Is This Mean Or Just A Boys Will Be Boys Kind Of Thing

What does 'boys will be boys' implying/mean?

It implies that there are some behaviors that you can't change in people... but beyond that, the "boys" part has a kinda sexist connotation - it implies that boys will be mischievous, childish, rowdy & onery & there's no use trying to change or deny this innate tendency... as if they can't control their actions- So, not only should we accept their negative behavior, we should sigh & smile knowingly & appreciate that their misbehavior is actually part of their charming "male" personality.

“boys,will be boys” what does this IDM mean? Help me ? I’m looking forward for you’re answers?

Excuse for boys being we expect boys to be naughty.

What does the saying "boys will be boys" mean?

It means boys are dumb as sh** :)

What do you think of the phrase “boys will be boys”?

A2A“What do you think of the phrase “boys will be boys”?”How much it has changed, before it used to be light-hearted and funny, a boy does something stupid and hurts himself? Oh well, boys will be boys. Followed by a parent laughing.I have also heard the gay community using this phrase when boys hit on others and they pawn it off as “Boys will be boys.” That’s fine, still used in the same light-hearted manner.Nowadays however, movements have transformed this statement as if we are using it to defend things like sexual predators when it was never made to defend such men.Now they use it to shame men and attack them and that using it is supporting misogynist oppression and other like outrageous claims. Forcing a negative cognition on the term and tainting it from it’s original intent.Nowadays, when people say “Boys will be boys” is supposed to be negative now due to said above movements. It is being transformed to be a sexist term that is now being advertised to encourage and wave off acts of men because it is just their nature.The term was so harmless before being twisted by the attacks of feminists and SJW’s looking for the next thing to twist for their agenda on their war against men.I hear “Boys will be Boys” and I think of it as the latest thing twisted and attacked by the movements.

Do you thing rescuing boys will mean bashing Feminism?

" I'm a feminist and have theories as to why boys tend to be lazier "

Bigoted, hate-mongering statements like these are EXACTLY why feminism needs to be banished to the cold cellars of hate groups.

What does the truism "boys will be boys" mean to you?

The phrase “boys will be boys” is a convenient excuse for boys’ bad behavior. It’s one of those old chestnuts that needs to be eliminated from our vocabulary. Another one is what my aunt used to say about my cousin, when he did anything slightly interesting: “He’s ALL BOY!” My mother used to muse to me about that, and wondered how it would go over if she were to tell the assembled family, “She’s ALL GIRL!”Actually, neither my cousin nor I wanted to be “all” anything. I wanted to climb trees with my boy cousins, and he wanted to read books and make intellectual jokes with me. My mother understood this, but his did not.People who say “Boys will be boys” means that they see young males as superior beings, better than girls, stronger, more daring, more fun, more mischievous, more… everything desirable. It used to extend to relatively innocent things like taking the car without permission, but has now come to mean an excuse for sexual assault, rudeness, drunkenness, and generally acting like a jackass. Son falling down drunk when he comes home? Well, boys will be boys. Girl coming home drunk? Grounded for six weeks. (That was me, and I had to read Winston Churchill out loud to my mother.)That’s what “Boys will be boys” means.

Why do people say "boys will be boys" when a boy does something stupid, but they don't say the same thing for girls?

That phrase is meant to indulgently explain boys getting into minor trouble, since it's generally expected that boys will be active and rambunctious and sometimes cause trouble without meaning to.  Since girls aren't expected to cause similar trouble, a phrase was never needed to explain it.If you're looking for a phrase to brush of female behavior with an appeal to stereotype, it would probably be something like "women, amiright?".

Boys will be boys. And even that wouldn't matter if only we could prevent girls from being girls.?

Boys will be boys means that they are up to mischief usually with the opposite sex. It wouldn't matter if girls (who are usually thought to be more virtuous than boys, but often aren't) would just resist boys but usually they are up to mischief with the opposite sex also.

Are you a believer that the days of “boys will be boys” are gone forever?

My interpretation of “boys will be boys” is more benign than some. It simply notes that boys perceive and do things differently than girls do, and boys’ choices make elders shake their heads in bewilderment. For example, boys climbing trees or jumping their bikes over improvised ramps, risking injury. When they come staggering back holding a broken arm, their parents say “Why did you do that? What did you think would happen? Can’t you just play quietly, like the girls?!” Or, boys like to chase girls and each other with icky creatures such as snakes or insects, hoping for shrieks of fear and fleeing from their targeted “victims”. Or, men put inordinate amounts of money into making their cars loud and colorful and either jacked up with huge tires or lowered to just above the pavement with wheel covers that spin. It is “roostering” behavior . . look at me, I’m a badass, I’m the primo alpha male, top dog! But it is all just harmless (mostly) fun and everyone lives to laugh about it later. I hope it never disappears. I think after the current mania about “toxic” males dies down, it will be OK again for boys to be different, illogical, provocative, hilarious . . to be boys.