, design, etc, and measure the conversions against your previous copy/design. The best one is your control, and you keep testing from there. Never stop!

That being said, the best conversion tools I've found are the Hacker Safe, Better Business Bureau, Verisign and Truste logos - particularly when the Hacker Safe logo is at the top (as well as bottom) of the page. Hacker Safe seems to work the best.

Other tools I've found helpful for conversion are: live chat, strong money back guarantees, ezine (one of my personal favorites - to stay in regular contact, offer coupons, notify of sales, etc), testimonials and a toll-free number.

Beyond that, include graphics of credit cards accepted (don't forget a good privacy policy), shipping information and make sure your pages are clear and super easy to navigate. Don't make your customer guess what they have to do next to successfully place an order. You can test this on a couple of people who have never been to your site. Tell them to order item XX, and then watch them and time how long it takes them to find their item and place the order. By watching, you can see potential problems and find out where your customer may be getting sidetracked or lost.

Include an "About Us" page with photos of you and your staff (if any), your office, etc. People want to know they are buying from someone, not some nameless, faceless company. Give them the opportunity to get to know you.

Finally, don't put any competing ads, adsense or diversions on your pages. You don't want to give your customers a reason to leave!

English teachers: how can i improve in english?

Hey I loooove English. It was the only class I truly felt I was good at. I got pretty good grades in school (I had high percentages in some classes like: 112%, 102% and 106%) in three diffrent classes. I got an A + on my senior final paper and presentation and I graduated with a 3.4 gpa. I currently go to school for psychology and I'd love to help you anytime. You can email me. I can help you with your paper, and English in general.

Will not being on electronics help my eyesight improve?

I'm sick of having bad vision....ever since I was a kid my parents only had a computer and they threw away all my toys, so I often to the computer. Now it's become something that I can't really control I just go to it...even right now I'm on it. I've tried much to get off the computer and electronics, like playing basketball( I took this on about two years ago) and playing the violin. My vision is really really bad, I can't read anything without my glasses unless it's like literally 1 foot away from me. I know nothing will directly help my eyesight improve, but my friend needed glasses at one point and he just didn't go on his phone at all for like a year and he didn't need them anymore. I want to find a way other than using laser eye to stop getting my eyesight worse.

How can I improve with my grammar and writing skills?

I would approach this question from the viewpoint of current research. While conventional wisdom (read, read, read) has stood the test of time, current research on language acquisition has helped us understand the processes more effectively. I would share a few concepts that, I hope, would help you become better at grammar and writing.First, research has time and again suggested that a language (or any of its four skills - reading, writing, speaking, and listening) is best learned in its social setting, i.e. to improve your speaking it is far better to communicate with real people than listen to and practice specific pronunciation.So, you want to pay attention to the language written by real people of the world. Select your favorite authors, writers, speakers, and reflect on their use of language (for both grammar and writing).Note down what looks unique expression/use of language to you and research it until you clearly grasp it. Research has established note-taking as another useful learning strategy.Another important finding of current research on language learning is that there are two types of learning styles, implicit and explicit.Implicit is when you don’t know what grammatical, pragmatic rule work behind the language you’re using.Explicit is on the contrary: You can dissect a piece of language and tell out about the tense use, parts of speech, etc.Explicit learning has gained more currency because of its usefulness. Thus, I would suggest that you try to learn different writing strategies and ways employed by renowned writer.The same goes for learning grammar: Try to read the background rules. This can be done while doing (1 (a) and (b)) above.I am sure that these two important pillars of language learning, if followed seriously, will start producing far better results that you could probably have imagined. Thank you.