Is This Right Simplify 16x^2 ^3/4=

Simplify (16x^12)^3/4?

i'm going to allow you to guess what the movies are. however that is going to no longer be no longer elementary. mom, son, and a robotic from the destiny attempt to outrun yet another robotic from the destiny. woman, baby, and marine combatants attempt to get off an alien planet. woman seeks help from a cannibal as a manner to seize a serial killer. guy enables a pregnant woman throughout the time of united states in a destiny the place women everybody is infertile. A boy who see ghosts consults a baby therapist. BQ: They have been indexed so as from #a million to #5 of favorites. BQ2: Alien franchise, even however T2 is my prominent action picture ever. BQ3: Brokeback Mountain. It became into basically shattering. I never mandatory to apply tissue on a similar time as observing a action picture, that became into basically a brilliant love action picture. never cried extra in any action picture. Rewatched eternal Sunshine of the Spotless ideas.

Simplify (16x^12)^3/4 ?

It might be that it's difficult to type maths on a standard keyboard so some people read it differently.

When you have something to a power raised to another power, you multiply the two powers together (rules of indices: (x^n)^m = x^nm ).

The brackets mean the 16 is also raised to the power of 3/4.

So the answer is :

16^(3/4) * x^9
= 8x^9

Simplify? x^2 - 16/ x^2-8x+16?

the answer should be (x+4) / (x-4).

The numerator is a difference of squares, (x-4)(x+4) and the denominator is a perfect square (x-4)(x-4). then you cancel one x-4 on the numerator and denominator.

And you're all set!

This is simple![math]2\sqrt{3}(2-\sqrt{6})[/math]Use the distributive property: [math]\:a\left(b+c\right)=ab+ac[/math][math]2\sqrt{3} \cdot 2 +2\sqrt{3}\cdot (-\sqrt{6})[/math][math]=4\sqrt {3}-2\sqrt {3}\sqrt {6}[/math]For [math]2\sqrt {3}\sqrt {6}[/math], factor [math]\sqrt {6}[/math] as [math]\sqrt{3 \cdot 2}[/math]and applying the radical rule [math]\sqrt[n]{ab}=\sqrt[n]{a}\sqrt[n]{b}, \sqrt{3 \cdot 2}=\sqrt{3}\sqrt{2}.[/math]By applying the exponent rule, [math]\sqrt{3}\cdot\sqrt {3}=3^{\frac{1}{2}} \cdot3^{\frac{1}{2}}=3^{\frac {2}{2}}=3.[/math]So we have [math]2\sqrt{2} \cdot 3=6\sqrt{2}[/math]And going back to the original equation, we have [math]4\sqrt {3}-6\sqrt{2}[/math] or [math]2(2\sqrt{3}-3\sqrt{2})[/math].

How to simplify x^2 + 16?

it is already simplified as far as it can be. im pretty sure.
when you simplify youre not trying to find an actualy answer. your just saying like if the question had an x^1+x^1+17-1
then you could simplify that down to it would be x^1+1+16. would simplify down to x^2+16 im pretty sure, im studying this in college right now and i think this is correct if its not then I have NO idea how im gonna pass this semester! and i need a tutor because i must be THAT ignorant in math!

Simplify x^2 - 16 / x^2 - x - 12?

(x^2 - 16)/(x^2 - x - 12)
= (x^2 - 4^2)/(x^2 + 3x - 4x - 12)
= [(x + 4)(x - 4)]/[(x^2 + 3x) - (4x + 12)]
= [(x + 4)(x - 4)]/[x(x + 3) - 4(x + 3)]
= [(x + 4)(x - 4)]/[(x + 3)(x - 4)]
= (x + 4)/(x + 3)

Simplify 3(x - 4) + 8(x + 2).?

Do you have what this is supposed to be equal to? Either way, to simplify, multiply the constant's into the parentheses:

3(x-4) + 8(x+2)
3x-12 + 8x +16 Then combine like terms,
(3x+8x)+ (16-12)
11x+4 is this most simplified version.

However you want. There isn't one way to do math. Some examples are:The way Giordan did it.Notice that it's something of the form [math]ax + b[/math]. Grab the terms proportional to [math]x[/math] by inspection, then grab the constant terms by inspection and put them together.Plug it into Wolfram Alpha simplify 2 [3+2(x-6)] +3 [-2(x-5) +8]Plug in [math]x = 0[/math] and evaluate to find [math]b = 36[/math]. Plug in [math]x = 1[/math] to find [math]a + b = 34[/math], so [math]a = -2[/math]Same as before to find [math]b[/math]. Then differentiate each term to find [math]a[/math].Same idea as before, but plug in [math]x = 5[/math] and [math]x = 6[/math] for convenience, as this simplifies some terms. Then write down the equation for a line through the points you found. Or use any two other points you want.Plot it (e.g. on a graphing calculator) and read off the y-intercept and slope from the plot.Plot it, then guess and check different formulas, plot the lines, and keep doing it until the two lines are on top each other.Plot it and find the intersections with [math]x^2[/math]. Then use these as the solutions to the quadratic formula and work backward to the coefficients. Or the same for the intersections with [math]x^3[/math] and the cubic formula, etc.Use any of the above methods on the first of the two terms, then use it on the second of the two terms, then add the results.Get some toothpicks to represent [math]x[/math] and some pennies to represent [math]1[/math]. [math](x-6)[/math] is a toothpick pointing to the right of some starting point, then a row of six pennies going backwards. [math]2(x-6)[/math] is two copies of that one after the other, etc. Map out every term, then add up all the toothpicks and pennies.Imagine your own scenario. Maybe you don't understand why [math]2(x-6) = 2x - 12[/math], but you probably do understand that if someone hands you 100 dollars, then you buy a 6 dollar burger, and then tomorrow that all happens again, then all told you have 200 dollars - 12 dollars. So translate it into something you do understand until you understand the symbols.

If f(x)=4x+5, find and simplify f(x^2+3)?

replace x with x squared + 3

f(x^2+3) = 4(x^2+3)+5

= 4x^2 + 12 + 5

4x^2 + 17

u have it backwards but the right line of thinking.

If the person who is asking this question means "factor" when he or she says "simplify," then I will show you how to factor the given polynomial as follows: We will simplify the given polynomial, 4x² ‒ 4x,  by the process of factoring which is merely multiplication in reverse.  The given polynomial,  4x² ‒ 4x,  is of the form ab ‒ ac,  where “a” is the highest common monomial factor,  and b ‒ c is the other polynomial factor remaining after “a” has been factored out of each term of  the original expression,  ab ‒ ac,  by using the Distributive Property in reverse.  The goal of factoring the given polynomial is to determine and factor out of each of its terms the highest common monomial factor so that the other, remaining polynomial factor cannot be “broken down” or factored any further.If you “break down” each term of the given polynomial as follows:4x² ‒ 4x = 4(x)(x) ‒ 4(x) ,  you’ll notice that the highest or largest common monomial factor is 4x .Now, use the Distributive Property in reverse by factoring out or extracting from each term of the given polynomial the largest common monomial factor of 4x,  and then put the other, remaining polynomial factor inside a set of parentheses adjacent to the 4x-factor, i.e.,  ab ‒ ac = a(b ‒ c), as follows:4x² ‒ 4x = (4x)x‒ (4x)              = 4x(     ?      )To determine the other, remaining polynomial factor that goes inside the above parentheses, think of our factoring this way:  as we remove a “4x” factor from each of the two terms of the given polynomial,  we’re actually dividing each term of the given polynomial by “4x,”  that is:(4x²/4x) ‒ (4x/4x) = x ‒ 1;  therefore, we have:4x² ‒ 4x = (4x)x‒ (4x)                = 4x(x ‒ 1)   Since we cannot factor or break down the other polynomial factor, (x ‒ 1), any further,  our factoring of the given polynomial, 4x² ‒ 4x,  is now  complete.