Is This Man Broken Or Lost

The man of my dreams just broke up with me.......?

The man that I've always dreamt about, the man that I've always wanted, and that was completely made for me in every way.....left me yesterday. I felt so complete when I was with him and I didn't feel lost for once in my life. But now that he broke up with me (because he had stuff about his past that he knew would hurt me if we stayed together).....I feel more lost than ever. I don't understand his reasoning for breaking up with me. I know its not another woman because we worked together and lived together.....even drove to and from work together. All I know is that everything was going so perfect. He was madly in love with me and I with him.....and then one day, he says, "I don't want to hurt you." and that was it.
I am so ready to die right now. If there was ever a person that I would have wanted to spend the rest of my life with, it was him. And now he's gone. What do I do? Where do I go from here? I've quit my job so I wouldn't have to see his face. I'm so lost.

My girlfriend broke up with me because we lost our snapchat streak? What do I do?

We've been dating for about 3 years now and I honestly thought she was gonna be the one I married. We had a snap streak of 578 days and I had work and just wanted to come home and go to bed while forgetting to snapchat her back and she left she won't even talk to me.. what do I do?

What does 'a broken soul' mean?

A definition of a broken soul can vary depending on its cause. Failing to succeed in life especially in a career can be a cause of a broken soul. A disaster or traumatic experience can make and break man's soul, too. A failure in a relationship, whether in a family or romantic relationship can also contribute to it. Having your soul broken is part of a human experience. It is an inevitable experience. It is all documented in history books, written in novels, poets making heartbreaking poetries and lyrics out of it. But how to respond to it varies from person to person. Viktor Frankl said that healing means accepting and it starts in our mind. Having experienced the horrors of the concentration camp, he had witnessed how a man's soul was broken. But he said that it's up to that man how to find out of this suffering. You can read more about his philosophy in here:, having an unclear goal in life gives a person misery for he/she doesn't know how to live his/her life according to his will. There's a Japanese philosophy called Ikigai on how to find the meaning of your being in order to avoid misery in life:

What does it mean when a person says they are "broken"?

Basically life has lost meaning. Something has hurt you to the point that everything is tainted. No one can be trusted and everyone is assumed to be evil. Once this occurs nothing really has value anymore because everything can be taken or corrupted. This is a response to being hurt so badly that the only way to protect yourself from more pain is to emotionally detach from everyone and everything. Nothing can hurt you because nothing matters. However you are not free of pain, rather you build walls from it and isolate yourself to the point that it becomes easier to simply not speak and hope the world forgets you. Even anger and rage die, nothing is worth being angry over, it has no value. This also robs you of the ability to enjoy anything, due to the feeling of not wanting to build up another disappointment, it's easier to simply pass on anything potentially enjoyable because it could also turn painful as well. Love, hope, trust, loyalty, even friendship become lies, even hateful to a broken man. I speak from my own experience. You don't want what I feel. To be broken is emptiness itself.

How can I make a Leo man realize what he's lost?

Signs have nothing to do with his attitude towards you. Somehow you put off this aura of "Easiness" in his eyes and he's testing you. Theres one thing some men will do if they see an opportunity to and that is test the boundaries of a relationship. If you take this behavior too much he will see you as a glutton for emotional punishment. He knows you like him, but not how much. If he can do you dirty for a long period of time he will, but if you stop it now, he will either leave you alone completely or apologize and reassess his position with you. So my suggestion is to talk to him and find out what he's thinking. I could have said "feeling", but as a man i know you will get very little from him on that one. Talk to him, tell him how you feel about the situation and let him know what's on your mind and listen to his response. This should make your next move easy.

Does getting your heart broken really make you lose weight?

All new weight loss scheme, fall in love then let them break your heart! Lose 15 kilos in only a couple of months, wow!In all seriousness, this purely depends on the person. There are people I know who eat, and eat, and eat to deal with the gap the hurt has left them with.Some people remain neutral, eat the same that they otherwise would.Me? I stop eating almost entirely.My first heartbreak, I cried and had hyperventilation attacks so badly that I couldn’t keep food down, even if I chose to eat. 15kg in the course of about 4–5months.My second heartbreak caused me to do the same thing. I remember for about two weeks, I ate nothing but slushees from a local 7/11 store. I’m not even exaggerating, I lived on a sip of water, slushees and air. Crying was a good way to break up the monotony of staring at the ceiling whilst wondering what I had done with my life.It varies from person to person and also changes dependant on the heartbreak experience, the individual’s mental state and the damage the heartbreaker has done.I suffer from anxiety ( before it was cool) so my reactions to heartbreak are pretty extreme. It didn’t help that neither of them were particularly pleasant.Another person who has a different perspective and is in a far healthier mental state, may not react as badly, therefore there will be no change to diet.