Is This Kind Of Statement Illegal To Say

Is it legal for HR to ask for a bank statement for salary details?

It is not the point of legal or not since it is not a crime but a diplomatic policy followed by few corporate in this world.first of all, in the pay slips it is clearly mentioned that “PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL”. Then what is the need of the HR to poke into the private matter? It is simply of no use.second of all all the company do have a pay scale or a financial slab in which the salary is fixed for the employees. If the candidate is showing some sorts of experience and if he can crack the discussion rounds with the company people then what is the need of pay slips and bank statement. Just offer the job. By the way, does company need private matters to get disclosed or the talent of the person.Just for a negotiation HR reject a person who is technically too good.“CORPORATE ARE NOT DIPLOMAT , THEY ARE SIMPLY HIPPOCRATES.”

Is it illegal to say "I'm going to kill the president" and Why?

Me and My friend have just watched Whitest kids you know and would like to know is it really illegal to say the statement above
*disclaimer: I HAVE NO INTENTION OF KILLING THE PRESIDENT so don't investigate me

Is changing your bank statement illegal?

You can do whatever you want with your bank statement. It's a statement of the activities your bank has recorded for your account. Any changes you make to your statement will not be reflected at your bank. And your bank really has the final say.

Is there anything that is illegal to say?

In the US, nothing is inherently illegal to say. Some things are illegal in certain contexts. For instance, fighting words or falsely shouting "fire" can be illegal.

The above answer proves my point - it is not illegal for him to say those things in this answer, but it is illegal to say them with actual intent in the right context.

Is this as good thesis statement for an Illegal immigration research essay?

Best thing to do is collect research on how immigration has impacted the country you live in. Look up trends, then select 3 ways immigration seems to show influence in the country. Look at the influence: more positive or more negative on the country?

Then formulate the thesis statement:

If you found illegal immigration does not cause a problem be like: "Although illegal immigration is often considered negative, recent studies and social trends suggest illegal immigration has had a more positive impact on the economy through observing the cases of _______, ________, and ________."

If you found illegal immigration does cause a problem be like: "Although illegal immigration is often argued to not have a negative impact, recent studies and social trends suggest illegal immigration has had a more negative impact on the economy through observing the cases of _________, ________, and _________."

There you go! That's a simple way to put. However, there are many ways to write thesis statements and you should research that or get help on it.

Did you know its illegal to say "I want to kill the president of the United States" ?

I can legaly say that this time because, Im letting people know they cant . Im providing a public service.

However , it is not illegal to say " With a motar launcher" , because its an incomplete sentence and may have nothing to do with the statement above.

I need a thesis statement about against illegal immigration?

you need at least 3 different parts to support your argument. One could be that they take all the jobs for lower pay compared to a legal citizen, another could be crime rate, and another could be govt supporting them and not being able to afford to pay for the legal citizens. So example: Illegal immigrants should be banned and controlled from entrance to this country because of the economy, the crime rate, and government aid. Now that will be $50 ty

When people say that illegal immigrants are taking jobs away from Americans, what specific jobs and in what industry are they referring to?

They should be referring to all jobs and industries.  Illegal aliens work in every type of job from agriculture to construction to hospitality to fast food to manufacturing plant work.  They often get the job, because the dishonest employer knows he is hiring an illegal alien, and can pay 1/3 to 1/2 the going rate.  So the illegal alien gets the job and the US Citizen or Legal Immigrant looses out on a job, and overall, the pay scale is driven down.    A friend of mine owns an electrical construction business and lost a bid job on an apartment complex.  The building owner called him 2-3 months later and pleaded for him to come look at a 'problem' he thought he might have.  When my friend looked, he found that the electrical material used was not correct for the job, and what was used had been installed incorrectly, making a very unsafe building for families to live in.  Frankly, it was a fire trap waiting to ignite.    My friend discovered that the contractor who won the bid was using illegal aliens as 'electricians', who didn't have electrical licenses, didn't know the National Electric Code, didn't know what material to use, etc.  However, the contractor was only paying them $10/hr, vs the $35/hr real licensed electricians were being paid in the area at the time.  What is needed is a national E-Verify law requiring employers to run EVERY job applicant through the E-Verify program to verify that they are eligible to work in the USA.  In addition, mandate the use of E-Verify for ALL forms of tax-payer provided benefits, and stop giving US Citizenship to "anchor babies", which the 14th Amendment does NOT require, if one reads it correctly.  (See the phrase "- and under the jurisdiction of the United States - ".)  The parents of 'anchor babies' are NOT under the jurisdiction of the USA, but of the country they are citizens of.  Look at what happens when a foreign diplomat's wife has a baby on US soil.  That child is specifically NOT a US Citizen.  How can that be when all the "do-gooder" liberals claim otherwise?

Is it an illegal threat if you say, "I'm going to get a lawyer if you don't..."?

It depends on what you're asking the person to do - generally, this kind of threat wouldn't be illegal, but it could fall into the realm of illegal blackmail if you're asking for money and threatening to get your lawyer so that you could disclose some negative information or illegal activity on the part of the other person.Example: If you know that your employer is doing something illegal - say, openly discriminating against women and minorities - and you say "pay me $100k or I'll get a lawyer and we'll take this public," that's likely to fall under criminal blackmail statutes.  If, however, you're an independent contractor and you're due a certain amount of billed work, and you say "I'm going to get a lawyer if you don't pay what's due me," then it's perfectly legal.As with most legal questions, the specific circumstances and facts of the matter are what make the difference between an action being legal or not.  If you have a question about a specific situation, I'd highly recommend discussing your options with a lawyer before making such threats.

Is it illegal to say you have a degree when you don't on a job application?

Is it illegal to say you have a degree when you don't on a job application?An application for a job always includes a section in which you attest that to the best of your knowledge, the information you have provided is accurate and true.Knowingly making such a statement isn’t illegal strictly speaking in most cases.However, once you’re discovered—and I’ve been asked to get transcripts recently for prospective employees—you’re done. Forever.