Is This Okay For Me To Be Doing

Is it okay for me to wear ladie’s tights in bed, as I have been doing?

If you already wear tights to bed then why the hell not. You don't need anyone's permission to wear what makes you comfortable. I wear pantyhose everyday all day and at night in bed. I also wear lingre to bed and dresses or skirts with blouses around the house. For me its heels hose panties and bra's, the whole nine yards. I do not however wear a wig or makeup as I do not try to pass as a woman I am just comfortable dressing in womens clothes.

Is it okay to be happy doing nothing in life?

Everything people do, they do ultimately because it results in some form of happiness and contentment.  We are here to realize our innate power of happiness, no matter what we're doing.  We are here to lighten our burden of false self identification that makes us so unhappy.  That is called 'en-lighten-ment'  There is a Zen Buddhist saying:  "Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water.  After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water."If we are here to awaken happiness, and you feel happiness now, why question that happiness because others are still struggling to be happy?The goal is to feel happiness no matter what you are doing.  Relax and don't question it.  If other feelings should arise at some other point in life, deal with them then, but don't try and create a problem where there is none.  : )

Is it okay to always like being alone and doing things alone?

Man, have I ever been there. It's very hard being in that situation where people tire you out, but being alone makes you lonely and unhappy.There aren't necessarily any easy solutions, but there are things you can try that might make things easier.Deal with people on your own terms. Interactions with people can be very hard, but they can be easier if they're a choice on your part rather than forced upon you, and if you have some control over the intensity. Don't throw yourself into a party because you feel lonely. Invite a friend over to watch a film, or play computer games. Do something that you enjoy, and it'll be easier to enjoy it with someone else.Talk about it. Explain to your friends that you find social encounters difficult sometimes, and that you don't always feel up to going out and doing things. If they're good friends, they'll understand, and it's certainly better than just saying no to things all the time.Don't give in to pressure. Don't go to events that don't interest you just because you've been asked to go. You'll have a shitty time, and be unhappy, and that won't help anyone. Don't be afraid to say that something isn't really your scene. People used to bug me to go to parties all the time, and get really grumpy when I didn't, until I explained that I had social anxiety issues that sometimes made parties very difficult for me. Now, I get invited, but if I can't make it people will understand - which means that there's less pressure on me, and I'm more likely to feel like going. Everyone is happier.There are other things you can try, too, but the real key thing is to be mindful of what you need, rather than what you feel you're supposed to need. If you can do that, things will be easier to figure out.

Why is it okay for my boyfriend to do things he's not okay with me doing, then turn around and try and justify them?

This might hurt, it’s because he is Not realizing he is setting/following a double standard! I’m Sorry as an adult male, I have been here before, & this will Slowly break you guys apart. If he doesn’t want you to do something, then he himself should lead by example and NOT do it! People these days continue to amaze me, it’s like expecting a flower to bloom w/o watering it. It’ll die.Same to say w/your relationship. Unless he is a lion tamer & he is preventing you from being mauled to death then I can see this as being okay! Sadly I am willing to bet you cant talk to a guy-friend and he Can talk to girl-friends. I bet he can go to a bar/nightclub & you Can’t, am I right? That’s Not fair to you, your happiness, or relationship. A LOT of people operate like this, and I can’t wrap my head around it! You don’t control your partner! If he wants to do the “do as i say, not as i do” then he can go have himself a KID! You tell children what to do, You don’t tell your partner/lover what to do! You can say hey this bothers me but you cannot control them or have double standards! The love won’t blossom, it’ll only kill it. Before you know it these people will have a say in all & everything you do!If he can’t deal w/you having your own life, & can’t trust that you have the know how to decipher between right & wrong, loyal & disloyal, then he needs to look at himself & check his flaws/insecurites because you both will not be happy living like this.. Remember just because he had a bad experience doesn’t mean you’ll treat him/behave the same way. Just my two. ✌️

Why does my mom seek ok with me doing this?

As strange as this sounds, this is true. Turned 18 just recently. All my life I've been kept from girls as I have very controlling mother and get bullied in school. Very shy all the time. Unlike people my age, I can't have posters of girls on my walls because mom doesn't like stuff on the walls. My life with the opposite gender has been bland. I was afraid to look at a Victoria's Secret magazine out of shame that I shouldn't or at least I felt that way. Then one day, I just caved in and began lookin through the magazines and drawing portraits of the girls in lingerie. Then I began putting lingerie pics of the girls on the computer screen. The only thing is, it's my moms computer but I use it a lot and am not allowed to make other accounts. Never did I get yelled at for having them up. Often I get a rush knowing the pics are up at all times.

I even am allowed to have her get down like this. She is not showing anything bad here

However I was not yelled at but was asked to take this picture down. Why can't I have her posing with another girl???

However her singulAr poses are fine though....

Is it good for a teenager doing t25?

I am currently 5ft8 at 200lb 16 year old male. I have t25 and I would like to know if it is okay for me to be doing this. If it is, how would my results be on average if I eat right and do the workout? Would there be a difference in burning calories faster if I'm younger?

If someone asks me how I am doing, I always say OK and I stay quiet. Is saying OK the right answer to that question?

Meh. It’s ok, but not too good. If you’re not great but you don’t want to sound depressing, you can just say “can’t complaint.” Or you can just say “great” even when you’re not.Of course some people really want to know how you’re doing. These are your good friends and should be your family members or romantic partners. When they ask, you should generally tell them the truth.

Is it okay for me to masterbate?

Hey Daniel,
I know what you're going through. I am 17 and I am a born again Christian and I struggle with the exact same thing as you. Masturbation and pornography are a huge temptation for us young men but the truth is that it is a sin.

Although the Bible never directly says "Thou shall not masturbate!", Jesus is very clear when he says that to lust after a woman in your heart is the same as being impure with her, and let's face it when we masturbate we think about girls in ways that Christians should not be thinking about girls.

And to answer your second Q, Yes it is human nature to masturbate, but we as Christians are not supposed to be ruled by the nature of our flesh, but by the nature of Jesus.

None of this is to condemn you, I will be the first to tell you that I mess up a lot in this exact same area. This is simply to encourage you to step up to the standards that are set for us, so that God can do awesome things in your life.

Jeremiah 29:11 Says that God knows the plans and purposes he has for our lives, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

I hope this helps
God Bless
-Kyle H

P.S. Facebook me if you need to talk more... Kyle Haney is my name.

How can I ask if everything is doing good between me and my boyfriend?

A2a. As others have said, you need to be direct and ask him what is happening but before you do so, think about the possible answers he might give, and what you will do in each situation. Be neutral when you ask - you would feel bad confronting him angrily only to find out is mother is very ill and he is spending all his time with her - just to use an extreme example.Be prepared for some difficult potential answers:he has found someone else and nol onger wants youhe got fired and is too embarrassed to tell youhe is illhe has a legal problemhe has a work project that is literally taking all his time right nowsick relative, pet or even a death of either.all manner of things that are not in my examples aboveNow one could say that if something bad happened he might come to you for comfort, I don’t know what your relationship is like. Some men in some cultures do not like to show weakness, especially in front of a woman, regardless, it seems rude not to answer you.Hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst. Good luck.