Is This Normal 5 Days After Workout I

Is it normal for my body to hurt after workout?

Its normal. Your body isnt use to the work plus while working out your muscles are releasing lactic acid which causes the aches so drink lots of water. I found stretching helps too.

My arms still hurt 2 days after workout?

I started working out my biceps, forearms, and core yesterday since like 2 months. After the workout, I only feel tire. The next day(yesterday) I start to feel sore at the v area of my arms (opposite of the elbow, where I worked out my forearm) can't really straighten my arms although I could if I tried. Today, since the morning (when I woke up), the area of my opposite elbow is even more stiff than yesterday and my arms are almost a 90 degree angle, so i walk around like one of those insanely buff dudes. It hurts when I try to extend it even a bit. Is this normal that I feel even more stiffness on the 2nd day after working out??? I'm 16 if that helps

Is it normal to feel more sore in one arm the day after a workout?

Normal, no I’d say not. Soreness is pretty normal, but if it’s only on one side that would indicate a pulled muscle or some imbalance in the training.

I have very sore leg muscles even after 7 days of workout, is it normal?

Seven days is too long for simple muscle soreness (delayed onset muscle soreness or DOMS) which will almost always resolve in 3–5 days. If it’s still sore one of two things is most likely:you overdid it and have a muscle tear, stress fracture, or chronic ligamentous or tendon overuse injury.You have a metabolic problem which is impeding healing (e.g. Thyroid problem, diabetes).There’s another cause (e.g. You have a viral illness that is mild and this is the main symptom, you have a myopathy which can be due to a disease or drugs etc.)given you said “muscles” rather than “muscle” I’m guessing it’s DOMS lasting too long so I’d see your doctor to get checked up for a problem. There’s a high chance it’s fine, but if you do have one of these problems it’s good to know early as complications are reduced with treatment.

Is it normal for my body to be this sore two days after working out?

Congratulations, you have experienced DOMS—Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, and yes it totally sux. The worst part is, many people quit doing workouts because they don’t want to deal with DOMS.There will always be *some* soreness after using your muscles: after all, you were WORKING out. DOMS usually hits people who are out of shape (me), who almost never exercise (me), and who let their ego get in the way and push far more weight than they should (again,me).Start off slowly with lighter weights, do three sets of 10 each, and rotate muscle groups each day you work out. This minimizes the damage to the muscle fibers, gives your body time to adjust to the new workout routine, and also gives muscles time to rest when you change workouts.PS: Drink plenty of water and eat good quality foods to help offset DOMS.

If my muscles are still sore 4 days after the workout, did I push myself too hard?

I agree with what Chris said. I have only faced this once (nearly passing out while exercising) and it's not a pleasant experience either physically or mentally. Mentally you realize that you have gotten way below your last physical level and a workout that used to be relatively easy back in the past is now almost wiping you out.That being said, you still need to be careful about certain things when it comes to pushing yourself during workout.1) Strictly adhere to proper form - Proper technique tends to be the first thing going out of the window when trying to increase the number of reps or the weight being lifted. Don't be that guy. An incorrectly performed rep is a rep that shouldn't be counted.2) Be sensible - What this means is that be open to taking a step back in order to be able to take 3 steps forward. Don't skip on deloads and active recovery as they allow your body to become strong enough for you to set that PR. It is physically impossible to constantly train at 90%+ of your one rep max and see a lot of progress.3) There can be bad days - Sometimes you have bad days when your body just refuses to perform. Be smart and don't try to be overoptimistic with what you can do. This is something that you need to understand of your body for yourself. Focus on technique will help prevent injury.Regarding DOMS (Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness), the best way to get over the soreness is to indulge in active recovery. This is where you perform light exercises rather than just skip gym because of the pain. Here's some basic info on active recovery: 7 Active Recovery Workout Ideas: Have You Tried Them All? - BuiltLean

Arms shaking 3 days after workout?

Hi! I am a 17 year old girl and pretty weak. I never lift weight but 3 days ago i did weight lifting that was 10 pounds and my hands are shaking especially when doing things requiring fine motor skills. At first my shoulders hurt and then my right arm felt like a pinched nerve. Today both arms feel pretty shaky. Should I be concerned? I am 4'11 and 115lbs if that helps. I usually do cardio, not weights.

Forearm and bicep pain 2 days after working out?

Two days ago I worked out my biceps. Yesterday I felt pain in the biceps, but it seemed like the normal pain that you feel when you work out after a long time. So before I slept, I put on some deep cold gel. Today when I woke up, I felt a lot of pain in the biceps/forearm area (muscle, not bone). I can especially feel this pain when I extend my arm after keeping it in a flexed position. Is this normal or should I seek professional help?

Is something wrong if my muscles feel sore 4-5 days after a workout? If so, what should I change?

Sometimes that happens. I have yet to see any definitive science behind what actually causes DOMS, or how it effects future workouts. Some “bro science” suggests that by “pushing through it” you will not only get better, but it will push you through to new gains.In my personal experience, I can get a bad case of DOMS for a long as a week, then on another occasion with a similar intensity workout, not get it at all.Keep in mind this kind of soreness is different than say a ripped muscle or tendon. One of the mistakes many people make is rip their tendons apart after their muscles get stronger. It takes the tendons considerably longer to adapt. Avoid pain killers and listen to your body.Here are some suggestions:Hydrate well.Eat goodRest properly (sleep and recovery)Always use good formDon’t over-do itDon’t take too long of a break