Is This Normal Or Am I Just Weird

Is the world weird or is it just me being weird?

A2A. To properly answer your question, it's important to first define what you mean by "weird."A simple google search turns up this definition:weirdwird/adjectivesuggesting something supernatural; uncanny.Something supernatural is beyond the laws of nature, and since the purpose of the laws of nature is, in fact, to describe the way the world is, it would be strange to say that the world is beyond the laws of nature. It would seem then that, by definition, the world itself is not weird.This changes your question: Instead, you must ask if people in the world are weird or you are weird. It should be noted that (1) "other people in the world are weird" and (2) "I am weird" are not mutually exclusive statements. What you might consider weird, others might consider normal, and this relativism might lead one to believe that everyone is weird in a different way.This is purely anecdotal, but in my experience, people these days like to think of themselves as "weird" because it makes them feel special or unique. Whether or not any of us is actually special or unique is up for debate, and if you are interested in this topic, you should look into the philosophy of personal identity. But either way, we all like to think of ourselves as unique and special in some way, and if that means labeling ourselves as weird, so be it.According to the great Dr. Seuss, "I am weird, you are weird. Everyone in this world is weird. One day two people come together in mutual weirdness and fall in love." Some might say that I am "weird" for even answering this question or approaching my answer in the way that I did. To them I say, I guess we will never fall in love.

Can you flex your penis, or am i just weird?

I used to do that when I was younger, but I lost muscle tone

How do you cope with being weird and not normal like everyone else?

Most answer’s here say there is no normal, and one should accept their weirdness. However, the world says I’m not normal, and ensures I can’t accept myself. I have Asperger's. I alternate between feeling like the worst human being ever, or wondering why I have to be the one to change. It takes years for people to ‘get me,’ and only after they are told I’m on the spectrum. My best friend doesn’t believe Autism exists and thinks I’m using my Asperger’s as an excuse.Most of my life is a series of misunderstandings, which is frustrating because of how straightforward I am. I very rarely mean to be cruel, and it’s horrible to be called a bitch when I had no intention of being hurtful.I cope by keeping silent. I rarely share my opinions, even on ‘safe places’ such as Quora. It can be very lonely. It’s impossible to please oneself and others all the time. I’m told I must please everyone else before myself. It sucks. So I also focus on whats good about me. I’m trustworthy. To those who know me well, I’m never boring, and I’m a great listener. No really, I’m a writer so I love stories.I know this post sounds so depressing, but I wanted to write a counterpoint to all those who think it’s the world’s problem if you aren’t liked. I like the way I see the world. I just wish everyone else did as well.

I eat a LOT more during my period is this normal? or am i weird?

like i dont stop eating all day..
im not worried about gaining too much weight as i hav a high metabolism but im just wondering if this is normal / healthy? and what are foods i could eat that will keep me full for longer?

I start randomly singing in public is this normal or just weird?

lol i know a tonn of ppl who do that! (including me)

so its not somethin new to me!....

ur not weird lol

Girls, do you like to touch your own breasts, or am I just weird?

I'm not sure why, but I just like touching them, they feel nice, and this just seems weird to me. I really want to know if this is normal behavior or if I'm just different.

I have weird thoughts right before orgasm, is that normal?

Like, right before orgasm I would have thoughts like "IDC if I'm single for the rest of my life, this f*cking feels good" or "IDC if my friends die, this f*cking feels good"

In other words, my orgasm feels so incredibly good that I simply don't give a f*ck about anything anymore. And the only thing that matters at that EXACT moment is my orgasm--and my orgasm alone.

But after orgasm, I would feel guilty for having those thoughts because I HATE being single and I would NEVER want my friends to die. So, why the hell would I say those words in my head right before and during orgasm? It's not like I truly mean it... but because the orgasm is so so so so SOOOOOOOOO good, it made me say it. :/

Does that make any sense? Lol.