Is This Normal Non Stop Eating Body Beauty

I can't stop eating and I'm not even hungry?

I'm not actually hungry I just want the taste of food?
Honestly, i really hate it. It makes me fat. I'm not actually hungry I just want the food because It tastes good (oh my god that makes me sound so fat). And whenever I'm on a diet I automatically want every bloody kind of food on the face of the earth. Even things that I normally don't like eating at all.
Its really killing me because I'm 24-7 reminding myself that 'I don't want it' and 'I'm not hungry' and that 'It's bad, it's bad, don't eat it.'

PLEASE, help me? What can I do to stop this happening?
Thank you!

What would happen if a very obese person stopped eating?

Their body would start dropping excess weight.

Animals stop eating when they have imbalances, and obesity is an imbalance. It's not normal or healthy.

A human can survive on their body stores for a number of weeks/months, AS LONG AS THEY DRINK LOTS OF FLUIDS.

It's not easy to do, but fasting is recommended in many parts of the world.

The longest I've fasted for is 5 days. I did it to correct an imbalance and it worked.

If the obese person fasted for a while, while drinking liquids, and then transitioned into healthy eating habits, they would most likely be able to continue with it and change their life for the better.

This works, I've seen it work first hand.


Adding, the excess skin issue, it's all about strength training. The girl that said about losing so much, I have lost a majorly significant amount of weight through diet and exercise. I'm talking, I lost 121 lbs, pure diet and exercise. I'm now a Certified Personal Trainer, I changed my life completely. The excess skin, while some of just wont completely rebound, MOST ALL OF IT WILL OVER TIME with STRENGTH TRAINING and removing excess fat under the skin. The only thing I had to get done was a tummy tuck, because it was such an issue, but the rest of you will rebound. When I got my tummy tuck, I did not have any fat removed or abdominal muscles tightened. I had no excess fat in my abdomen and my muscles had tightened from working out and strength training. It is possible to look good after a significant weight loss.

Also, everyone who is saying that it's bad to stop eating, needs to do some research on fasting. I do not understand why the Western world does not accept fasting as an acceptable way of natural healing. I suppose if people fasted instead of getting bypasses and taking pills, people would lose money. In fasting you don't starve, you drink water, and sometimes other liquids. If you have excess weight and you have no significant health problems such as insulin dependent diabetes, then you should have NO PROBLEM fasting for a while.

How long does it take to lose weight after not eating?

I can't tell you when you will start to loose weight but I can tell you that by not eating, your metabolism has slowed to a halt. Your body has gone into starvation mode and is hanging onto all the fat it can to survive. The longer you don't eat, the more your body will hang onto the fat and the more weight you will gain when you do start eating again. Best to starting eating now, in small portions so you don't do any permanent damage to your metabolism. When I was a teenager (I'm 48 now), I used to go days without eating, it was something a lot of us girls did back in the 70's. Well, now that I'm older, it seems harder to loose any weight and very easy to gain... Trust me, you don't want to do what you are doing to yourself.

Your body has stopped loosing weight because it has plateaued for awhile, that happens to a lot of people. You may not loose anything for another couple months, but as long as you eat healthy and take care of your self, it will start coming off again. Remember that staying healthy should be your goal and it will be a lot easier to go that long term and make your eating and exercise a lifestyle and not a diet.

Why could I not stop shaking after vomiting?

Vomiting causes a shock to your system, it's a violent process! If vomiting from illness DO NOT drink water immediately afterwards, you will not dehydrate that quickly and drinking water will make you vomit even more! Take small sips after 30 min to an hour of no vomiting to see how your systems reacts to fluid. In your case however, forced vomiting, keep up your fluids, you need to replenish your electrolytes such as Gatorade, or you may end up with heart failure. Shaking after vomiting is the least of your worries, please seek professional help.

My toddler is obsessed with eating lotion, should i worry?

No hon, just keep it out of her reach while you're not putting it on her. Make sure you use non-toxic materials just in case she does get some in her mouth. My 2 year old son did the same thing for a while and I guess he just grew out of it. I worried at first, but it's okay. It's normal toddler behavior, we don't understand because we're not toddlers anymore. Don't worry!

Akward question... I'm pooping out quinoa!!? Help!!?

Quinoa is a pretty high-fiber grain. What you're experiencing could be a combination of two things - undercooked quinoa (it should be light and fluffy when you eat it) or passing the indigestible portion of the quinoa, which is the exterior "husk" that typically ends up in the cooked batch as it falls off of the inner endosperm.

If you do not generally eat a high-fiber diet you may experience this sort of non-formed stool along with a lot of gas/flatulence or bloating, it is generally not an issue unless you are getting some of the typical symptoms of bowel dysfunction. Cutting back on the fiber can help, but eventually your gut adapts. I probably put down 100+ grams of fiber a day on some days.